We all must know an overly competitive child, from lending a toy, to throwing a tantrum when they lose in a sport, this way of being or rather this way of life has two main reasons:
- Natural Root: It is presented from birth, since the small since birth is demanded a lot to himself
- Family Root: this happens when he is no longer the child who demands too much, if not, when his parents press him to have better results.

When a child is mentalized to take all tests A, either by a natural or family root, this should not take B much less C, as it causes it suffer an emotional acceptance, and compared with other colleagues what It leads to depression and you will not feel approved by the community or loved.

Children when they do not achieve the proposed goals tend to show it with screaming, insults, throwing things, hitting objects or even hit (the most popular is to hit your head to the wall). When this happens the specialists recommend that they breathe deeply, take water, and walk for a moment so that they can de-stress and say Goodbye to the annoyance. the initiative of this must be done by the representative since the little one alone will never do it.
