Applied Good Culture to Create Responsible Learner Characters for Change the World

in #steemiteducation7 years ago (edited)

A. The Culture

Educational experts agree that culture is the foundation of human personality, from a culture can form a person's identity, community identity and even the identity of educational institutions. In educational institutions in general there is a culture that is very inherent in the order of implementation, and provide innovation education is very fast, the culture in the form of religious values, philosophy, ethics and aesthetics continue to be done.
Organizational culture, especially in an institution feels important role. Because it will make the institution flexible, flexible and elastic, as a culture that will never experience setbacks and will be perfect if combined with a religion derived from divine revelation. Not a few who say that religion is included in the cultural sphere. if religious people are able to apply religious teachings in cultural life. Meanwhile, if not, then it will be a culture of marginalized people in the competition in the world of education.
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Education is a humanization process that seeks to develop and internalize the potential and humanitarian values ​​of the individual in order to become an adult capable of internally perceiving himself and being able to respond externally and communicate with his world. In this connection, an educational system must be oriented actively to develop the values ​​of human potential and antipathetic provide stock to the individual so that he can live in the world later.
Between education and organizational culture there is a very close relationship in the sense of both with the same thing that is the values. Education is always related to humans, while human beings are always members of society and support a particular culture. The concept of education raises the human level as a cultural creature that is a creature that has the ability to create cultural values ​​and functions of culture and education is the activity of catapulting values.
With the culture in the world of education, the emergence of various organizations, many organizational culture raises things that enter the world of education various interactions from outside, which became a new culture in education, especially in the effort to develop educational institutions.
In Aceh province there is a dayah educational institution that is getting serious attention. Dayah is an educational institution that has successfully printed cadres of clerics before and after Indonesia's independence, cultures and dayah ethics contribute greatly to the dignified religion, nusa and nation of Indonesia, therefore the author is interested in collecting various information about the culture and ethics of dayah it's on its own.

B. Understanding Culture

There is a lot of understanding about culture. A.L. Kroeber and C. Kluckhohn compiled as many as 160 more on the definition of culture in their book entitled Culture, a Critical Review of Concepts and Definitions. Etymologically, Koentjaraningrat states that the word culture comes from the word budhayah, Sanskrit, which is the plural form of the word buddhi which means mind or reason. Thus, culture can be said "things related to reason and reason." Because it is related to the mind and human reason, the scope becomes so wide. Koentjaraningrat then states that culture has at least three forms, namely:

  1. The form of culture as a complex of ideas, ideas, values, regulatory norms and so on.
  2. The form of culture as a complex of activity, patterned behavior of humans in society.
  3. The form of culture as objects of human works.

In a large Indonesian dictionary, culture (culture), defined as: thoughts, customs, customs, one that has developed, something that becomes a habit that is difficult to change. In everyday use, the people synonymize the notion of culture with the tradition (tradition). In this case tradition is defined as general ideas, attitudes and habits of the group in a particular society. Some sense of culture in the perspective of experts, among others as follows:

  1. According to Edward B.Taylor:
    Culture or civilization is a complex whole of knowledge, belief, art, law, customs, and other abilities and habits that human beings acquire as members of society.
  2. According to Gibson Ivancevich Donnely:
    Culture contains patterns, either explicit or implicit from and for the behavior required and manifested in symbols showing the results of different groups of humans, including the objects of human creation. The main core of culture consists of traditional ideas and especially on the value of accompaniment.
  3. According to Richard A. Shweden:
    Culture as the special ideas of a society regarding the things that are considered true, good, beautiful and efficient that must be socialized and familiarized for generations.
  4. According to Nedler:
    Culture as a culture as habits and cusoms that people develop to cope with change, the habits and culture that people develop to cope with change. From this definition it can be understood that a culture is manifested against observable behavior. A culture is also not in a person's mind but rather in action. But it also does not mean that all the behavior of people who are within the organization is a culture.

