Balkan story challenge #steemitbalkan 8-14

in #steemitbalkan7 years ago (edited)

Pozdrav, evo da skupimo vecinu Balkan story challenge na jednom mjestu da se lakse prati.

Hvala svima koji sudjeluju, citaju i prate, super su price sam tak dalje :)

Rules of the challenge:

  • Continue the plot in 24 hours after you have been nominated.
  • Minimum 100 words.
  • At the end of the post nominate who will continue the plot.

Balkan story challenge #steemitbalkan 1-7

8th Part by @exanime15

Last chapter from @zen-art...

"Come. We have to keep moving. The drones are close." he took her hand and got the chills when he felt her soft skin touching his.

They were walking through the wood, the night was warm, the moon was red as blood and between the black clouds, they were red drops raining on them. It was spooky but on the other hand, it felt like the earth, the wind and the rain with the whole earth were going to end. Inovator didn't have any sense of direction where they should go, which direction is the right way to find a server.He was tired and his eyes were half opened.


''We all this confusion we must find a safe place to take a rest for the night..'' Inovator sighed.
Jenny stopped. Suddenly she took a step backwards.
''Are you insane?! Do you think this is Finding Nemo ?! Oh, sweetie, this is more like Jurassic Park! she added sarcastically. The tone of her voice irritated him, he couldn't even say a word no more. He decided not to speak.

'' What's up now? Are you going to cry? MOVE ON MAN!' ' her nerves were taking over, it looked like she was going to explode any second. He covered his ears to hold his anger because he couldn't listen to her anymore.

He responds: '' You are so...aah... nuts, what is wrong with you woman, why you're going crazy on me? I am pretty sure that I would rather get killed by drones than listen to you nonsenses all the fu*king time!''

She was just staring at him. Then in the moment, her face turned red, still, she wasn't mad. He noticed a tear in her eye. He felt sorry and just about when he tried to apologize he heard strange sound . Suddenly, something hard hit the ground. Inovator turned around. Through smoke and fire, he saw Jenny's body laying down on the ground. He was too shocked to make a move, his body was heavy.

''Jenny, can you hear me?''-he whispered.


He felt a smell of the blood in the air. Inovator closed his eyes. All he could see was a purple light blinking in front of him. Still, somehow It made him feel so calm and peaceful. Someone was there. A beautiful creature with long blue hair and big red eyes. She took his breath away. Inovator knew who she was. Half an angel, half a woman...

9th Part by @chr0nix

As a young boy, his grandfather used to tell him stories about alien creatures that sometimes visit us and fall out from the sky. His grandfather used to call them angels and he always had this special glow in his eyes when he told him about them but Inovator always thought it was just bedtime stories right until now when one of those creatures stand in front of him.

Angel: Greetings Young inovator.

Inovator: Who are you, what's your name, What are you doing here??

Angel: easy with the questions we don't have much time I use almost my entire energy to come to the Earth through the Portal. My name is EMINAXE And I'm the 1st of the five rulers from my planet, we used to have the same problem as you do now with the artificial intelligence But somehow we managed to survive and we won the war. now we use portals to help you but it drains are life energy so we can do it only once every couple of years. This time I managed to bring you this special device use it carefully because it can help you sense the approaching danger and it can also help you find a way. don't ever let it fall into the wrong hands!


Inovator approached the angel and took the device She smiled at him and vanished in a bright white light. Inovator covered his eyes with his right hand. When the lights fade away he lowered his hand and saw Jenny lying In front of him on the floor with the blood coming from her ears. She was knocked down by the energy when the portal opened.
He ran towards her, drop to his knees and feels her neck to check for the pulse. Her pulse was very weak but she was still alive. So he took a deep breath and put his mouth on hers and start resuscitation. After a few breaths Jenny regains consciousness. Instinctively she put her arms around his neck and hug him.

Jenny: What happened??

Inovator: Don't worry about that I will tell you in the morning. try to keep calm now and rest.

He covered her with his jacket, And they spend the night together Jenny never felt so secure in her entire life.

10th Part by @cubanolux

Something was bothering Jenny, something in her mind. What's happened last night? She doesn't remember anything, except... There was something, like a dream. Very strange dream. She dreamed of running through the woods. At the end of the path she saw a bright light, and under her feet as if the path moves. With both sides saw the big eyes that had just occurred. There were hundreds of them. She was scared, but also wanted to know what's at the end, in that strange light. She kept walking, but light as it is more distant.

And then something unexpected happened. All eyes, hundreds, perhaps thousends, suddenly were closed and the light is illuminated the entire forest. In the light, Jenny saw big beautiful red eyes, but she didn't know what it is. Then she falls asleep and felt a hard pain in her body.


When she told the Young Inovator what she dreamed, he first looked at her and then he hugged and kissed her. Wonderingly she looked at him, beacuse she didn't expect that. But she was safe in his arms. Tomarrow, when they woke up he asked her: Inovator: Jenny, do you know what's happened with you yesterday. Jenny: No, I just can't remeber anything. When Young Inovator started talking, the deafening noise stopped him...and blinding light came again...

11th Part by @tom28

Inovator said to Jenny "shhh, somebody is here". They were silent, they could hear each others heartbeats. Inovator looked in her eyes and wanted to kiss her but suddenly strange voice has occurred.
It was sound of electricity going through the power line, Jenny whispered "lets follow the power line it will lead us to the bigger city, we will probably find some help there". They started to walk slowly, trying not to make noises, Jenny said that she is in pain and wanted to take a rest. Inovator put his jacket on her to make her warm, she was really exhausted.


