Mark Zuckerberg just filled his nappy!!! Facebook's DIRTY tactics against STEEMIT...

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Have you ever wondered why steemit posts get little to no attention on Facebook?

Well that happened to me and it not occur to me why? As a minnow I am obvious scraping the last few crumbs of my brain to find a way for my posts to reach more people as it take very little time for a post to sink and disappear when i don't have a huge following yet. But I didn't get a single like or a response at all. Nor did my friends know what I am talking about when I ask them if they like that think I posted on facebook. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON? We will go deeper into that...

So what's going on? Are INTERNET GIANTS just as dodgy as any other sales based company? Do they do the dirty when it comes When their profit or their EGO are threatened? Well let's have a look at what these GOATS are up to.


has just been fined $3.27 billion dollars for manipulating search engine results to give themselves an unfair advantage of other online sales websites as they have THEIR OWN sales services now...


has been flagging steemit posts as SPAM, and in some cases unaware to the user, any post with a link in it does not show to to any Facebook friends... (Shadow Banning).

No sweetheart, more and more people are experiencing no reaction when posting on Facebook. And Google getting fined is all over the news.$3.57-billion-by-european-union/8657470

So why would Facebook give a shit what links it's users are posting. I mean among the mountain of meaningless crap people post on there it usually care. People go there have fun, talk to each other, get likes, be pointlessly addicted to the validations and selfies, keep in touch with families, etc. As long as there are a TON OF PEOPLE THERE doing their own thing they profit from advertising. And now people are shopping on Facebook. Don't get me wrong, I have loved Facebook for d=nearly a decade now for all sorts of reasons. It's fun, and it's handy, and at times I find myself senselessly burning many hours on the clever consecutive video streams.

As I was saying, as long as there are lots of people active all the time, they will be exposed to the advertisements that Facebook gets paid for. There is no concern about good content or content at all. Suddenly STEEMIT gets on the scene. And it there is an incentive here that encourages us to create good content and create it with integrity. People who do well here stay away from pasting a link and calling it a post. Or copying and pasting other people's content and calling it a post. And being rewarded with a currency for good content is let's face it. On Steemit people and conscious of what they put out and care what they create that takes time and effort and time. And with @MinnowSupportProject helping so many of us minnows, it can be very rewarding. We cannot do 200 posts a day, we get to do less, but at a higher quality. Remember when taking a photograph required paying for film and then costs money to develop? We valued every shot. Facebook posts are like talking pictures on your phone... It's unlimited, quality does not matter, costs nothing. Much like most Facebook posts. A game changer.

Now I for one, and I am sure many other steemonites here are spending less time on Facebook and more time on steemit. And Facebook does not like that. If there is no huge crowd there grinding towards nothing... then their sales go down in the sales department, and the paying advertisers stop paying.


  • Do they create and offer their users an equally rewarding experience?
  • Do they modify their platform that encourages quality content?
  • Do they say or do anything about the mountains of trigger happy content?

They set the platform to recognise links as SPAM.

![Screen Shot 2017-06-28 at 1.37.43 PM.png]

Or worse they SHADOW BAN some material so no one sees it and the poster is none the wiser!!!!!

Hey if big organisations behave like that they will ultimately lose out as everyone will lose. Imagine if all of us here at steemit behaved like that...

Everytime someone does better than we do, like if they make more money on their posts, or get a more followers faster than we can.... and it hurts our EGO's. Or we are dumb enough to be roped into thinking steem is scarce and worry that we miss out. And have a tantrum.

And instead of improving our own quality of post and go and flag anyone that's doing well. The whole community will fall in a heap.

What is your opinion on this? I invite you all to join me in a discussion in the comments section. I love a good discussion and I like to drop upvotes and follows in comments when I learn something or something cracks me up. And if you liked this post please RESTEEM to improve the discussion. And an upvote and follow would be much appreciated if I have earned it :)

This post was inspired by an awesome post by @firepower.

Hope to see you soon




I spend maybe only 3% of my time on FB, from what i used to. And I personally promote steemit offline. And it works !

I think you are right. Mst steemians will spend substantial time here and only a few minutes on Facebook to address family or friends and not post much as it is pointless. Telling people about steemit offline is the way to go and then it is up to them to decide if it is there thing or not.

Thank for your comment.

May I ask for a favour and get a resteem from you. I would like to hit a wider audience before I write my next facebook article. Much appreciated.

ok, no problem. Done

this info needs to be broadcast and addressed.

Thank you, much a appreciated. I do want more people to see this. Can you do me a huge favour and resteem this before it sink into the darkness :)

Agreed @surfyogi , crazy stuff bro!

Sorry, I tried to resteem this article, but I guess i'm too late, it won't let me, I missed it by a few hours I guess?
Great article. Very informative.

You are a very bright guy, but keep in mind, you gotta tone it down so your viewers can take it all in; fire hoses are just too much at once, right?

