Getting kids to be active

in #steemiteducation7 years ago (edited)

We have all seen how much little ones love to play on the jungle gym, swing on the monkey bars and go down the slide, but this is not always the notion with kids if they get older - the older they get the less active they become in many cases.


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As they get older it can become a challenge for them to stay active and reasons can include the extra demand from school,  busy working families, some kids feel they are not sporty enough or because of the lack of an active role model.

We cannot let our kids roam the streets any more like generations ago, so even if a child has the desire to be active there is maybe not always the time or place available.  The opportunities for being active may be limited.

Despite these barriers, parents can still teach their kids to be active and make it part of their daily routine and this healthy lifestyle will carry on into adulthood.  

Benefits of being active

Regular exercise or being active will help the child to create a body that can do what is needed by the child and also has certain benefits

  • they will have a better outlook on life
  • their muscles and bones will be strong
  • their weight will be managed
  • they will sleep better and
  • have less chance of develop type 2 diabetes 

Healthy, active children are prone to do better in school because they are more academically motivated and also have a better self esteem than their not so active peers.


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What motivates kids?

There are three key things to motivate kids to be active

  1. Choose the right activity for your child's age - If you do not do this, your child may get frustrated and stop being active.
  2. Kids must have the opportunity to be active - parents will have to support them and take them to active sports or playgrounds.
  3. Keep the focus on enjoyment - Kids will not do something they do not enjoy.  It does not matter if it is swimming or learning to ride a bike, as long as they enjoy the activity, they will keep on doing it.

If they have the ability to do something and especially when they feel noticed and praised, it will motivate them further to continue with the activity and they will even want to try other activities.

The best way to get kids active is to incorporate it in their daily routine. 

Different age groups enjoys different activities 

Toddlers and pre-schoolers must play several times a day - outside or inside.  They need to do activities that develop important motor skills, so kicking and throwing a ball, hopping on one foot, riding a trike, running obstacle courses are all examples of activities they can participate in.


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School age kids are more prone to getting engaged in video games and school work or watching tv.  The parents must motivate them and help them find something they are interested in and will enjoy.  It can be organised sport or hiking, martial arts or just playing outside.  As kids get older, only a few will stand out showing athletic skills, but this does not mean they must stop being active if they did not make the team.  

Commitment and ability usually goes together and that is why it is important to find an activity that interests the child.  At this age their schedules start getting very busy, but do not forget to set aside time for free play,



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Children from 6-17 years must do atleast 60 minutes of activity per day and this can include free play at home or participation in school activities or sport or even just going for a walk or working in the garden.  They can even join a gym or do yoga or jog or some skateboarding - teenagers have a large variety of activities they can choose from.  Do what you can to help get your teenager to the different activites or supply the necessary gear and most of all encourage them.  

All age groups like motivation and encouragement, even if they act as though it does not bother them.

In addition to the child's age it is important to consider his fitness personality

Which one of these is your child?

  1. The non-athlete - he will lack certain abilities or interests in activities or both.
  2. The casual athlete - this child is interested in sport but not the star athlete and is at risk of being discouraged because of the competitive nature of some kids and sports.
  3. The athlete - this child is good at sports and will be participating actively in competitions and all kinds of activities.

It does not matter what your child's fitness personality is.  As long as you can motivate them, find something they enjoy doing and let them get active, it is fine.  We are not all Usain Bolt's but that does not mean they can not still be active and have fun.

Be active yourself and support your child, no matter what activity they do.  If they grow up in a house where doing certain activities are part of their daily lives,  they will see it as normal and fun.


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Remember there are many ways to be active, not only by doing sport.

Here are some other ideas on how to stay active with your kids


So true that a parents activity level transfers to the child, we need to show the way. I am following the #steemiteducation tag :)

Totally agree. Lets start with less iPads and phones to increase more active activities.

To be active sure is important for our mental health and physical health. Great article.

Thank you

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