Forget China, Russia, and OPEC: The Next Big Attack on the Dollar Is Coming from Inside America

in #steemitclub7 years ago

The group that predicted the fall of the Soviet Union, the 9/11 terrorist attacks, and the 2008 meltdown issues a new warning “Forget China, Russia, and OPEC: The Next Big Attack on the Dollar Is Coming from America.” And it could start as early as July 11, 2018

Dear Fellow American, Over the past few months, I’ve uncovered a new “homegrown” threat… Something happening right here in America that’s much more serious than any foreign threat could ever be. It’s something we haven’t seen in America in a long time… over a century and a half. But the last time it happened… It nearly ripped our country in two. Abraham Lincoln warned about this threat. He said it was the only thing that could destroy America. Teddy Roosevelt said the same thing. He called it the “one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin.” And even the Bible warns about it—twice. In both the Book of Matthew and the Book of Mark. In short, it’s the only threat that America and its financial system have no protection against. As a freedom-loving American, I’m taking this threat very seriously… and I think you should too. It doesn’t matter if you have $20 or $20 million. This is urgent… And it could have a devastating impact on your everyday life. Which is why I put together this presentation. I want to show you exactly what I found, and what you can do to protect yourself. But be warned: what you’re about to see is controversial. If you’re like most people, your initial reaction will be surprise. No way that would happen here. Not in America. Not anymore. However, as I lay out the facts, you’ll recognize the signs of this looming crisis all around you. All the division and polarization in America will finally make sense. The growing gap between the ultra-rich and the poor… The rise of white nationalists and left-wing “Antifa” socialists… The extreme partisanship in Congress… The growing disconnect between baby boomers and millennials… You’ll see that all these problems are merely symptoms of a much bigger crisis… And that, what’s about to unfold, is simply the logical next step of what’s already underway in America. Put another way, you’ll finally understand why—despite President Trump’s attempts to “make America great again”—deep down, you still have a sinking feeling that all is not well in our country. Obviously, this is much more serious than a stock market crash… or even a credit crisis. We’re talking about the same destructive force that brought down all the great superpowers of the past. The Greeks… the Romans… the British Empire… And now I see it coming to a head right here in America. For the unprepared, the effects will be devastating. But for those who act now, there are a series of steps you can take to protect yourself and your family. I have begun taking these steps myself. I’ll explain them to you. I’ll lay out the facts so you can decide for yourself if you want to follow my lead.

This is narrated by" Teeka Tiwari". It’s an Indian name, but he was born and raised in the UK. Growing up in the foster system in London, Teeka Tiwari said,I always knew that somehow… someway… I would make it to America. So, when I turned 16, I stuffed $150 in my pockets and boarded a plane for New York City

By 21, he was one of the youngest vice presidents in the history of Shearson Lehman Bros. By 30,he was running a hedge fund. And today, he is a Senior Analyst for an independent research organization called "Legacy Research"

Adding more Mr. Tiwari written in his research paper,
We “connect the dots”… and we help everyday Americans prepare for what’s coming next.

Among other things, members of our team accurately predicted the fall of the Soviet Union… the dot-com bubble… the gold boom of the 2000s… the terrorist attacks on 9/11… the 2008 financial crisis… Trump’s 2016 victory… and, most recently, the rise of cryptocurrencies.

Put simply, we’ve been out ahead of nearly every major economic and political development of the past 30 years.

I would put our body of work up against anybody else in the country.

We’ve met with U.S. presidents, vice presidents, and leaders of dozens of foreign countries.

We talk regularly with elite Wall Street fund managers.

We attend private gatherings with billionaire venture capitalists, Ivy League academics, and even a former chairman of the Federal Reserve.

We’ve been interviewed by almost every major news outlet. And we’ve been quoted in everything from The Wall Street Journal to The New York Times to The Washington Post, to name a few.

Which leads me to why my team and I have spent the past few months putting together this presentation.

You see, through my research, I’ve uncovered evidence of a startling plot to dethrone the dollar.

It’s taking place right here in America. And I believe some of the wealthiest, most powerful people in the country are involved—including a famous California billionaire who many believe was the key player in Barack Obama’s 2008 victory.

