Bible stories for kids 29 - Moses Part 9 - Moses went up the mountain for 40 days.

In the previous story we saw this:

When Moses saw that the people were dancing and worshipping the golden calf he became so angry that he threw the stone tablets on the ground so that it broke into several pieces.

The Lord told Moses to make two tablets of flat stones like the two stones he had smashed. So Moses made two stones as God commanded him and early the next morning he went up the mountain.

God came down in the form of a cloud and stood there with Moses. God then proclaimed who He is and what His name means to Moses and to us. He said My name is YAHWEH and He is a kind and merciful God. He is slow to become angry. He is full of great love. He can be trusted. He shows his faithful love to thousands of people. He forgives people for the wrong things they do, but he does not forget to punish guilty people. Not only will he punish the guilty people, but their children, their grandchildren, and their great-grandchildren will also suffer because of the bad things these people do.”
Moses quickly bowed to the ground and worshiped God.

Moses was for 40 days and 40 nights on the mountain with God. He didn't eat or drink anything. God wrote the ten commandments on the two flat stones. Moses's face shone because God spoke to him, but he didn't know that. When Aaron and all the people saw that they were afraid to come near to him. But Moses called them and gave them the ten commands.

As time went on, Moses married an Ethiopian woman. Moses' brother Aaron and his wife Miriam were unhappy about it. They said to themselves, Moses is not the only one the Lord has used to speak to the people. He has also spoken through us! When the Lord heard it, He became very angry with them. The Lord appeared to them in a cloud, but when the cloud rose and Aaron turned and looked at his wife Miriam she was white like snow and she had a terrible skin disease.

Aaron apologises to Moses and said to him Pleases forgive us for the foolish sin that we did. Don’t let her lose her skin like a baby who is born dead. So Moses prayed to God to please heal her from this sickness! God answered Moses, If her father spits in her face, she would be shamed for seven days.

So put her outside the camp for seven days. After that, she can come back into the camp. So they took Miriam outside the camp for seven days. God heard the prayers of Moses and after seven days he healed her. After that, the people left Hazeroth and traveled to the desert of Paran. where they set up camp.

Remember the Bible is not just a made-up story. It is the word of God and it is a true story. Everything happened exactly as the Bible tells us.

Thank you for reading.

Sources: ERV Easy to read Bible, ICB International Children's Bible, The Message Bible, The New King James Bible.


Love it! Bless the Most High!

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So good of you to visit @ironshield and I am glad to hear that you love it! God bless!

In the biblical readings, we find the greatness of the Lord.

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