The Steemit Crypto Challenge #18 - CC2k17.8- 50 Steem Power Prize!

Prepare - Uncover - Outwit - Find - WIN!
Welcome to the Steemit Crypto Challenge. You may know this series of puzzles, or not. Let me give you a quick introduction. You are looking to find a solution. Anything can be a hint. You will start with two hints given and need to seek the right path. You think you are good with riddles? Are you a big master of puzzles? Find the answer. Sometimes the hints are hidden, not visible to the eye. But they are here.
Can you follow your intuition and stay on the right track? The first to reveal a hint will win a prize. The first to attain understanding with the right answer will receive their bigger reward.

Decrypt it at
Rules, Terms and Conditions
You will need to employ all of your skills to solve this crypto-puzzle. This isn't for the weak-hearted.
Don't limit your creativity, look forward and look closer!
Take advantage of:
You will receive hints from time to time
Stay frosty and don't get lost
Don't be limited to the list above, get creative! Think you got in the bag? How hard could it be? Surely, your Code Solvers and Image Manipulation Translators are up to date, piece of cake! All submissions are due by July, 27th@ 6pm (UTC ?+20) The First Prize reward is 50 Steem. Additional: 10 Steem per new hint uncovered. (This challenge is not impossible, I even made it quite simple this time). Special thanks goes to @blocktrades who sponsors this challenge. Share this challenge on other platforms to get support.
Happy hunting, Tim Said
I think those symbols in the main image is Runes.
I noticed that, too. ᛓ, ᚹ or ᚦ, ᚨ, ᚱ
You never diaaapoint me
Wow, how did you type the runes characters?
I typed as unicode entities (& # x 1 6 D 3 ; without the spaces becomes ᛓ)
I see. Thanks for sharing the info.
Don't know if I'm on the right track, but the runic characters ᛓ, ᚨ, P (with vertical line sticking out) , ᚱ seem to translate to "f""a""th""r" in English.
But what does the 3 and ? refer to?
BTW, this is another good website on runes.
On the #steemitcryptochallenge chat, Tim said (ha! pun not intended) that the runes stand for numbers. I was trying to use them as letters, too.
Thanks for the tips, jfollas. So maybe the "3" is a hint that the runes stand for numbers? On this rune website, the rune symbols are paired with numbers. ᛓ = 1,ᚨ=4, ᚹ=3, ᚱ=5. If we look at the placement of the symbols, ᛓ+ᚹ=ᚨ (1+3=4), and if symmetry holds, then "?"=ᚱ=5?
Not bad

Talk about a blockbuster movie.
Seems pretty hard to me. Are you Fib'ing us?
I see what you did there
Ahh the answer is.... BITCOIN!

That's what I was thinking. He said it's easy, maybe so simple we are over-thinking it. Last challenge I got further along to unlocking the encrypted message faster. Even with all the collective clues/guessing from evryone, I still can't piece it together.
just when I was about to go to sleep.
Don't loose your focus: go an sleep. You could continue in the morning when your brain will be working in a much more efficient mode.
the sleep didn't bring any magical solution unfortunately.

Vote for witness @cryptohazard
Forget about the sleep and take the reward!
unfortunately the sleep won. Are planning to do another on the beginning of August? I will have time for once to tackle your challenge.
Vote for witness @cryptohazard

Alright , we have what looks like a chart of all cryptocurrencies the last month LOL let's see where this takes us.
Well that's an idea EDIT: hahaha I just got it know. LOL
And here I am, still struggling with solving a simple math problem while people are doing this stuff. :p
hmm, well if we layer the line chart over the fossil record we get Mammoths and some kind of Plesiosaurs :-D
Steem is rising! Be happy!
Is it the correct solution?
Man! This is hard.
They look like Orkun or a similar old Turkish alphabet letters.
Also MD5 gives Uran
And we need a password to decrypt that enciphered text. Password is not Uran by the way.
if you decrypt the md5 hash you get: Uran