Why Steemit is the most undervalued cryptocurrency on the market

in #steemit7 years ago

It's been 3 months since I first signed up for Steemit. Initially signing up on the dapp, I really didn't like the platform. It didn't appear user friendly enough for me. Sure to the everyday user the dapp could use a little touching up here & there, but after realizing how far ahead this dapp actually is, it intrigued me. After playing around with it for a few days it dawned on me how undervalued this dapp actually is...

The dapp itself... If Ethereum is valued @ $30 billion dollars without a single usable top 10 wall street market cap dapp available, then what is Steem worth by itself? If people truly believe dapp's are going to revolutionize the world, then why isn't steemit worth at least 10% of what the wall street social media market cap is worth??? Steemit in my opinion should be worth a min of 6.8 billion dollars + in the near future, if people truly believe in the dapp revolution!

Now lets look a little further shall we?

No sign up fees... Who wants to pay gas to sign up for a product they're not sure they're gonna utilize??? Steemit & DPoS fixes this very complex problem Ethereum is having with their dapps. Freedom always wins!!!

For the first time in Cryptocurrency (I think) with the exception of bitshares. You can password recover, or report a hacked password. This is huge, it gets people to put trust in a product for one of the first times in cryptocurrency. verses losing a password (wallet) or even worse someone stealing your money & you finding out after it's already to late, thus losing the trust of the customer & they never come back. We're in a very unregulated market & it scares the shit out of newbies & I think this is one of the first steps to fixing that trust issue.

iDice, Ethereum's new gambleing ICO... Steemit already has a working one!!! https://pharesim.github.io/steemdice/
iDice had a successful ICO raising over 3 million dollars too! Wait til all the investors realize Steemit already has an dapp functional lol

So after playing around with a lot of the toys steemit has. Reading my followers blogs, checking trending articles, ect... I stumbled onto something I really didn't like. I noticed that you can see any & every person's wallet when viewing their profile, & how much they have in there. This immediately made me nervous. I felt like it was an invasion of privacy & also incentivizes someone to try & get into your account & steal your crypto... After researching the account recovery feature, I calmed down. Then it hit me... This is it! This is what makes this whole dapp take off... THE FACT YOU CAN SEE EVERYONE'S MONEY!!!

Remember the movie The social network? Mark is @ a party & someone mentions "I wish i knew if she was single" & he runs back to his dorm room & starts programming single or in a relationship... This is the 2.0 version of that. Relationship status is so 2008 lol. What's in your wallet is the new & improved version of that! Much like relationship status, your wallet cuts to the chase. No more guessing, no more wondering hmmmmmmm does this person have money? Does this person know what they're talking about in business? Can this man/woman take care of me? Is this person gonna make me better or worse off financially? It cuts to the chase!!! So this single feature on the dapp will do 2 things... It will incline less fortunate people to blog more, so they can earn money & increase their value on steemit. Also a lot of people are about status... They don't wanna look poor, or like they're struggling, so they beef stuff up, the wallet is no difference.

These are just a few highlights I wanted to point out. Steem has a very bright future ahead of itself, I already know it! I encourage you all to do your own research & see just how far ahead Steemit really is!

Any other features this site offers I haven't mention feel free to leave a comment, I love to explore new things & speak to people, cheers!


I am new to the whole bitshares and steem community. The marketing needs some improvement along with more visible FAQ.

BTS and Steem are so multifaceted that it is somewhat difficult to understand and one must search out the answers to how the systems work. It would be wonderful if there was a tab in the settings that linked to an updated FAQ

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