Fitness Journey Blog 25

in #steemitbloggers7 years ago (edited)

exploring new zealand.png

Well hello!

I figure I would update everyone with my weekend update. I have been slacking workout wise and I did have some junk food. I got caught up with my family visiting and just focused on having a good time. It was really nice spending time with everyone and just having a good time.

I didn't waste all the time and used it to do a tone of research. I am going to change up my routine a bit. I have a better understanding now of fasting and I think I will start with intermittent fasting. I am going to just give myself a six-hour eating window. I figure I won't have my first meal until 1 PM and go from there. Though come Saturday, I want to try and do a 24 hour fast twice a month. This is still in planning mode but I think I want to try it out.

Workout wise I think I will keep to my Tabata style workouts combined with JiuJitsu but I think I am going to get back to kickboxing. I had done it in the past off and on but figure I want to get back to it cause my cardio was amazing well I was doing it.

Coming up as well, my wife and I have signed up to run a 5K. The run is called St. Patricks Day Road Race and its a fundraiser for Diabetes. A buddy from work first pitched the idea and got it into motion. I think this is a great thing to do with the guys from work as well something to do with my wife.

Also, my wife and I are starting a 30-day plank challenge. It battled back and forth between a few ideas. I wanted to do a pushup challenge and she wanted to do a squat challenge, that we finally agreed to do a plank challenge. We are going to take the next 30 days, starting tomorrow, to do 1 minute long planks. We will do our best in that minute to hold the plank but we have to go a minute. Each week though we will be adding 20 seconds, so by the last week, we'll be at 2 minutes. Figure its something fun to do amongst ourselves and some healthy competition.

But that about sums it up. I will continue to post my food, workout and sleep logs but went through route today to change it up and I didn't really have much to post as I didn't do much. Well, thank you for popping in.


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Great to hear! I got my first paycheck in a while last week so I mostly been going overboard with hot pockets, but now that I got that out of the way I'm ready to hit the gym as well. I'm just going to do a p/p/l split for a while and then try something else.

Planks are brutal, so I'll leave that to you guys for now lol

Haha Yeah, those planks are no joke.I talked a bit too much smack to my wife, I think she had an easier time with her's than I did with mine.
That's awesome man! I totally understand how it goes, I got a bit wild there with pizza but like you said its nice to get that out of the way for you can get right to it.

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