Sun and the moon

These days I read some things about the universe, and they liked me, so I wanted to share them with you. We all accept it for granted. We do not wonder why, who, were... And we meet with that constantly.

Why the sun shines?
The sun is the main and central body of the solar system. The sun is made from about 90% of hydrogen atoms and produces an unbelievable amount of heat and light, its core temperature is about 20 million degrees, every second, our star sends the amount of energy that would be produced by about ten billion large power plants, and this is a consequence of a process called nuclear fusion. Thanks to nuclear fusion, the sun shines for thousands and millions of years.

source of photo

Why the sun changes color?
Earth's atmosphere behaves like a pale red filter. Therefore, all the light that penetrates from the universe is reddish.. The sun's light is actually a mixture of all colors, but in different layers of the atmosphere the fractures in different ways. Early in the morning and late afternoon when the sun is closer to the horizon, the layer of air through which the light passes is more dense, so blue and purple components missing in sun spectrum, so the sun looks reddish.


Why the sun was long time ago considered a goddess?
The ancient peoples worshiped the sun because they thought that it was a symbol of the power, creative force, life, fertility. Sunrise and sunset were considered as journey, the sun was boarding on ship of papyrus at night, and went down to the underworld and the next morning, sun was returning on sky. Astecs believed that the sun was dying every night, and in the morning it procreated to keep fighting against the moon and the stars and drove them out of the sky.


The sun is the source of life. When we wake up in the morning with the sunshine that caresses us, we are ready and happy for all the obligations that we are waiting for during the day.


How was created a moon?
There is more theories about the origin of the moon. The oldest of them is that it was once part of the Earth that separated. According to the second theory, the earth and the moon were planets that circled around the sun and then the earth caught the moon in orbit.


Do you know why the moon looks so big? It is because the moon is the orb body that is closest to the earth. His diameter is 3476 km so the moon is smaller than USA.


Why on the moon there is no life?
Because of non-existence of atmosphere, on the moon there is no oxygen, there is no protection against dangerous sunshine. It is very likely that there was never any water. Temperature differences between day and night are from +120 to -150 celsius.


Conquering the moon
Because it's closest, moon is best suited for research. The first satellite is launched 1959.His task was to take a photos of the moon. First downhill on the moon was on 1966., only the vehicle landed with devices. The first astronauts on the moon was Nil Armstrong and Edvin Oldrin.



Why do some nations use the lunar calendar?
Lunar calendars are based on a cycle of lunar phases, which calls lunatics. The year contains 12 lunations from 29 and 30 days, to coincide with the duration of one lunatics. The lunar type are calendars of Astecs and Muslims, which have 10 or 12 days less.

I read this informations when I was when I read my child her book about universe, something I already knew, and something I learned from this. It's a book 1000 why and 1000 because - Universe. I hope you will like this short story.


Lijepo, poučno i zanimljivo. E sad jesmo li bili na Mjesecu ili ne pitanje je za raspravu. Ima puno argumenata i s jedne i s druge strane.

Hvala. A sto se tice teorija, kao i za sve u zivotu tako je i za ovo, uvek ih ima vise :-)

Људи много воле да верују у бајке @jelena.koprivica:

Ако ти ово није довољно, имаш читав филм који је направио ББЦ, скоро четири сата питања на која је могуће дати само један разуман одговор: превара!

Да су били, не би НАСА слала Орион модул 2014. године у Ван Аленов појас да мери радијацију!

If they were on the moon, NASA wouldn't send Orion module in 2014 into the Van Allen belt to measure the radiation!

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