Scope Of Educational Psychology.
Educational Psychology
It is that broanch of psychology which has been applied in the field of education- cognitive and behavioural perespective of learning.
*Scope of educational psychology"
Individual.differences:-No two individuals are alike on the earth not even homozygotic twins. So general methodology cannot be acceptable to all pupil. So the teachers should possess the knowledge of individual differences and must respect the individuality.
Intelligence and its limits:-Source
Intelligence limits are unchangeable because it is the genotype of the individual which determines mental structure. So the teacher must take care of these limits while educating them.
Heredity and Environment
A child is a product of hereditary and environment. For the proper education of the child, the knowledge of environment is essential for the parent and teacher. Environmwnt can either boost or suppress the heridatary traits of individual and hnce is detremental.
Human psychology or structure of the body
A child is mind with body. Mind and body interact with each other. Body is the part of personality of the child. Child's activities reflect what is going on in child's mind. Before educating a child it is necessary to have the knowledge of physical structure.
Study of behaviour
Psychology is the study of behaviour.Education aims at changing behaviour.Therefore EP study has vital role to play. Individuals social conduct is the clear reflection of his behaviour.
Understand the special aptitude of the child
Every child has some sort of special aptitude.If the teacher does not take into consideration the aptitude of the child, he cannot achieve the set of objectives.
Mental health of the child Today the teacher has not to deal with the normal child only but he has to educate the abnormal child at par with other normal children . It is education psychology which makes him to understand various abnormalities of the students and to find the ways and means to deal with them.
Framing the curriculum While framing the curriculum the teacher has to bear in mind the Child Psychology. He has to keep in mind the age and state of the learner. The education psychology helps a lot in framing the curriculum.
Guidance and counselling The teacher is supposed to guide and council the students at every step. It is only the knowledge of educational psychology which helps the teacher understand in which direction child is heading and necesary steps to be taken.
Measurement and learning outcome
EP helps to understand the outcome of efforts and compare them with the desired results and therby help in manipulating accordingly.
Group dynamics
Certain operatiins work well in group than individually. EP recognizes these activities and therfore it is important for teacher to have knowledge of these facts to facilitate learning in students.
[source01](introduction to education by AB Narendra)
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