If everything plays out like I think it will, the value of your retirement account could fall by 50%.

At least.

That’s like having 25 years’ worth of your savings flushed down the toilet.

Social Security as we know it will cease to exist. (As you’ll see, half of its revenue sources could be gone… so at the very least, we’ll see massive cuts.)

Not only will this crisis be devastating for millions of Americans financially… it could tear our country apart.

Keep in mind, this isn’t some “out of left field” prediction.

My information comes from a long investigation that includes interviews with several people on the inside—those with intimate knowledge of the situation.

Frankly, I wouldn’t have believed it unless I saw the evidence myself.

But I have the proof in my possession. And I’ll show it to you in a moment.

As you’ll see, the key date to pay attention to is July 11, 2018.

That’s when my research suggests this plan gets underway in earnest. You’ll want to be prepared before that date.

For the first time in my 25-year career, I believe there is a threat big enough to destroy the dollar’s status.

This research paper further explore the areas of threating as, You see, most experts are wrong when they talk about threats to the dollar.

Right now, everybody’s focused on two “boogeymen”: Chinaboogey and our national debt.

Don’t get me wrong. These are real concerns.

The Chinese government is not our friend. I just sent one of my analysts over there—he saw first-hand how they ban, block, and eliminate anything they see as a threat.

They’re actively working with America’s enemies to undermine the dollar.

And obviously, our national debt is a real concern. I would know—my peers and I have been warning about it for years.

In fact, in the 70s, one of my colleagues ran the National Taxpayers Union—a lobbyist group that led the charge to get a balanced budget amendment.

But here’s the thing…

There are steps we can take to protect ourselves from these dangers. They aren’t existential threats to our financial system right now… Let alone our way of life.

The real threat is going to come from within.

Specifically, from the states.

Here’s what’s going on…

Mr.Tiwari and his team explain as, On July 11, 2018, I believe 12 states, led by California, are going to start to “financially secede.”

They won’t fire any shots or shed any innocent blood—and in some cases, they may still nominally be part of America.

But for all intents and purposes, they’ll be their own sovereign nations.

They’ll have their own treaties and agreements with foreign countries. Their own border patrols (or lack thereof). Their own economies.

And, most importantly, their own money. (I know this is hard to swallow, but it’s already underway, as you’ll see.)

This is important because it’s the one threat we, as a people, are not equipped to handle.

We can beat the Chinese… we can beat the Russians… we can beat the terrorists…

But we can’t beat ourselves.

If enough Americans decide they’ve had enough… ultimately, there’s nothing anyone can do to stop it.

Abraham Lincoln, America’s only Civil War president, knew this all too well.

“If destruction be our lot,” he warned, “we must ourselves be its author and finisher.”

Of course, Lincoln was merely echoing Jesus, who warned, “If a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.”

All the major superpowers… from the Greeks to the Romans to the British Empire… they were all their own undoing.

Now I think we’re about to see the same thing happen here. And it’s going to have a disastrous effect on the wealth and well-being of millions of Americans.

According to this research they describe the potential risk and warn as,
Just think of what could happen if 10… 20… or even 25 states start ditching the dollar.

What would that mean for you and your family? What would that mean for your savings?

Suddenly, nobody will want all those dollars you’ve been holding on to.

If you have a $1 million nest egg, it could get cut in half. Just like that… a lifetime of saving could take a major haircut.

Same thing with the value of your Social Security. If the dollar is devalued by 50%, your $1,000 a month check would essentially be worth only $500.

And you can be sure that everything you buy… groceries… medications… gas… will all get much more expensive.

A $3 gallon of gas jumps to $6.

A $25 dinner now costs $50.

A $20 medication now costs $40.

Bear in mind, these are conservative estimates.

The last time we saw a group of states break away, it was even worse than this.

During the Civil War, the Union’s “greenback” collapsed.

By some estimates, inflation hit 80% in the North.

That’s devastating.

That’s about 40x higher than the inflation rate in 2017.

And that’s for the side that won!

It was much worse in the South.

Some put inflation in the rebel states at around 9,000%!

The money became completely worthless.

