The Great Steemit Storybook - 2nd Edition - Co-Author & Earn SBD!

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Following on from The Great Steemit Story, I am inviting you to join me for the 2nd Edition; An against the clock, collaborative, creative writing challenge, where all co-authors earn an equal share of the SBD payouts for their contributions.

Aims Of This Project:

  • This project gives steemit users, who might otherwise be struggling for content ideas and subsequently rewards, a chance to get involved, contribute, earn and invest and provides an interesting medium for writers to collaborate their creativity.
  • Everybody involved is helping to write the story; the co-authors and the curators equally.
  • The Great Steemit Storybook, on completion, could be sold on Amazon, as the the first, against the clock, blockchain based, community written, collection of short stories - potentially reaching a massive audience of keen readers and furthering the promotion of this awesome platform in the process!
  • There is a real chance of decent SBD rewards for all successful contributors (co-authors and curators of passages), if this project gains traction and has a high enough level of engagement as a result.
  • Who decides what kind of story will be told? You do! - It could turn out to be a comedy, or just as easily a horror story. I’m looking forward to seeing where it goes.


  • The story is started off by the author of the last successful passage submission, from the previous edition. This includes passages that didn't make the final cut before the first payout was initiated, and the subsequent editing window closed.
  • You submit your passage in the comments section below, using the same format as started with in the story below: putting in brackets your username and passage number at the end of your submission. For example......."So much treasure, but no value!" - (sauravrungta, 1) - This will make it easier for me to keep track of things in the long run as the story grows.
  • The successful passages will be those that are the most upvoted by the community, so in this respect, curators have just as much of a say in the direction of the narrative as the authors.
  • You can only contribute 1 successful submission to each story, so as to give everybody a chance to get involved. If your submission for a particular passage was not upvoted and successfully included in the story then you can make as many submissions for any further passages you want, until you are successful.
  • This is a 12 hour, against the clock story (no further editing after the first payout)
  • All successful co-authors will receive an equal share of all SBD payouts - (the 12 hour and 4 week SBD payouts), paid out by me, from my steemit wallet, directly to each successful co-author's wallet; each receiving the same SBD amount, all verifiable via the blockchain.
  • The comments section could potentially get very populated, so please only comment with your passage submission and your username and corresponding passage number in brackets at the end, as described above.
  • Passage submissions should be no longer than 8 lines long.
  • As shared editing access to live blogs is not possible on steemit yet, It will be only me that is able to check in on the story and update it accordingly. I will aim to check in as regularly as I possibly can do; at least every hour, to add the successful, upvoted passages to the unfolding story, but please bear in mind that I’m a freelance yoga instructor, who has lessons, here and there, to attend to. I will however, be monitoring this in all of my free time, which will be considerable enough to ensure that this story is the masterpiece you deserve it to be! Bear in mind that you will also need to keep checking back in every so often, to see how your passage submission is doing; whether it has been upvoted or even added. If you missed out snagging the latest passage, then submit another idea for the next passage.

The Great Steemit Story - 1st Edition - Payouts to date:

Whilst I initiated the story of the 1st edition, I decided to forego my equal share of the SBD payouts so that all of the other co-authors would get a little bit extra back for their hard work. Congratulations to @brianblackman, @razvanelulmarin, @nenad-ristic, @meesterboom, @malute and @maliciarogue for their excellent contributions to the 1st edition of The Great Steemit Storybook. You can read their fine work here:

Ok, So, Let's Begin!

The Great Steemit Storybook - 2nd Edition

As he sat there on that lone island, looking at the vast reaches of the ocean, he began thinking about the series of events that had led him there. “Could it be destiny?”, he asked himself. If so, why was it making a joke out of him. What use would all the treasure be, if he were to die alone on that island; isolated, defeated. No food or water. No chance of rescue. He recalled the very moment he had discovered the treasure just a day before, when he was foraging for food. He had gone from total ecstasy to deep despair in a manner of a second as the ironical predicament hit him. So much treasure, but no value! - (sauravrungta, 1)

The man on the island was Henry and he was a wanker. He was a sad wanker, wallowing in self-pity instead of doing a smart thing; look up!. At the exact same time a small private plane was flying dangerously low to the island and the only sober man inside - I can tell you, that was not the pilot - was just looking at the island dreaming of owning it. He could, too. But then Henry would have screamed and shot his flare gun and made a whole show, hoping to get noticed and who knows, maybe he would have been. But our Henry wasn't a man of action, which makes his current predicament even more surprising, and his waiting for his death just as predictable - [ razvanelulmarin 2 ]

But it looked as if fate was prepared to deal Henry a good hand for once. The plane's engine started to splutter and cough. The pilot looked quizzically at the controls through his beer sodden eyes. 'Aw shit, this baby's goin down guys and I don't mean sucky sucky five bucky down!" The sober man, reached over his chair and grabbed the steeming drunk pilot by the shoulder. "Just land us on that island safely you drunk bastard and I'll give you anything, anything you hear!" Henry, looked around quizzically, was that a plane? He removed his hand tentatively from his nethers, but not too far. Damn, but it was!! Rescue!! (meesterboom 3)


But it looked as if fate was prepared to deal Henry a good hand for once. The plane's engine started to splutter and cough. The pilot looked quizzically at the controls through his beer sodden eyes. 'Aw shit, this baby's goin down guys and I don't mean sucky sucky five bucky down!"
The sober man, reached over his chair and grabbed the steeming drunk pilot by the shoulder. "Just land us on that island safely you drunk bastard and I'll give you anything, anything you hear!"

