Allies vs Adversaries

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


In a recent post, I explained how I found my way into photography, what draws my attention and why.

When I began drafting that post, I'd intended to announce a new initiative. As a preface, I wanted to introduce the concept of using my photographic skills to highlight beauty and touch on why I feel it's important. Somehow, having delved so far into that, it felt out of place to then outline details of a Steemit-specific project.

Here, then – to complete that thread – is a brief addendum.


The first time my partner showed me this platform, I was immediately struck by how...drab it was – devoid of visual stimuli – lacking creative intention. Rather than be put off by my first impression – which was something close to how I've responded to the text-heavy slog that is Reddit – I decided to explore a bit.

Naturally, one of my first stops was the 'photography' tag. We all know what a terrible disappointment that was. I was pretty shocked to see truly unimpressive content earning absurdly high rewards. Of course, knowing nothing of bid bots and reward pool abuse and allll the unsavory stuff, I thought – 'I can do better than that.'

I arrived with that intention, motivated to beautify this platform – to drop intriguing photos wherever possible – to bring the same level of intention to commenting as I afford my primary posts – to pour the entirety of myself into each song I share – to sincerely show up to the best of my ability.

I likely would've been content to continue in that vein, avoiding politics altogether, had I not chosen to speak up about sir Grumpy Kitten.


Sometimes Our Roles Choose Us

The fallout from that post led me in directions I could not have predicted. Though I initially perceived those shifts as being unrelated to my initial intentions for how I'd engage with this space, I've come to understand that it's all related.

The in-between place in which I found myself during the week following that post afforded me a rather unique perspective. As described in a follow-up piece, I saw a lot of unproductive bickering, and found myself wanting to step in – to somehow help facilitate resolution between opposing sides.

I saw a glaring need, and though I felt uncertain as to my ability to effect real change, I launched a diplomatic initiative – the Steemit entity, @theziplomat, and its related Discord, The Kindness Collective – a dedicated space for conflict resolution, mediation and emotional support. (@Sykochica and I recently had a chat, on record, about what that looks like.)

'In an ideological age, diplomacy may seem weak and prosaic. But sometimes it is all we have.' – Noah Feldman

Allies vs Adversaries

I now realize this initiative is an attempt to beautify the ways in which we communicate – to encourage more productive, gracious means of engaging one another, as well as how we relate to ourselves.

I may still be a newbie, but I already care about the health of this place. Even if only by degrees – this initiative aims to bring a bit of balance to the overall conversation, lest we slowly erode our foundation, one petty argument at a time.

I know this won't be easy. On the contrary, I can tell already — it’s a rather thankless job. Regardless, I won't shy away from it.

Why? Because I imagine how this space reads to those who haven't yet joined – folks like myself who're watching from the sidelines, wondering wether or not they should dive in. If what they see is the ugliness – the childish, retaliatory flag wars – the harsh, unfriendly exchanges between people – how likely are they to want to join?


The Kindness Collective

I may have initiated it, yet this project is not mine, nor is it about any one person.

I hope the community will come to embrace it as belonging to all of us – that others will eventually step forward to offer mediation and emotional support – that we begin to catch ourselves before lashing out, choosing to work through rather than escalate our grievances – that, in ways big and small, we learn to be a bit more compassionate with ourselves and one another.

An excerpt from the The Kindness Collective manifesto:



“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall take flack from both sides."- Unofficial UN Motto” ― Robert Lynn Asprin, Sweet Myth-Tery of Life

Heartfelt gratitude to those who've already joined the effort:


To request support, simply tag @theziplomat or visit the The Kindness Collective and leave a message in the #support-requests channel.


Thank you for bringing this together and into the spotlight. I hope that this Diplomacy Initiative can help many here, that it finds those that need it.
I look forward to talking to you more about all the things @zipporah, you are already very inspiring and I barely know you ♡♡♡
Much love!

I hope so, too! I imagine it'll be a slow start, and I'm just as curious as anyone about wether or not people will utilize these offerings. Time will tell. Thanks again for being an ally. ;)

Best idea ever, and a much needed resource, well done, I'm in.


Beautiful GIF. Thanks for sharing! <3


I LOVE that animated short. The first time I saw it, I cried.

Your manifesto is just what we need in this in the world!


Glad you agree @firedream! :)

Hi @zipporah, I just stopped back to let you know your post was one of my favourite reads and I included it in my Steemit Ramble. You can read what I wrote about your post here.

Join us on Thursdays for Pimp Your Post Thursday at 11am EST or 7PM EST in the Steemit Ramble Discord or:

If you’d like to nominate someone’s post just visit the Steemit Ramble Discord

Honored to be curated by you, miss @shadowspub! Dawn's pretty cute, too. ;)

Wow this crosses so many of the feelings I have had with Steemit since joining a couple months ago. Your grumpy cat story really exemplifies why I've had a hard time gaining traction here both in terms of the content I produce and actually wanting to continue.

I would say in the roughly 2 months I have been here I put in a really solid first month trying as hard as I could. Then some personal issues and depression took me out of the game for a week or so. But in the time since I have had a hard time wanting to put in the same level of work as when I first started.

That said, I have seen an uptick in a lot of interesting and quality content and people trying new things including groups, contests, trying to make niche content pop etc. So I'm really excited about that, and posts like yours. And I'm definitely going to give it some more time and specifically try an experiment with posting my first journalistic (rather than more personal) article here soon. But I'm still not 100% convinced I'll stick around for the long haul. We'll see.

I also just noticed you're from Portland. So am I! Exciting to meet other locals on here.

It's true! I'm heeeere. I may as well not be, however, as I'm a total hermit. Guess that makes me perfect for this platform. LOL!

It's true – it's hard not to get discouraged. If you fall off for more than a week, it's quite hard to get back into it. Trust me – it's worth it.

I'm not sure if you're on Discord yet – I'm thinking perhaps not as I've never seen your name – but I've come to understand that networking there is crucial to succeeding on Steemit. Depending on your interests, I may be able to recommend a few, relevant servers for you. ;)

When you spoke of this on MSP Waves I was inspired and impressed with your community-mindedness and initiative.
You're a weaver of harmonizing webs of connectedness...

Thank you, dear. I'd say the same about you, magic man. ;)

Sounds good @zipporah. I do not care for Conflict so any way to deal with it using compassion and understanding is alright with me.

upvote follow bunny.gif

Cute lil' animation there. Thank you. :)

I love it!!!! Thank you for making this happen <3

Just tryin' to do my part. ;)

You carry the beauty of the real world to Steemit. You have a very good mission!

Thank you @nsbachurin. Glad you think so.

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