Online poker, like other areas of activity, is not complete without scandals ⚠️
Any means are used to beat the playground: special programs, hosting, etc.
Today we will tell you about one incident that happened at the poker room Absolute Poker.
🃏 After one of the poker tournaments, the player with the nickname Marco, who took 2nd place, suspected the winner of cheating. He asked the support service to review the distribution history, which only increased his suspicions.
*The fact was that the winner of the tournament nicked Potripper beat everyone in such a way as if he knew what cards his opponents had 👀 When there were strong cards in his hands, the rate always increased, and if one of the opponents had a better combination, then Potripper immediately passed. *
The best players in the world would envy the incredible ratio of bluffing and raising rates.
The analysis of the games showed an interesting feature: a user with 🆔 = 363 watched each game of the winner, regardless of the table. The IP address belonged to the former president of the company, Thomas Scott.
It turned out that Mr. A.J. Green, who won the tournament, was a former employee of the company, and also T. Scott's best friend 🤝
In the poker rooms there are special “super-users” who are endowed with more rights than others. And although they do not have the right to sit down at the table, but there is no guarantee that their friends and relatives will not play with their prompts