Steemhomework: Changes in The Education System - Past and Present

in #steemiteducation6 years ago (edited)

Today, when I'm writing this article, I'm an English teacher at a high school. While 17 years ago, I was a elementary school student in a school in a remote area of Indonesia. During that time to this day, I have seen various sectors in the education world have changed, both in education curriculum and inthe current education paradigm. During that time too, I have lived in several cities and gained experience of different level knowledge.

When I was in elementary school I spent time in two schools. At that time, I moved to another school due to the conflict that occurred in where I lived. Then when I was teenager, I left my hometown to get a better education in the city. After I graduated from a senior high school in the city, I moved to another city to study at university in the provincial capital.

This article I write to remember how my education changes up to now as well as writing for #steemhomework. Here are some aspects that have changed in education when I was a child until now.


During the 17 years since my first start of school, Indonesia as a country where I live has experienced four times the changes of curriculum. When I was in elementary school, the curriculum used was the 1994 curriculum which was later revised in 1999. The thing I remember most is that in a year it consists of 3 quarters. Which means, the curriculum did not use semester system as it is now where a year consists of two semesters. The next curriculum change took place in 2004 which was named the Competency Based Curriculum, in 2009 called the Education Unit Level Curriculum, and in 2013 called K13 which is still in use today after several revision

Basic school unit

The elementary school was my first school when I am a child. At that time, kindergarten schools did not exist in every region and only exist in the cities. Unlike today, in every region and village there is a kindergarten where children go to school for one or two years before they go to elementary school. Even nowadays education in kindergarten becomes a requirement to enter elementary school.

Media of teaching and learning

Currently, the process of teaching and learning has involved the development of technology as a medium of learning in schools. In some schools are already using multimedia as a medium in the classroom such as projector, computer even smartphones. In addition, a variety of modern props were used to support a more optimal learning process. Unlike the seventeen years ago when I was in elementery school level, the most commonly used learning media were chalkboards, chalk, and textbooks. In fact, markers were still rarely used at the time. I myself started studying in a class that used markers when I was in junior high school.

Learning model

Today, the student-centered learning model is a common learning model we meet in classes. Basically such a model is more effective to implement, I myself use this kind of learning model in the classroom where I teach. However, when I was in elementary and junior high school, a commonly used learning model was a teacher-centered learning model. So, when it was very rare in the class held a discussion, usually the teacher who gives the material and is covered with a question and answer session.

Well, those all the common changes in school education that occurred since I first attended elementary school until today when I am now a teacher. The change education is not problem for us, it is our efforts to improve the quality of education for future generations.


(a teacher and writer)

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hello @affiedalfayed, undoubtedly education has changed a lot in recent years, there have been changes in its vast majority positive. Thanks for sharing!!

Hello too @lasocia that's absolutely right. The change is must in every single part of life, education ini particular. We are as teachers play an important role for better education in the future

I went through a similar course of edu progress. The writing made the readers have a sudden flashback about how Aceh edu in about 15 years past was thriving until it has so far arrived at the current stage.

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