After a few hours of rest they proceed with the following the power line, suddenly Jenny stopped. She pulled Inovator for his jacked so hard he fall on the ground. Jenny: "Look here are hundreds of AI robots." But something was strange, AI robots were standing still.

Inovator realized:"they are charging!! They need to be charged to operate!! That is our chance!!!"

12th Part by @marin23

Jenny said: „ we must try to destroy all of them, to revenge my father and all those people who were killed by this fucking robots.“

Inovator replied: “I agree with you, if we kill this much robots we will increase our chance to win the war”

But there was a problem. There was to many robots for two of them to destroy, and they didn’t know how to destroy them or how long will they charge. So they approach carefully to inspect the robots. They concluded that robots were divided in more charging stations. Thirty robots per each station. Inovator remembered classes from professor Gandalzhar. He taught them that if you want to destroy some electrical device (in this case AI robot), you must fry them with high voltage. As professor Gandalzhar knew back than what was going to happen and wanted to prepare them for the war against the AI robot.

Inovator noticed small control panel on the charging station which controlled the charging of the robots. He thought: „if i destroy a control board, all the electricity from the power line will overload the bots and the they will be toasted“ He try that and it worked!! Robots get overheated an exploded.


Yenny was thrilled and she said: „If we want to destroy them all we must separate. It will be much faster!“

Inovator did`t want to leave Yenny because she was still pretty weak, but she just kissed him strongly, said: „this is for good luck!!“ and run away.

They were destroying Ai bots for hours, and finally met at the last remain charging station. There they try to destroy the last bots together. Suddenly the inventor felt some strong buzzing. It was that weard device from EMINAXE. He knew that danger is near and he told Yenny to run as fast as she can. The robots started waking up. One of them noticed Yenny and they all started to chase Yenny and Inventor.


Yenny noticed a small alley that could help them to escape from bots. But as they run into the alley they noticed that it was a dead end.
„We are dead!!“ Screamed Yenny.
Inventor hugged her strongly and said nothing.

But suddenly they heard voice from an abandoned building on their left: „Come here quickly if you want to live!!“

13th Part by @kanu1988

At the door there was a big dark shadow and shouted come in here quickly. Jenny run to the door but they closes right after her leaving Inovator out alone in the alley.
As the bots were getting closer Inovator tried to hide behind the containers but that didnt work well as robots had thermal vision and saw everything.

Source: media wired

There was one at the front bigger than the others like he is a commander or something. As he approached to the Inovator the device started to shake and glowing from the ends...

... The shadow locked the door and said "there is no time for him, we must go" Jenny was looking at the door and said nothing then turned around and just look at the man without saying anything and then he said " Im Dimitri I know what you two are going through, Im here to help"

As robot got him from the ground the box started to maknig sounds, it was the gear mechanism inside making adjustments and on the screen wrote "... Opportunity and then comes..." as the screen was broken Inovator couldn't read whole message and then it came the hit from the robot but Innovator was confused as no part of robot moved and then robot put him down and bright light came from the box Innovator seemed to be stunned somehow and barely saw robot in front of him which was on his knees and said "we are waiting for your command Professor"

As soon as door opened lights faded away and Jenny came out crying hugged Inovator who was alone in the alley ans said :"how the hell did you do that?".
Dimitri just looked from the back and said:" we were waiting for you the whole time..."


14th Part by @positivity420

In all the confusion Inovator screams: "Dmitri, you were waiting for me?!"

"Yes, we knew the professor was coming to save us, but we didn't know who he is..."
"You got that right, it sure ain't me." - Inovator interrupts him.

"But how did you do that?!" - Jenny can't believe what she saw

"I don't know and I don't care, can we just move on? We're gonna get fried like we fried those bots, the only difference is, we won't be re-started with some electricity."

Dmitri led the way to north, they suspected couple of stations are still in function. All shaken up, bruised, scared and confused they walked for days. Scavenging supplies from the leftovers of blown up stations.
They all wanted it to end, and thought Inovator is the key, but the tension was so thick you could slice it with a knife. Inovator doesn't want to hear it.

Dmitri turned around to see if they keep up with him, but all of the sudden he gets shot in the leg.

"Dmitri, take cover!" - Jenny yelled

"Just run, we won't make it but you both can, without me!" - Dmitri preparing for his end


A legion of bots are charging their way, fight for survival almost came to an end. Inovator picked up Dmitri and started running to the mountains.

"Jenny goddamnit! Come on!" - Inovator angrily says because Jenny can't keep up with him, even with a wounded man on his back.
She realised that only 2 of them will survive, it was either Dmitri or her but she is short on breath and too far from Inovator and Dmitri.

"I won't make it my lo..." - Jenny's last words were interrupted by a robots hand that caught her. The robot tells her all the beautiful things she will enjoy while being his pet. With last strenght and power of love she yells: "I loved you Inovator, I always did!!"

Inovator hears Jenny's voice like a whisper but he turns around and sees she's gone.

Dead silence has awakened the death in Inovator. He leaves Dmitri, says his goodbyes and runs to the legion. Lasers, rockets and bullets are no match for Inovator's love. He remembered a robot told him they're waiting for his "command" and yells:

"Stop robots! Stop you filthy trash!"

"Professor you told us to never stop when we were created."

"I said stop goddamnit! Stop this once and for all!"

Quickly he realised his commands won't work on them so he jumps on a bot and modifies it's motherboard. The robot turns from blue to red and starts shooting other robots.


@spalatino, @svarozich, @zija2022, @gingergeorge, @schkure, @zen-art, @exanime15, @chr0nix, @cubanolux, @tom28, @marin23, @kanu1988, @positivity420,

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