Based on the understanding of such a culture, then every individual, community and society through creation can also create a certain culture When the creation is created then repeatedly, even then a collective agreement then at that time the creation has been transformed into a culture. One community that is able to form a distinctive culture is a dayah.
According to Manfred Ziemek the origin of the word pesantren is "pe-santri-an" which means place santri. So pesantren is a place for students to study (Islam). Pesantren is a typical area whose characteristics are not owned by other areas. Therefore, it is not excessive if Abdurrahman Wahid refers to his own sub-culture. The elements contained in the traditional pesantren education system that makes it unique are kiai, santri, mosques, huts and teaching of classical books.
Broadly speaking, pesantren typology can be distinguished at least into three types, although it is rather difficult to distinguish extreme between these types of salafiyah (traditional), khalafiyah (modern) and integrated. Salafiyah is a type of pesantren that only teaches the sciences of Islam, or the classical books written by previous scholars.
The method of teaching used is only the method of bandongan, sorogan, rote and deliberation. Khalafiyah is a modern pesantren type, in which it teaches the religious sciences of Islam and general sciences, but still teaches classical books such as salafiyah pesantren. This type of pesantren leadership is usually collective-democratic, so that the task and authority have been clearly described so that there is no centralization of the decision on the figure of a kiai. The system used is a classical system, and the evaluation used has a clear and modern standard.
Salafiyah or traditional pesantren is the first pesantren model. This pesantren is usually located in the countryside, so the colors that appear are the simplicity, simplicity and pure sincerity. But as the times progressed, pesantren should also adapt and adopt new ideas related to the education system which includes many things such as curriculum, collective democratic leadership pattern. Although the change is sometimes undesirable, it will have an effect on the existence of the kiai itself, such as a shift of respect and influence of leadership.

C. Ethics

Ethics means mental or moral qualities, moral strength, name or reputation. In the view of Doni Koesoema ethics is associated with a temperament that gives him a definition that emphasizes the psychosocial elements associated with education and the environmental context.
Ethics is also understood from a behavioral point of view that emphasizes the somatopsychic element possessed by the individual from birth. Here ethics is considered the same as personality. Personality is regarded as a characteristic or ethic or style or characteristic of a person, derived from the formations received from his environment, such as the influence of the family in childhood and the birth of a person.
According Tadzkirotun Musfiroh ethics refers to a series of attitudes (behaviors), motivations (motivations) and skills (ethics) The meaning of ethics itself actually comes from the Greek language which means to mark or mark and focus on the application of virtues in the form of action or behavior, so that people who are dishonest, cruel, greedy and behave badly are said to be ugly ethical people. Conversely people who behave in accordance with moral rules are called ethical ethics. Thus, it can be said that ethical education is a system that instills ethical values ​​in learners, which contains the components of knowledge, individual awareness, determination, and the willingness and action to execute values, both toward God Almighty, , fellow human beings, the environment, and the nation so that it will manifest the insān kāmil.
The source of ethics comes partly from the personal experience of man and partly the principles and truths advanced by other philosophical sciences such as logic and metaphysics. Ethics is derived from the empirical fact that certain general principles and concepts of moral order are the same in all humans of all ages. The whole nation can distinguish what is good and evil, between good and evil, between good and evil; they all agree with this: goodness is worthy of struggle and evil must be eliminated, one is entitled to praise, others are to blame. Although in some cases there may be no agreement in determining good or evil, but they still agree on the general principle that goodness should be done and crime should be avoided. It is also a universal principle that we should not treat others what we do not want to do.
Man is called ethical, is man as a whole and thoroughly able to fulfill his life in the framework of the balance between personal interests with other parties, between spiritual and physical, and between as a stand alone creature with its creator. Included in the discussion of the values ​​or norms associated with ethics, there are two kinds of ethics as follows:

1. Descriptive Ethics

Ethics that examines critically and rationally about human attitudes and behaviors, and what everyone is pursuing in life as something of value. This means that Descriptive Ethics is talking about the facts as it is, that is about human values ​​and behavior as a fact related to the situation and the reality that is entrenched. It can be concluded that the reality of appreciation of values ​​or values ​​in a society associated with certain conditions allows humans to act ethically.

2. Normative Ethics

Ethics that define the various attitudes and behaviors that are ideal and should be possessed by humans or what humans should do and what actions are valuable in life. So Normative Ethics are the norms that can lead people to act well and avoid bad things, in accordance with rules or norms that are agreed and applicable in society.
From various discussions the definition of ethics mentioned above can be classified into three (3) types of definitions, as follows:

Ethics is seen as a branch of philosophy that is specifically talked about good and bad values ​​of human behavior. Ethics is seen as a science that talks about the badness of human behavior in life together. The definition does not see the fact that there is a diversity of norms, because of the inequality of time and place, ethics eventually become a descriptive and more sociological science.

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