Core Values are in Charge
From last article:
Givers Gain®
This is without doubt BNI’s international trademark behaviour. I call this powerful philosophy a truth. Put another way, what you sow you reap. In the context of BNI though what Givers Gain is saying is that, I know that if I give you business, somewhere along the line I also know you will give me business in return. That’s a far cry from the way the world does business.
Fundamental to any business success must be the quality of relationships in and out of the organisation. One’s ability to build long-lasting trustworthy relationships, will determine how effective they are as team players.
Life-long learning is one of the criteria in building self-image.
Providing a culture of learning in an organisation is obviously beneficial to the business but perhaps more importantly suggests that the recipients of this resource are important.
Traditions and Innovation
Traditions and innovations mean different things to different people especially when taking into consideration ethnicity combined with the generation gaps between the Baby Boomers of the 60’s and 70’s through Generation X to the modern-day Millennial. This broad range of age, maturity and experience can in themselves either hinder or add value in respect of traditions and innovation.
Positive Attitude
Positive attitudes are essential to individual and business success.
Negativity literally sucks – any amount of it can result in people being sucked into the vortex of toxicity it causes.
The absence of accountability can be clearly seen where corruption takes place and people literally get away with millions. Holding people to account is essential to ensure fairness in terms of achieving the Key Performance Indicators that keep the wheels rolling forward.
Accountability without consequence can hardly be called accountability.
Recognition is a basic need of most people. Granted what constitutes recognition for one is different for another. From symbols of status to monetary reward and everything in between one needs to recognise different strokes for different folks.
Want To Be Here
When leaders and employees buy into core values, own them and live them, the environment undoubtedly takes on a 'want to be here' culture with obvious outcomes for the business and individuals involved.
I am busy with a book "Permission to screw up" and it also talks about the core values and I am finding it very interesting. Lots to think about when you lead a company.
Core values IF behaved out, drive everything. Very powerful. The problem is that company's do not define what each value means. For example if we have a core value of Respect, what does that actually mean in terms of how it plays out in the work place. Respect to you might mean something very different to me and that is my point. I love the topic.
Know your clients/products (and competition) - Trust your staff (you employed the individual), too many forget to recognize these benefits.
Research and Statistics on how to move forward keeping ever green on topic.
Great content and tips on core values.
Thanks Joan.. Any way you can help me get back on teamsouthafrica please?