I always like advice from you. But tell me more as I am a keen learner. I ask in good context. WHat do you mean by tone it down?

I really don't know they seeing steemit post as spam. Its really bad behavior. They know steemit is more popular and more and more people join if they see that ads. Facebook may be not like as steemit is at that place. I always notice that if someone doing batter then they not like and try to pull down but not thinking about that we do more batter then it. I also spend less time on fb because people there only doing timepass and post anything meaningless so its batter to spend time on good place like steemit.

I'm also spending much less time on facebook since joining this community. I think the best way to spread the message to your friends is through personal messages, those can't be censored the way a more general post can be. I have been reaching out to my friends that are great content creators and informing them of this amazing space. :) Onward and upward, just followed ya.

I totally agree. Personally i promote steemit offline. How? I have described it in several my past posts. Check it out.

Nice! I've been sharing it with friends and neighbors and at communal gatherings. :)

Yeah.... totally as I was saying before they are mostly trigger happy posts with little or no quality.... posting like that on steemit will see that you have no followers or upvotes..... integrity in posts is a big thing here.

Awesome comment upvoted...

Any chance of a follow and resteem if I earned it?;)

Really thx for sharing this post because i really not aware of it and i also noticed its less like and less people visit through Facebook and may be they not appear on other wall as we can only see on our wall but still Facebook don't know that though they do whatever to stop people but they can't success in it because however good thing automatically come on front of people.

Thank you for your support and compliments.... success is a win win game. That is law......

Any chance of a resteem so more people see this. And I would love an upvote and follow if I have earned it;)

resteem done

Thank you :)

strategic raids on facebook to eat more of their marketshare is on the table right now. new personal mission of mine.

Facebook needs to die. Steem is a battering ram.

Zuckerberg's fall from power will be a blessing to humanity.

I don;t want anyone to suffer... not even Mark. At least facebook keeps me in touch with friends and families... just that now I spend all my time here... I won't be seeing their advertisements and same goes for many steemians....

Hey have I earned a follow and upvote... and can you please do me a favour and resteem this for me.... Thanks a million

I don't wish him personal ill. I just want his business to crumble for his obfuscated censorship and political engineering. Steem is the tool to do that :)

Followed, upvoted and resteemed!

Fakebook is doing this because of the same reason that gods lick their balls

Lick my balls.... hmmmm. Hahahahaha

Hey any chance of a resteem before this sinks down to nothing? :)

:) lol

i also did a little mind mmm

Lol. Hope that's all u did hahahahaha

facecrook more like...

Upvoted & resteemed

Thank you so very much for that.

Hope I have earned a follow. You seem to be on the same page about bad business practice :)

Followed you i have. And also, screen-shotted the header pic of MZ and added it to a thread on my fb page -- workin it Holmes!

Wow! I can't believe that facebook is doing this! It is extremely unethical and I hope that they get into trouble for it.

They probably won't except that they will lose a lot of revenue from advertising. I was an advertiser and it is frustrating when the audience disappears ....

May I please have a resteem. And if you liked my article a follow and an upvote ;)

I noticed that something was wrong. The same post when posted directly into Facebook can get 150 likes and comments. When it is linked to Steemit "zero" likes "zero" comments. Wondering if I posted the link to Steemit inside a seprate blog address like eblog or Speaking Tree it might escape the facebook filter.

That's because Facebook is doing the dodgy on ya bro :)

Hey can you please resteem this for me so I can get this to more people before I release my second article on facebook?

And if I earned it I would love an upvote and a follow :)

I think this is a good in depth analysis on Facebook versus steemit and I don't deny that this is happening. But I'm also skeptical. I just recently shared an article I wrote on Facebook and I got a pretty God response from friends. They didn't have good things to say about the site though. So I think the issue here is an ignorance of the masses. Most people on Facebook really don't care.

Yeah....Many on Facebook would be ignorant and/or lazy. But there sheer headcount means that 10% coming here would be huge. And it does not have to be one or the other. I am researching on the 'how tos' in using Facebook to leverage steemit posts. I mean I spent 10 years building it, I'm not just going to delete it. Up voted. Any chance of a follow and most importantly a resteem if I added value? :)

Yeah I'll follow. I enjoyed the article. If you're looking for information on crypto investments I'll be posting a chain of articles explaining my investments in the near future.

@yoda1917 great article, thanks for sharing. @mountzsamuel I'm interested in your journey, have followed you both

Thanks Yvonne..... I invite you to come and visit @yoda1917 My recent articles are very heavy on my journey and a bit emotional.

And can you please please resteem this for me before it sinks into nothing :)

Following you and looking forward to these articles. Any chance of a resteem before it sinks like minnow poo? lol

Keep up the good articles and you'll see a esteem

Thank you for the compliment I will meet going :)