THE HEART, The Bedrock of the Issues of LifesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemitchurch6 years ago

The Heart, the bedrock of the Issues of life

I want to share with you something about man and his relationship with God. God is the creator of the universe and He made man to have dominion over all he had made. In Genesis 1:28 God gave man a mandate to have dominion, multiply and subdue the earth. It was his mind that man could continue to be like him as man was created. The bible told us that Man failed God by disobedience to an instruction He gave concerning the Tree of Knowledge. After the fall of man, He was sent out of comfort to toiling.

Man has over time worship God through acts and commandments, where God sent prophets to warn or teach man to live in righteousness. Any time man disobeys God’s instructions, He would send a prophet to warn his people although, and most of these prophets were killed by the offenders of Gods law. Then, he sent his son Jesus Christ to die for the sins of the world. Jesus came to teach Man the true nature and mind of God towards his creatures. He taught using earthly things to explain how the kingdom of God is. He healed many that were sick, brought the dead back to life, feed the hungry when they needed food, He challenged religious leaders who were not serving God from their heart.
Jesus showed us the way to the father by saying “only if you believe”. The clause IF YOU BELIEVE is the gateway to the Father. Before Jesus came, Mans effort to please God was usually through physical observance of the law. But Jesus came to make us know that the way to the father is through the Believe system of the worshiper. Romans 10:9-10 states it clear “that if you confess with your mouth ‘Jesus is the Lord’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with the heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.”

Hence, the heart of man is the bedrock of his life and the extent of his relationship with his creator depends on his believe system. Your heart is what navigates your life and that is what makes you. Man looks at the outward appearance but God looks at the heart. Most Christians still remained in the old fashion of the way to God. They do all the necessary outward obligations but forget to observe the spiritual aspect hence, they only worship with their lips but their heart is far away from the Lord. (Isaiah 29:13). The ultimate sacrifice that Jesus paid was not based on the heart of man towards God but because of the Love of God towards Man and the only criteria for salvation is to believe from the heart.

Guard your heart because out of it comes the issues of life. Many still thinks that the outward service could bring them salvation but has failed to see that God is a spirit and to be fully tuned with him you must worship him in spirit. John 4:24 “God is a spirit; and they that must worship him must worship in spirit and in truth”. Submit yourself to God and resist the tricks of the devil, give your heart today not tomorrow for the bible says in Proverbs 16:25 “ there is a way that seemeth right unto man but the end thereof are the ways of death”.
The only criteria to truly worship God cannot be bought or stolen but it’s a personal decision you have to take. Distance is not a barrier to believe God and his son Jesus Christ who came and died for our sins so that we do not need to make any other sacrifice but only to believe and we shall be saved. Romans 10:13.

“If you want to change the future of your life, you need to find an unpopular truth that you believe in and live by it”.
God bless you and Happy Sunday.

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