A Few Comical Stories About My Military Experience From Iraq(video)

in #steemitcampfire7 years ago (edited)

I've intended to contribute to the #steemitcampfire for a few weeks now. Life happens.

But @barrydutton doesn't forget to remind me! He is ruthless, lol. Actually, he's a really good person in my book. Life had caught up with me Steeming story posts, taking care of the children, and housework. I had not commented on his channel for a while and he took the time to come over to my channel to make sure I was doing ok. That was truly kind of him.

For the #steemitcampfire I wanted to tell a few comical stories from my pre-deployment and actual deployment to Iraq. I hope you enjoy.

FYI: The second video is a video I said I would try to find and I was able to find it(I can't believe it!). It does relate to one of the stories in the first video. It does contain a butt. Be forewarned.

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If you enjoyed this post, please upvote and follow if you desire! I mostly story post about my sobriety, family, effects of war, and the crazier parts of my life. However, if it interests me I may just Steem about it! Steem on Steemians!


Great post! :)

Who has never heard of the impossible sit-up before?!?! You guys didn't prank the brightest soldier in the barracks I guess lol.
I really enjoyed the video...very nice @lexikon082 and shout out to @barrybutton for putting on the #steemitcampire.


Gosh, this was back in 2003. I honestly had never heard of it before. The young whipper snapper in the video was interesting. One time he asked me...'Hey do you want to see me do this backflip (Off a stack of plywood)? It was just me and him. Ok...lol...so...lol...

Ok I had to recompose myself.

So he gets on this stack of plywood that is about five feet high. He jumps off to do a backflip and in mid air (with his belly towards the ground) He just freezes. I mean stops moving. Looks like superman froze in mid air...Lands face and belly first right in the desert sand from 6 or 7 feet in the air. To this day it is one of the most hilarious things I have ever witnessed.

So, yeah. He was interesting. But he was young too. Probably one of the youngest in our platoon. He's still in the Army. The last I read he was an E-6(Staff Sergeant) and really squared away. For all I know he could be an E-7 by now.

I am glad you enjoyed the video and thanks for the follow.

Wow, that sand must have killed his face lol...Im sure the army was one of the best things for him especially since he is still in now almost 15 years later. I bet he matured a lot and is not doing back flips off plywood.

Hi. I have followed. I am married to one of the abandoned Afghan interpreters from Afghanistan. He worked with SF. So I hear a lot about hi-jinx in the base.
I won't go into right and wrong of war, I will say I am aware of what you guys go through and I admire the way you seem to be dealing with it with humour. It's a very healing thing, humour.
The complexities of the reason for the invasion of Afghanistan are different to the reasons for the invasion of Iraq, but it doesn't matter when it comes to the troops. Their experiences are very similar.
I am looking forward to hearing your insights and funny stories. As you can imagine, life can be unbearably hard for us because, well he's been abandoned by NATO countries, even though he has excellent references and no problems regarding his loyalty and security. It's just BS politics and Oil company BS. Finding a safe country that will accept us both, long term, is a full time job, an Afghan Muslim and a white Australian Buddhist marriage is unconventional and downright dangerous in some uneducated places. But, even though it's been a year now of constant stress and worry, without seeing him, we keep trying to make a future for us.
He has trauma, hell, anyone around him has trauma. And war, politics corporate and political corruption, threat of terrorism are a part of my daily issues. You know all the fun stuff haha. So for me, hearing some of the lighter side of these situations, takes me out of that headspace, as these videos just did for me. A reminder to not get bogged down in ugly. In this way you are an inspiration.
Thank you.

I had to recompose myself to reply to this. How the United States has repaid the loyalty of these brave men is unconscionable. They become brothers in arms with our brave American fighting men and deserve a home in the Land of the Free. It's examples like this that show politics in our country have become about power, money, and greed rather than taking in the poor and tired who yearn to experience the principles our Consitution stands for. I understand we must take measures to protect the homeland, but your husband has more than earned his right to be here.

Your unconventional marriage is a perfect display of the religious freedom this country stands for. His bravery to serve next to an American soldier is a raw display of service that some of my own countrymen would do everything in their power to turn their backs too. I pray for your safety. I pray for your peace. And I am truly honored to have been able to give you a brief moment of lightheartedness.


Now I'm crying. I'm so touched and relieved to hear from someone who understands. Thank you.

Don't cry. I'm supposed to be a tough Army Vet and you may make me cry now.

gosh hahaha. It's only now that I've seen your post. You unload my burden : ) Thanks for sharing this to us.

You unload my burden

I am honored to be able to do that. It's not many times in life one hears that. You are very welcome for the share and thanks for your wonderful reply.

@lexikon082 and I also ask my wife to watch it and she laugh out loud and quickly told me "now you are laughing loud too, keep calm okay" Sometimes you never know how God will use to be a blessing to others. Keep it up and Thanks again.

Wow, you are very welcome.

your post is very interest oh, the video make sense. people like you keep us entertained in this community, keep it coming, upvoted and following.

oh, the video make sense

I laughed really hard because I can only imagine the look on your face seeing that. Thanks for making me laugh because I was able to help you laugh. I appreciate the upvote and follow.

Your welcome

In this world war will never end . Americans want always to eat 7 feet hamburger and drive a limousine car .... and how she will get money ? u know the answer ;)

Lol. You know I can't answer that. But I am laughing right now. I have not thought of that in a long time. Gosh...people will think I am laughing about war. Thanks for that laugh.

U're welcome ;)

You did what many people want to do, but they dare not.

I appreciate that. I am currently writing a young recruit in Marine BootCamp and I just recently wrote him a letter in which I thanked him for being so brave to join and serve our nation at this juncture in time. It's amazing how many young, brave people we have in this country willing to serve our nation.

Thanks for sharing great stories

You are very welcome.The fact you enjoy them makes me very happy.

Cool Story!

I am glad you found it worth your time to reply. Thanks for liking it.

// People who protect our nation.//

They are some of the most down to earth people on the planet:-) Thanks for your comment.

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