Did you know that your subconcious is controlling your whole life? - Theta Healing

Hello Steemit family,

Would you like to learn something that open a big window in your life? If yes, you are in the right place. Have you ever heard this two magic words before "Theta Healing"? I would be glad to explain it to you..

We all know basically that we have a conscious and subconscious. Consciousness is a mental process in which the power of perception and knowledge occur in the brain. At the same time it has a social source. it is a pattern of feeling and behavior living in a certain society and largely shaped by the sovereign value judgments of that society. The subconscious is the part of our brain that we are not aware of. Our subconscious ensures that most of the procedures in our body run smoothly and automatically. It works as a storage in which forgotten warnings, perceptions and memories and wishes that are pushed out of conscious because of the contradiction of them with general values ​​in society. The person cannot afford to reveal and repress all them. So, many of our behaviors during the day, the emotions we live in the situations we have fallen into are under the control of our unconscious. If you say "Why this always happens to me or why I am always experiencing the same problem or why I cant have a succesful relationship?" we can increase them. The answer stays in your subconscious.

Since our childhood or it is more correct to say since our birth our subconscious starts working and recording. The worst habit of subconscious is combining two different people or places or situations which are not related to each other to protect itself. For example if you grow up with an irresponsible father, your subconscious may have such a record that all men are irresponsible.. Or if you grow up in a poor family, you can record that money is hard to gain. Or if you have belief in your subconscious "I am not valuable.", you will be faced with inconstant partners. And the critical matter in these records is you live what is recorded in your subconscious… Could you imagine how many negative records are in our subconscious? I know that sounds very horrible. But good news is coming now..There are some techniques that cancell negative records and replace them with positive ones. One of these techniques is Theta Healing. We can change with this either ourselves or other peoples records by entering their aura.

Theta is in fact a name of brain frequency. There are frequencies that our brain emits. These are Alpha (8-12 Hz), Beta (13-30 Hz) and Delta (0.1-4 Hz). Beta is the frequency that our brains emit consciously during the day. Alfa is the one when we are about to sleep. Delta is the one works during the sleep. We can call Theta frequency deep meditation and near to sleepy condition. We can change instantly all the subconscious records in this frequency.

At this point this question appears in minds: "How will we find out our records?" The answer is by kinesiology - muscle test. The person is standing. He releases himself and all his muscles. He closes his eyes and says his belief sentence audibly. For example, "I am self-confident." or "If I fall in love, I will suffer." After saying these beliefs, our body goes forward or back. In other words, the unconscious pushes muscles to respond to belief sentence. People who witness to the involuntary movement of their body for the first time usually are surprised. If the body goes backwards, this means no. If body bends forward, this means yes. The rest is easy. After finding out whether beliefs are positive or negative, Theta healer changes the negative recordings of the person with positive by entering the theta frequency and using his wisdom.

I am happy to say I am a Theta Healer since 3 months and you cant believe how many negatives records I have changed till now at me and I still continue. From other side I am performing sessions for the people who want to reset their subconscious. It should be known that after your subconscious records in the problematic matter change, you will not be same person before. Because your frequency you emit changes.

I hope you enjoy my article. I woud like to you hear your opinions. I appreciate your support.

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