The Community Can Speak Out Against Bad Behavior - And We Should
People have remained silent on real issues for a number of reasons. Fear of being ridiculed, fear of losing rewards, not wanting to sound entitled or whiny, and a lack of visibility into the issues. If we want this to be a decentralized community, that means the community is responsible to stand up for the community.
My perspective is we have a whale war going on and it is impacting the end-users of the platform. I think it is likely hurting the price, growth and user retention of the community. It is also my perspective that people vs. content will bring investment into SteemIt.
So, can we consider stopping the fights over content value?
A few points:
- Yes, you can all use your stake however you like - Yet, we can talk about it and provide feedback wanted or not.
- Yes, we could buy in, but $7000 or so to have an extra penny of influence seems a bit high at this point.
- SteemIt's reputation is being impacted, by sloppy curation. (subjective or not) Odd flagging behavior with rationalizations that do not make sense. It creates a lack of trust.
Speaking directly - My feedback wanted or not.
Steemguild - You have lost my trust, and I am sad your activities have a direct impact on SteemIt, Inc's reputation.
- It might get fixed in the hardfork, but it seems like a moral issue to just keep it up until then. What the hell is with @gavvet and his "Troll Trap" or "Obvious attempt to reward himself in a quiet manner". How is anyone okay with this?
For those who are flagging for "disagreement with rewards", do you see the impact you are having on the community and the innocent people caught in the crossfire? Would it be possible to discuss the issues with those who you feel are doing the "group voting"? Stop flagging Krnel, Karen, MrWang... I could go on.
Call me all the names you want. Threaten to not vote for me, etc. I am fine with all of that. Maybe come out of your corners and talk with others who you don't normally speak with as well. Try to understand the other point of view.
Yes, I know I am adding to the 20 posts already made about the topic, because those who are speaking out, need to feel they are not alone.
I strongly feel just being silent isn't addressing the issues that have the community upset.
If you stop caring so much about rewards, this problem goes away. Crossfire implies someone is damaged, which no one is by their post getting flagged.
The amount of the daily reward pool is directly related to price, which is related to investment and part of the entire fiscal picture of SteemIt. Which by the way, is a unique platform ONLY due to it's rewards. So, yes @sneak @abit. I am concerned.
If you want to cultivate a specific attitude into a culture. There are documented books and methods to do this. It likely wont be helped by negative interaction with the community though.
I don't agree with you at all. There has never been a blockchain-based, censorship-resistant publishing platform in the history of the internet, with or without rewards.
The strength of this platform is its distributed nature. Rewards are just icing.
Okay. I am fine with you disagreeing with me.
I'm still pretty new here, but the initial "shine" is starting to wear off a bit, mostly due to this weird "influence war," or whatever it is.
More than that, the shine is wearing off because there seems to be too much bot/script/automation and not enough HUMANS here. Technology doesn't build communities of lasting value, PEOPLE do.
So I have "130 upvotes." And? That means some technology pinged my post and said "It exists. Upvote 1%." And? Did you READ it? Did you LEARN something? Did it give you pause for thought? Did it make you angry, sad, amused, something else? Did you like it, did you hate it? Agree? Disagree?
And yet, that "technology" seems to be what's at the heart of the conflict... but whether my post was READ and enjoyed by 20 or 2000 actual PERSONS has no value? That doesn't make sense...
There is a community, a techno and crypto community but not a social community. It controls the SP. With collusion and bots, it guides trending and payout.
"Make good content," she says but"good content" is mainly related to development, steem and steemit and some people.
Case in point ^^. GREAT JOB GUYS! give your hands a big round of applause!
Well said. I agree, not enough real live people. I still think we can and will grow.
I want to thank you for sticking to it, and trying your best to right this ship. It is people like yourself who have made this a decent experience.
I still am using Steemit as an opportunity to learn How to use this type of outlet, but given the events of the last month, I can no longer reasonably justify recommending that anyone, who is not already here, start an account here. I could give all the reasons, again, but I am done wasting my time trying to find a way to fix what will not be. There are a few dozen people of value here who continue to bust their asses to post, only to get crapped on by these wealthy lurker trolls who never produce anything of value. Until this pattern of abuse stops, I can't justify putting more energy into supporting the power down money funnels who are pulling the rug out from under all of us for their own benefit and delusions of false flagging grandeur.
I will continue for now, I have plenty more information to pass on to the people who have seen fit to follow me, but I am out of hope for Steemit, and I don't know where to get any more.
Funny you should say that. I really appreciate what you are putting in. If you can, hang in here with us. We will learn to use our voices.
Couldn't agree more! great post!
edit: the more I think about it maybe we need a crowd consensus , if someone gets flagged many times it goes to the community to decide if the flag should go through or not.
I agree, but with the bots, might be hard to figure out what a good number is.
I couldn't agree more! Like I just posted, someone else will come up with a more democratic platform and if Steemit doesn't change...they'll become history.
Such a great idea, good design.. It is worth us fighting for it. We may lose and we may win.
There's a new platform called Yours that's about to start. I'm watching a video about it now. The competition has already begun!
it's been 'about to start' for months. For better or for worse Steemit is operating which is WAY more than the other 'competitors' I've looked at. There are issues but they are because this site is leading the way, warts and all.
Like I've said...We ALL have a vested interest in seeing Steemit succeed. I hope the bugs get worked out because sooner or later somebody will copy the idea and create a bugless platform
bugless? okay, you can keep hoping. It will never happen. The bugs will get worked out here and likely a new set will arrive because there will always be people who complain and think they are right. Or fixing a bug, or group of them, has other unintended consequences.
Personally, I think that is a major reason that so many similar projects are sitting in a still-born position and not launched. They keep hoping they can get it perfect and keep seeing problems. Steemit launched and knew they had to deal with what came.
Well, it is sort of made by design, whales are supposed to police each other.
Nods. Even the whales need a nudge sometimes. :)
Who wrote that post - a month or two ago, I'm not sure - about the real currency here being attention? I've been thinking about that a lot today, and what I hope will happen is that we'll come to realise that what is of highest value here is an honest comment, even if flawed. Of course the whale upvotes are nice, and it must hurt to become collateral damage in the big picture conflict, whatever the [..] it is, but perhaps the community, the real community of humans, will come to realise that human interaction is more important.
For me, that's what going long on Steemit means, not an expectation of STEEM rising up through bubble after bubble, but that a lasting community is established.