How To Improve Concentration Skills

A Philosopher once said that concentration and attention are not the same. Here's the difference: being concentrated means that we are focused exclusively on something, excluding everything else. Attention, on the other hand, includes everything that happens around us, every detail, everything that happens; a state where nothing can escape from us.

Therefore, if you need to be focused in order to study, work or perform a task that, due to its degree of difficulty, requires your maximum focus or you simply want to exercise it, here you will find some tips that will undoubtedly be of utility.

Start by setting priorities. When you start your day, determine what you will do, when you will do it, what you will leave aside for another time, what you will do first and what will happen next. Set clear objectives and as specific and realistic as possible. If it is necessary and you find it more comfortable, take note of what you have decided.

First, eliminate everything that can distract you. Turn off the cell phone, television, radio (if it bothers you) and choose a place that is comfortable for you. If you are in an environment where there is a lot of noise, use earplugs or headphones to reduce them. If a sudden noise, whatever it is, momentarily distracts you, try to cancel it and concentrate again. On the contrary, some people find that music cheers them and helps them to concentrate more. If that is your case, study or do your homework listening to your favorite music.

Order all the material you are going to use and leave everything at your fingertips. When studying or reading you can use one or several techniques to fix knowledge such as underlining, conceptual schemes, notes, summaries, highlight fragments of important texts with different colors. Finally, use the technique that best suits you and is more useful.

Take a break or change the material often. It is proven that after 90 minutes, the concentration is lost so that after that time, it is better to take a break and get distracted; listen to music, eat an apple, drink tea, etc. and then go back to your place of study or work.

Keep your place of study or work neat and clean. This detail, at first sight so superficial, is extremely important. Try to have everything you need at your fingertips and always in the same place, so that you find it easier and do not waste time unnecessarily.

When the work you must do is very complex, it is best to divide it into parts, so that each one of them can be met alternately. This will prevent anxiety from invading you and you will see that you are fulfilling each step until it ends. It is also convenient to put deadlines to these stages. They must be realistic so as not to generate false expectations.

Once finished a task that has demanded a lot of effort, reward yourself with something you like, it can be a break, watch TV, have a coffee, talk on the phone, or go for a walk; you choose what you like best.

Sleep the number of hours your body needs to. This is essential because having a good rest will make you perform better in case you have to study or work.

Do not let worries invade you. This is another great distracting element. You can use many techniques to get rid of them (be it meditation, breathing, relaxation) and face your study or task without being disturbed. Use the one that offers you the best results.

Choose a time of the day when you feel you are more productive, it may be in the morning, afternoon or evening. This is very personal; try to discover at what times your best moments are presented.

What are you waiting for to implement these tips? As you can see, they are very simple, but when you apply them, you will see that your concentration, either at work or in your workplace, increases and, therefore, also your performance. Godspeed!

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Realy informative post, that helps me lot. good to see your post

You are a die hard fan of GOT. Especially, Jon Snow 😂👌

When is next season? I haven't eatched much....causr i watch many at 3 ep of suits...3 ep of GOT...3 ep of the flash

I believe is on July, next year.

That's a long wait, mate.

@jonsnow1983 - this is a very good article on some of the mental fitness skills that we need to pay attention to, not just our physical fitness if we want to achieve a better overall health and well-being. I think it is particularly important to separate concentration and attention, just as we need to consider different aspects of physical fitness.

It all starts up there buddy! If you know how to control it, the sky is the beginnig.

I like your post too much

porfa regalame tu voto en mi ultima publicacion.

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