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We think we are living a healthy life by over drinking water, but the only people who actually scores are the ones who supply and sell the bottled water. The average adult living in a moderate environment will take in about 2,500 milliliters of water, this varies from individual to individual. Of this amount, probably 60% is obtained from drinking water or beverages, another 30% comes from moist foods. The remaining 10% is a by-product of the oxidative metabolism of nutrients, which is called: Water Metabolism. If you take in 2,500 ml then you must eliminate 2,500 ml.
Thank you for your reply.
Next topic: bottled water and microplastics! Buying water in glass bottles is hardly convenient but might pose less of a health risk. And there's the plastic soup to consider.....
Any which way: we should be thinking much much much more seriously about our planet's waterhousehold. It begins with understanding your own. Keep pulling out such great truths #frieda!
I am thinking very hard what next. Sometimes you run out of ideas what to write about!