How to make your child do not become addicted to video games
There are really a number of vices that can hinder the learning process of your child, and it is worrisome to see how they deliberately go back to practicing them, without any purpose, when we refer to the case of video games.
Parents have the greatest authority to make them understand that they are capable of being good students while still playing with their video games. When parents try to cut this vice the child tends to despair and feel like something of great value was removed, this is due to the advanced degree of vice that the child has towards games.
We must look for the necessary strategies so that they do not feel depressed, but it is time to act if your child is one of those who mostly spend a lot of time in the video games, it can bring many consequences that are not seen now, but in a short term can bring negative affects that can upset your studies.

The hard work of the parents, produces that your child spend more time in their video games, and few are what pay attention to what the children do when they are not, but I want to share some strategies so that you can face your child without hurting his feelings.
Did you know that video games affect the emotional system of the child, since they try to achieve the goal of the game, among them super powers or firearms of higher rank, this is what leads the child to feel more and more desire to play every day until you achieve your goal. It is very delicate because the child tries not to sleep thinking how he manages to obtain fictitious powers, even the psychological part can be affected without measuring consequences.
It is very likely that your child will change his level of positive behavior to a negative level, this is a product of the anger and frustration of not being able to win in the game.
They must set an appropriate time limit for the child to perform other activities.
Try to choose edificativos and educational games.
The afternoon is perfect for the child to manipulate their video games, because the night can take him to sleep worried and will not rest.
Supervise what type of game they call more attention.
Put tasks before playing and after playing so that he is forced to leave the game for a moment.
Do the homework first and then play.
These are some of the functions that you must put into practice so that the child does not become so addicted to video games, the rest if you do not put them in practice it is possible that your child becomes too addicted and you will not be able to solve the problem that clothe your son.

When you talk to your child is highly recommended, so that there is good communication between you and him, this would help your child see the behavior you do when you play with him in the game, this allows the child to take your attitudes and see that you do not bother when you lose, this would give you more confidence and you can feel better.
A lot of responsibility falls on us when it comes to educating our children, both in behavior and responsibility, which are the most prevalent in the school.
There are many children who take negative attitudes in school and this is produced by the games they play in their videogame, that is why it is very delicate when there is no supervision as such, at the moment of beating they try to reflect that superhero who they manipulate, they even talk until like them, and this becomes obsession in them.
"Educate a child and you will not have to punish the man"