How to earn extra money as a teacher - Promoting steemiteducation! Help us help you!

in #steemiteducation7 years ago (edited)


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So here we are at the beginning of a new year, and most teachers already feel as if they need another holiday! New students, new parents, often new subjects and everything needs to be done immediately. Teaching is not for the faint- hearted, especially not in the beginning of the year! 

Students are all excited to be back at school and everyone seems so excited to be back except the teachers (Okay it's not that bad, but sometimes it is.)


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Teaching has become a very difficult and time consuming profession. Teachers struggle with difficult parents and difficult students, but they usually get through everything and push ahead to touch the lives of kids and sometimes the lives of parent's too.  

One thing that I am very sure off is that no teacher became a teacher because of the salary earned. Most teachers need to put in effort to earn some extra money so that they are able to afford "extras".  

We can survive with the bare minimum and we even spend some of our own money to make our classes look presentable and to make it easier for the kids. Everything we do is focused on the kids but usually we do make a success of everything. We walk out a the end of the year, with happy parents and happy kids. We feel self assured because we have changed the lives of so many kids....but what about us?

Are we happy to earn small salaries for the amount of effort that we put into our daily jobs?  We spend hours grading papers, extra lessons, planning lessons etc that we just do not get paid for.  No teacher in the world can tell me that it is an eight to five job and they stop working when school bell rings. 


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We put in extra time for everyone else, and what do we have left for ourselves? Our own kids have to fend for themselves, because we are often so busy with our own work and we are just not in the mood for any schoolwork after hours. We tend to forget about ourselves.  We forget that we also deserve to be happy and to have time for ourselves and we also deserve to earn a little extra money for our efforts.  

If you are a teacher, and you need to earn a little extra money, open an account on and earn a little extra money blogging.  If you use the steemiteducation tag, we will reward you for your efforts.  We provide you with topics to write about that we call "steemhomework".  You can read our latest post to see which type of posts we support.

Here on the steemit platform, education is extremely important. Because of the different educational systems in the world, we get to share ideas about schools, different subjects, parenting skills, money, lots of entrepreneurial skills and so much more.  BUT on Steemit there is one difference. While we do all of the above, we are rewarded by writing about our own experiences. 

What a wonderful concept is this?  

You only have to spend a short time per day writing, but it will change your life and you will be able to afford things that you never could.  You will meet new friends from different cultures and learn more about each other.  

Please share this post with all the teachers out there, wherever you are. Every teacher has an equal opportunity here to succeed. 

Share on Facebook and help us build the @steemiteducation account. 

Together we can change Steemit into a virtual classroom where we can share ideas, lesson plans and ultimately find proper extra resources to use in your classroom. You are already making a difference to the lives of others, it is time you make a difference in your own life!

Feel free to join us at any time!


Nice idea!
Actually in Germany teachers are paid enough to be able to also afford some "extras". But as a teacher myself, we spend a lot on the classroom and the materials because school is not paying for everything.

And special credit to all primary school teachers, who are paid less and have a lower reputation, even though they are the real heros in the kids' life and can influence so much.
This share gets even bigger as more parents don't have the time anymore to properly educate their children due to more work

That is actually so true. Primary school teachers I personally think has a greater impact in the transformation of a child. It is a pity that teachers are not valued more. If it was not for teachers nobody would have been able to do

Education is what brings people out of poverty and breaths new life and opportunity into people's lives. I will always be great full for the many teachers who have inspired and motivated me to become who I have become! I just wish I could find some of my old high school teachers to thank them for the great sacrifice they gave in teaching and encouraging me to stretch and grow!

You must have been a wonderful student to teach. Thank you for your thoughtful comment. I hope that you can one day find them and thank them, because they will definitely appreciate it.

In my place here,teaching don't bring enough money,i tried it once but i saw i can't cope with so i had to leave.Its too stressful talking to the students after all the stress you will be given peanut as take home.

Very true. I don't think there is any place in the world where a teacher brings in enough money. You have to do it for the love ...

i appreciate you struggle.. you say correct that every man want less effort and wan togain enough money... teacher is good passion ..the only the teacher who build nation..... life is short and education has no limit to learn every moment it wll help you alote instead of wasting time in other works,,

I am in a little doubt to know about your struggle. Here in India, girls are struggling to be a teacher. Because they can get free time for themselves after school everyday and can also enjoy govt holidays. Are things any different in ur place? But its a good initiative for teachers. Letme have a look at the link :D

Hi @himshweta it is a struggle. Young people today want easy money so we have a shortage of teachers in South Africa. It is sad because to be a teacher means everything in the world to me. It makes me who I am, however since I joined steemit I am living a way more comfortable life with little effort and less stress about money.

Oh Okay. In India, easy money is being a government teacher !!! How ironically things changes from country to country.

I love this innovative. It's a good one.
Because in my own part of the country just like our lecturers told us today in class... Teachers work hard the most but most are under paid, less appreciated And not even recognized.
Now tell me why our today youths or future children would want to venture into such area when everyone is looking for a faster means of earning. Our teachers our valuable and must be appreciated indeed.

Thank you. We are growing at a rapid rate and every little bit of support helps. You are very right when you say teachers are not appreciated...and often not recognized. The youth want easy money the easy way...often not willing to work hard....

I agree with you @giantbear.. Steemit is really of great help especially to the teachers out here. Thank you so much for this.. This is really awesome.. God bless you!

Well teaching actually on a normal note, hardly brings enough money, however I enjoyed reading this, thank you, I use to be a teacher,

What are you doing now?

Well you won't believe it really? I well I saved enough money, but I'm on steemit full time, hoping to invest in sp later

Certainly you came in the company of Steemit at the best time, in my country we are going through a great struggle to be able to "survive", that is the word that is heard here. And you help us promote education and we are rewarded. Thanks for making us feel useful, I like to know that we help each other and learn new things.

You should get all your friends to join. The more the merrier. Together we can build a great community.

I am not a teacher but I use the tag steemiteducation from time to time when the post is about trying to teach something to the readers.

I hope steemiteducation continues to grow so a big community can be created thanks to it.

Sure thing. You don't have to be a teacher to do write for steemiteducation. You just have to educate people. I will look for your posts to resteem under education.

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