School Travelling Expedition I : Islamic School within Combination Curriculum ~ Darul Ilmi Islamic Boarding School (Chapter I)



We're proud to make our travelling agenda into educational cases, and by this time as our first trip to one of Islamic Boarding School in Aceh Province, Bireuen Regency named Darul Ilmi Boarding School, actually this school was founded in the middle 2017 by having the first class of junior high school (SMP: Indonesian School Tittle for junior high school). By having for about 25 students (boy and girl) this school was effectively and run as the youngest school among another in its area.

@educationportals, we are as the small group of education social observer tend to make a short list agenda entitled School Travelling Expedition, and by the first time as our opening expedition we would like to introduce our trip story through positives and educational experiences from Darul Ilmi Boarding School.

The following list within our travelling expedition included about:

  • School Background (Stories, Areas, Details)
  • Students Characteristics, Creativity, Skills, Potentials and etc.;
  • Teachers & School Project (Evaluation, Innovation)
  • School Environment;
  • And every point which is worth to tell during our expedition agenda progressed.

Our team member come from various educational background, but all of them still in educational majors. Such as english, math, physics, biology, IT, and every subject that already taught in school. While, the admin of this account actually from english majors study, beside we split our team into different task grouping. In case to make our desk job ended with satisfactions.

So, as the introduction part I think thats worth to tell a little bit about our program in School Travelling Expedition, and I hope this agenda would also affects positive to another school or reader in order to share the positives case about educational matter that would be worth to adopted or discussed about, as the first expedition begin we introduce you Islamic Boarding School of Darul Ilmi as the modern school also islamic curriculum integrated inside their curriculum.

Happy Reading, steemians!

Islamic Boarding School of Darul Ilmi (IBS-DI)


Actually, this school was founded under the foundation controlled named Darul Ilmi, the foundation itself was founded in 1980, it was long time story since the school founded in the mid 2017. Before the school founded, this foundation is only oriented in islamic teaching educations, as the traditional teaching, the foundations explored and develops their program time to time, till they announced their first legal Islamic Teaching School (Pesantren/Dayah called in Indonesian) in islamic government department, especially Indonesian Religion Ministry.

By the time, the activities well popular and already know by society, the foundation try to expand their traces to creating the modern school which is combined with both curriculum (Islamic and Schools Curriculum). Till then Darul Ilmi Junior High School founded, and met the requirement in goverment officials by attended 50 students in school classroom activity.

IBS-DI Students Background, Potentials and Characteristics

Most of students in IBS-DI school nominated by local people which is closed by the school area. It caused to make their parents more economics and ease to access, there are various background family within students eg. Orphan, divorced children, and etc. These background made them little hard to form the attitudes in daily life or school activities.

While we see through their potentials, most of students are clever and smart, especially in their memorizing aspects, they just easily to memorize the vocabularies (Arabic and English). Beside, their voice already sounded well through their reciting Holy Al-Qur'an. We just find something more exciting within their extracurriculer activity, it show that most of students are well and organized in playing football? Can you see it while their activity if full scheduled within the boarding, but still they can maintain their hobby, especiallly in football.

Anothers potentials revealed, as we can see through their smart creation in forming something from the hand works. next time we will provided their works hand in this post

IBS-DI School Curriculum (Islamic & Modern Combination)

By having a boarding school entitled, its not made the school limited access to provided their best curriculum to students, we found interest when we see through the curriculum integrated by school principal, thats modern and Islamic curriculum are combined in one syllabus while teachers and school stake holders are responsible to the project/curriculum.

For instance, while we see they studied physics, in the end of class, teachers tell students about the Islamic Verses whereas quoted from Holy Al-Qur'an about Physics cases, this is awesome! Beside, in all subject that students learn they just can connected their study into religions aspects from Holy Qur'an as the proof.

IBS-DI Environment (Classes, Park and etc.)

While we see this school as the baby born school, we knew that all building in this school are still on the progress, and its on develops into a good ones surely. As we can see the photograph below shown one of building still in developing, and actually this building allocated to Language Laboratory.


This buidling is inder development which is predicted would be ready and settled in the end 2018. Hopeful, we can see a lot of innovation and development within IBS-DI.

The next photograph will shown the school environment realted about their motto or every positive suggestion worth to students.


This motivational pictures described about students obligatory to maintain their cleaness, attitudes and language inside the school areas. We knew that most of barding school adopted English and Arabic as their obligatory language to communicate and interac each other.

To be continued ... (Chapter II)

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