You can fulfill your all goals with your high frequency- How to raise your frequency?

I talked about frequencies and vibrations in my previous article. I mentioned that this universe is just a huge vibration and people as a little universe have a vibration too. We all have a frequency level. If your frequency level is high, you can be more successful and motivated in your life. You can make your wishes true.

Firstly we created our dream in our mind right? We create it by thoughts. But only thinking our dreams is not enough to pull them to our lifes. Your frequency level should be near to your wishes frequency. If you match your frequency level with the frequency of your wish, you will definitely end up living your dream. So how we can raise our frequency? Here is 11 instructions for you.

  1. Be honest to yourself

Once you lie or hide something true about you, your body directly is effected by this. Your all energy goes down and your muscular strength goes down. Acording to a muscle test of scientists, They kept stable the people by opening their arm in the same level of shoulder and they asked them some questions. Once they lie, they noticed that their arms go down and they couldn't keep high. They couldn't use their muscles power. This test shows that how human body is effected by our wrong or lie words. So you should be aware of your reality. With this way you change the negative things on you. You can change yourself to the better.

  1. Intention

Every morning once you wake up, make this intention " today I intend to raise my frequency."

  1. Talk with your reflection at mirror- Mirror Method

After you wake up in the morning, when you go to wash your face, look at mirror. Look into the eyes of you. Because eyes are the window of your soul opening outside. Once you look into your eyes, you see your core your soul. So look into your eyes and tell yourself positive words. It can be like this "You are so valuable. I love you and I appreciate you." You can change the words as you like. When you do this, you will notice that you will raise your self- confidence self-respect self- love. It is advised to do it for 21 days every day but you can make it always.

  1. Take deep breath

We can't live without breathe but if we can use the breathes consciously, we can raise our frequency. How to do it? When you take breathe, imagine that you take all the positive things inside you or think that you are inhaling power of life. When you exhale, imagine that you are taking out all the negative thoughts. Let yourself belive it.

  1. Do meditation

You all know that meditation is one of the best way to feed our souls. There are a lot of meditation methods. You can choose the best one for you. You can spare a special time to yourself during the day and apply your meditation. It doesn't have to be so long. Even 10 minutes is enough.

  1. Be careful about your music type

We are listening many types of music but noone knows that the songs we sing, the words we say is recorded by our subconscious and one day we can end up living the theme in the song. What I mean? If you always listen emotional songs like pain, sadness, hopelessness etc. you will find yourself feeling these negative emotions and your subconscious will turn it into reality. This musics will also decrease directly your frequency. So try to choose happy, motivated, hopeful musics.

  1. Trust and believe divine system

Many times when we look at past, especially to the events that made us so sad those times, we say "Thank God It didn't happen or I didn't do this or I didn't go there" etc. The things make us sad in a period of time in our lifes are mostly for our goodness. So if we trust the system of God, if we always accept no matter what we live, this will make us more powerful and raise our frequency.

  1. Be plain

This plainless is in 3 points. 1. is be plain on your thoughts. During the day we think lots of things. These are making our mind busy. Most if the time people tend to think negative things. Once you notice that your thinking something negative stop yourself 2. is be plain on the people around you. If you have people in your environment who give you negative energy and make you upset, remove these people from your life. Be with people who you like to be and make you happy. 3. is be plain on the goods. If you have a lot of furniture or goods in your home or office, this will also automatically pull your energy. Keep only necessary things.

  1. Have shower with salty water

Water has a powerful effect for humans body and mind. I prepared an article befrore about that. If you like to read it. Water has a memory and record every word we load to it. After you finish your shower add either sea salt or rock salt into a cup of water. Repeat this sentences " Right now I leaving my all negative thoughts that don't belong to me or force me or come to me heavy. I make myself free from them. I send them to the light." Than pour the water over your head. After that you can use again plain water to remove salt from your body.

  1. Use aroma therapy

The smelling of flowers have a big effects on human energy and frequency. You can use smelly candles or flower oils in your home. Each flower has a frequency. But the highest frequency belong to rose. Rose oil has 320 frequency. It opens also your heart chakra. You can choose your favourite flower and it's oil or candle. I always use candles at night in my home and I feel a big energy

I hope you like my topic. If you do any of these methods in your life, I would like to hear your experiences. If you have any spiritual theme you wonder, it is mt pleasure to search for you..

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