A Dynamic and (hopefully) Delicious Day! - #Ulog Entry No. 3
Isn’t it just amazing what a decent night’s sleep can do for a person!!! Hehehe! I was completely sleep deprived yesterday and wore the EMO badge proudly to illustrate it! As mentioned in my Ulog this morning I think I am REALLY going to try and make a more regular habit of this… irrespective of HOW tempting it is to burn the midnight oil!
Ola Steemit! – Welcome to my Ulog Entry No. 3
Compliments of the above mentioned r&r, I woke up with a spring in my step, despite the fact that it was the first day back at school for Jude. After dropping him, instead of crawling back into bed for a couple of extra zzzz’s – I came downstairs, made another coffee and got busy! It has been a WHILE since I have done that and to be frank, I have really missed it. When I still had my shop, I had a morning routine after dropping Jude and that was to go to my shop, blast the tunes, make myself a gigantic cappuccino and do the bookkeeping, get all the jobs for the day in order, tend to email queries, estimations and just get the place “ready” for the day… I guess I underestimated just how much I would miss that little morning ritual.
Working from home (although I have done it most of my life, I haven’t for the last 3) takes an enormous amount of discipline.
Nonetheless, I sat down opened up all the necessary on my laptop and was then greeted with THIS! It was sent last night, but I only saw it this morning...
hahahahahaha!!! As disturbing as it is/was, I could not help but have a good giggle at it… his mother must be REALLY proud!!… LOL! And to all of you that have an issue with me displaying his identity – well, take it up with HIM not me, because perhaps if he was not such a douche bag, he wouldn’t land up in this type of hot water! Hehehe! - Not sure how I missed the DM's previously, or perhaps I just shivered and ignored it at the time... but the fact that he still had the damn nerve to persist.... lol!!!!
Anyhoooooo…. Moving along to greener and less creepier pastures lol - I was a lot more dynamically productive today than I was yesterday so thank heavens for that! When fetching Jude from school, I was also thrilled to see that he too had had an awesome day! We also got the news that his heavily pregnant teacher has finally gone on maternity leave (thank the lord for small mercies, because I don’t actually think she was doing her job very proficiently and it was not doing Jude any favours either), so he now has a much older, far stricter sub for the rest of the year…. Can we crack open the champagne please!!!! WHOOP WHOOP!
BTC and SBD and well, most cryptos have not been doing putting many smiles on faces lately either, so it was a nice glimmer of hope to have my dad share this article with our family group this afternoon… Bitcoin rises as biggest asset manager studies crypto technology
It was panning out to be a pretty awesome Tuesday, as far as Tuesdays go lol ;)
Sometimes, deciding what to do for dinner can get a little tedious… especially for us moms that actually DO DO IT everyday… but today whilst cleaning the kitchen and looking at the left over braai meat from Sunday, I decided to reinvent it and then I got all SUPER excited haha! I love ALL leftovers, EXCEPT braai meat! So “upcycling it” into something else, put a HUGE smile on my face – that and well, the fact that it was not going to go to waste….hehehe! I will be sure to share that with you once done and dusted ;) Hopefully it TASTES as good as it looks lol!!!
And so, it’s now bath time for Jude and wine time for me! CHEERS and CHEESE to that, yes – still with my extra chin hahaha – its only Day 1 of getting back onto the low carb wagon…. Cut me some slack man lol!
Have an absolutely FABULOUS EVENING or DAY ahead gorgeous people!!! MWAH!
And this JUST IN... OH LOOK - this guy is an absolute DIE HARD man! lol
Until next time...
Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx


Oh, and if you wanna meet the
wannabe photographer in me...
Greetings, my future girlfriend Jayne
I confess that what made me come look at your post, it was this cover photo of him. Is the most beautiful photo you put. I think you were very charming her. A beautiful face.
Actually, I know what it's like to have insomnia. I went through bad things in life and this generated a terrible insomnia in me. I have it to this day. It started when I had the first attempt of robbery. Looks like I was in a State of alarm, you know??? This, combined with a family matter bad keeping me awake. At first, I dreamed he was being robbed or that were invading my house. After I bought my dog, dream that are doing an ambush and removing her from me. ...
I hope 1 hour these nightmares pass and my sleep back to normal.
I reiterate that you was very beautiful in the picture.
Thanks for posting and good afternoon!!
Thank you for the lovely response. I am sorry that you have suffered with insomnia. I have not myself, but I do struggle a lot with anxiety so can relate somewhat. Hope you have a fab afternoon too :)
Your post has brought this giant smile to my face on this dark and gloomy rainy day! You are the best!
hehehe THRILLED to hear that @rwedegis MWAH!
Lovely to "see" you @jaynie!
I've been poking at the edges of the U-loggy thing, too... and pondering the fact that it has taken me 18 months (almost) to return to doing (blog wise) what came mostly naturally 15 years ago.
Made me ponder all the many things we seem to "unlearn" about our own authenticity, all in service of trying to do it "properly," except that properly is an exercise in following other people's directives rather than our own hearts.
That — in turn — made me realize (and empathize with) the millions of people who get dragged along like sheeple... it can be hypnotic and strangely alluring, and I'm not sure why, because it's ultimately drudgery. Fresher in in your mind, perhaps, since you only recently closed the print shop... but still.
So you have a creeper... sadly, it seems part and parcel of the territory of being a gorgeous woman. Not being one, myself, I wouldn't know... but that's what I'm told...
Ha! Love that - what exceptionally accurate words! I was thinking the other day about my piano and how I used to love playing. I only ever learned to read basic music, but could play almost anything just by listening to it. Every day after college I would come home and compose tunes for like three hours - I don't know where they came from, but they were there. I sold my piano about 18 years ago (gawd im old lol) and I was thinking last night that no matter how long you shoved me in front of a piano now, I doubt I would be able to remember anything I created... sad... Although, I am certain I would be able to create NEW stuff... I think lol!
hahahaha @ you being a beautiful woman.... listen, the make-up industry can work wonders these days hey ;) LOL!
Your are looking fresh and happier today.have a nice day.
Thank you so much :) I hope you have a fabulous day too!
Can see that you are having an absolutely great Tuesday!!! Cheers!
It was a lovely day indeed, thank you @joelai :)
I'm hungry looking at your mix vegetables!
hahaha!!! Objective achieved! (insert evil grin here)
Oh no... I'm gonna go eat my bread now... (walking away sadly)
hahahahaha!!! No doubt the bread made you feel better though :P
Hahaha... that will do...
Great blog .. hopefully it's a great day.
Well thank you :) You have a swell day too!!!
PLEASE explain to me WHAT CONNECTION this has to my post?!?!
None. But this is Useful for Your Life. I know you're Angry at me for doing this but I felt that this Was Necessary For You.
I will not disturb You after this for sure.
@amarbir your UTTER lack of respect for others is nothing short of SHOCKING! I have ALREADY requested TWICE that you refrain from visiting my comment threads. PLEASE unfollow me, I have NO interest in your dogmatic and dictator style "advice". And as previously mentioned, I WILL start downvoting you after this. (The ONLY reason I have NOT done so yet, is because I would rather spend my votes on people who are doing something positive around here). Comments unrelated to the content are called SPAM and your approach in ALL of them, resemble TROLLING!!!!!!!!!!!! Now for once in your life, RESPECT the wishes of another person and GET LOST!
Aye Aye Mam. Have a Great Day Ahead. 🙏🙏.
You should use the block function on that creepy man. o.O
true story :)