If you have the majority of your wealth in U.S. dollars, consider this your warning.

Now, you may be thinking, “C’mon Teeka. No one’s gonna break away. America’s always had divisions… you’re taking this too far.”

But let me ask you a question.

Am I really?

When you look at everything going on in our country, isn’t it pretty clear this is where things are going?

I’ve lived in the United States since 1987. I have never seen our country this divided. Ever.

It’s unbelievable how split we are as a nation.

According to recent polls, America hasn’t been this divided since the Civil War.

On almost every major issue, the country is split down the middle.

This is new.

We’ve always had disagreements, but not like today.

Everyday beliefs that used to be generally accepted are now considered divisive.

Heck, half the country doesn’t even think you should stand for the national anthem anymore!

Imagine if you and your spouse were this divided.

Would you be able to stay together?

I doubt it.

Many folks are starting to acknowledge that a second civil war has already begun….

On the right, conservative thinker, Dennis Prager, recently wrote: “It is time for our society to acknowledge a sad truth: America is currently fighting its second Civil War.”

He went on to say:

“With the obvious and enormous exception of attitudes toward slavery, Americans are more divided morally, ideologically, and politically today than they were during the Civil War.

For that reason, just as the Great War came to be known as World War I once there was World War II, the Civil War will become known as the First Civil War when more Americans come to regard the current battle as the Second Civil War.”

And on the left, authors Peter Leyden and Ruy Teixeira recently wrote about “America’s second Civil War.”

They say: “There’s no bipartisan way forward at this juncture in our history—one side must win.”

Those are amazing statements.

If you truly don’t believe there’s any bipartisan way forward, isn’t the next logical step to split up?

I think so.

That explains why secession movements are gaining traction like never before.

As we speak, California Democrats, Republicans, and Libertarians all have secession movements in the works.

The libertarians alone plan to deliver over 600,000 signatures for their proposal—more than twice the amount needed to make it on the November 6 ballot.

This is uncharted territory.

We’ve seen “fly by night” secession movements before. But this is the first time I know of that we’ve ever seen all three groups this determined to secede all at the same time.

Now, fortunately, our society has evolved since the Civil War era. Back then, the two sides lined up and settled their disagreements on a pitched battlefield.

Things have changed since then. That’s not how this war is going to be fought.

What we’re about to see is a financial civil war fought over our money.

Let me explain…

Mr. Tiwri reported, he recently attended a major conference on technology and politics—one of the biggest of the year in Austin, Texas.

It was a “who’s who” of power players. Bernie Sanders, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Google genius Ray Kurzweil, Michael Dell, and many more were in attendance.

But I was also invited to a private gathering after the event.

I found myself sitting next to a well-connected, visiting scientist at MIT.

Now, for privacy reasons, I can’t share his name.

But he’s worked in the upper echelons of Harvard University and Silicon Valley. And most importantly, he’s a government consultant and public policy expert… an expert’s expert.

We talked about all sorts of things. But at one point, our conversation turned to money.

That’s when he dropped a bombshell.

He started discussing the possibility of states and regions, led by California, separating themselves financially from the federal government.

Now, he didn’t use the words “secede” or “break away.”

Instead, he used phrases like, “assert their independence” and “take [things] into [their] own hands.”

He said that the “traitors are in the White House right now,” and that the actions of the Trump White House “are only accelerating” this movement.

And he said this would “give new life to the states”—which I took to mean that others would likely follow California’s lead.

Now, this was mind-blowing.

A man who’s extremely well-connected—both in California and national politics—telling me that financial sovereignty is gaining ground.

Hearing his story, I became more and more convinced that we could see states create their own currencies.

We haven’t seen anything like that in over 150 years. Not since the Civil War.

But it’s what he told me next that nearly made me fall out of my chair

................................To be continue...............

Dear mates a lot more to add in this article but it is enough for today, I am going through this research report and will publish rest of the findings in next part which is about how to save our hard earn money from this disaster, please go through it I need your verdict and feedback

Note :
This article is totally based on Mr.Tiwari research nothing has been added by myself


Amazing topic & amazing content.

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Amazing content! Appreciated!

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