Top 5 Creepy Images in History

#5 Three friends at work had a photo taken of them by another girl with a regular old cellphone.
A freakish face with strange eyes appears in full color peeking through the two on the right.

#4 Aerial view of the Jonestown mass suicide.

#3 These mark on the outside of a 3rd floor window.
The homeowner had left the room for just 1 minute and returned to find these handprints on the outside.

#2 A man took a photo of his young daughter playing in their living room, and the resulting image clearly shows a ghostly, crawling form of light energy in front of her.
It is also seems as if the little girl can see it too. Could it be the spirit of her deceased mother?

#1 A gunman identified as Michael Gonzales aims his pistol at local village politician Reynaldo Dagsa shortly before Dagsa was assassinated. You can see the flash of the muzzle just as the picture is taken.


please site the source, wherever you get these photos.

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