Henry, looked around quizzically, was that a plane? He removed his hand tentatively from his nethers, but not too far. Damn, but it was!! Rescue!! (meesterboom 3)

" The man on the island was Henry and he was a wanker.
He was a sad wanker, wallowing in self-pity instead of doing a smart thing: look up!.
At the exact same time a small private plane was flying dangerously low to the island and the only sober man inside - I can tell you, that was not the pilot - was just looking at the island dreaming of owning it. He could, too.
But then Henry would have screamed and shot his flare gun and make a whole show hoping to get noticed and who knows, maybe he would have been.
But our Henry wasn't a man of action which makes his current predicament even more surprising and his waiting for his death just as predictable" [ razvanelulmarin 2 ]

Give me back my two minutes.


heart = broken!! [ you're a slow reader man :( ] :))

Henry tried to leap to his feet, but the dehydration made him woozy, and he nearly fell again. He fumbled for the flare gun, getting the clasps open, and loading the one shot.

He fired the gun, and saw the trail of smoke, barely visible in the daytime, as the plane started circling in. (nenad-ristic 4)

He looked across the beach at the sand and saw something strange, something partially buried in the sand, almost as if the sand were slowly sinking in to it. He stood up, rushed over to it and began brushing the sand away from the surface. It was some kind of door or cover. But he couldn't find how it opened, so he started to dig around it so that he could clear the sand completely. As he cleared the sand he began to notice strange markings carved into the edges, and the surface. In an Ancient language he had never seen before.
[MarsResident, 2]

Is this a submission for passage 3? If so please ammend accordingly with your username and passage number in brackets after your passage, as stated in the rules. Otherwise it all starts to get very confusing. Thanks.

@marsresident, unfortunately you added the required passage number details after passage 2 had already been added, would you like to submit a contribution for passage 3?

Offering up my illustration services if you guys need some stuff drawn!


Hey @klye, let's work see what we can work out for future editions :)

So glad I was selected to begin this edition's story! It's really awesome that you are doing this. This will help so many writers out there who are waiting to get noticed and contribute to the community! Cheers! :)

Henry yelled, "Da plane da plane! " The sober man slaped Henry across the face and said, "Get your act together!" "We need to get the attention of that other plane." Henry looked at the sober man and began to pout, "I need more booze and I haven't touched myself in hours." The sober man had began collecting dried palm to catch on fire when the plan began to circle the island. Henry looked up and said, "That planes looks a lot like a C130 and I think its loaded down." The sober man said, "Ahh shit! Quick we need to get these palms on fire now before they drop the bomb!" Both men started hustling palm to the a bare spot on the beach when they hear a loud boom.

Henry said through semi slurred speech, "I don't think we are moving fast enough."

"No shit."

"Fuck it I'm lighting this on fire now."

Another boom was hear even closer than before. Henry shat himself... The sober man looked over and said, "Really dude?" Henry looked up, "Sorry the bomb scared me." The sober man looked forlorn, "Come on! We don't have much time."

Just as he said that the palm ignited with fury! A giant ball of smoke rose just as the plane was circling back...

Hi @naifaz, reading the submission rules would be useful

Henry ran through the jungle . His breath rattled . " Oh old boy too many cigarettes at al ..... " He fell to the ground . His foot crunches as it runs against the stone. While he is there , and the pain makes him blind , he hears a roar from the jungle . While his eyes close , he only sees the eternal blue sky . (jayfox 4)

Working on it.

You have to submit for the second paragraph. Only when the second paragraph has been edited into the post, can one submit for the third...and so on... Please submit one for the second paragraph! thank you! :)

Sorry! I got it. I was a bit confused by the rules. Will edit it.

This story is almost forced to turn in to Comedy from here. I am trying to think of what could go next, and everything is funny.

From, at least being happy that no one can snatch his new chain, to remembering that there were bottles next to the "treasure" (I assume Precious Metals/Gems/Jewelry) and they turn out to be alcohol, which is the only thing he has to drink, to a Parrot coming up and talking to him, to the Island actually being a Giant Turtle. It all just gets funny from that point.

Adding that there was no chance of Rescue and no Water kind of limits the story-line and having him thinking about treasure rather than how he got there limits it even more. But someone will probably think of something that isn't just comical.

.......or it might signal an imminent rescue ;)......(at least in my mind it does)

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