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RE: My rant on how steemit used to be, and what it has become. Pictures are worth a thousand words. Heres both!

in #steemit6 years ago

The idea isn't to rain money down on the minnows. I also made my dolphin account through making posts, grinding it out and later putting money in.

Specifically what is it that you think we have to do to keep the minnnows motivated?

Not enough people held on to their stake and powered up. I'm not owning that. I didn't spend my steem I saved it. I keep posting even without support.

You don't get to decide what whales do with their stake. It is theirs to use however they want.


That is very true. We cant control how whales react etc. I feel and have done a post on it in the past (with hypothetical numbers for future steem prices etc) that whales have MUCH more FINANCIALLY to gain from increasing the value of steem and thus steemit the platform than by money grabbing and self voting. It seems to me that the money grabbing right now is going to really really hurt the value of steem in the future.
but hey I could be totally wrong, they self upvote and cash in now, and somehow the value of steem still goes through the moon long term and Im the asshole. But I truly do think that cultivating minnows with original creative content is the whales job. They have so much more to gain from increasing the value of steem, and thus their own investment over the long run.
Its a risky play in my eyes to get greedy now. Especially for anyone who has lets say over 100k SP? It just seems very risky to risk that investment (maybe they bought in at 2 cents, and they have nothing to lose.) for some immediate gains.
I have seen the whole steem atmosphere change in the last lets say 6-8 months... as well as the OUTWARD look that steemit and steem have been getting... People from the oustide see it as a circle jerk, as something that was created and is just another thing being utilized by the crypto elite. (I am of course speaking a combination of some of my own opinion, mixed with things others on discord etc have said (people from off steemit) as well as speaking generally. (NOT ALL WHALES ARE BAD!)
Maybe im just crazy... But It has lost some of its shine and happy feel that it once had.
Thanks for commenting by the way. I appreciate your opinion as I have followed you for quite some time and have always appreciated your content etc.
Lastly I guess to answer your direct question, I think there could be a system in place that the large whales could easily put into effect, where it spreads fractional upvotes out etc to top of hot etc.
In honesty that would be near impossible to keep under track, so its really just a tough thing all in all. But trying something is all I plead for.
Obviously steemit isnt working like a perfectly oiled machine right now... (as im sure many would agree) maybe its just time to try something... anything? different? Its hard. and I certainly cant change much other than speak what I see and feel.

I'm not greedy, I'm just using my stake. It doesn't help my investment of time or money to retain people who will not/can not put money in and hodl.

Doing what I can. We have 37 whales, 237 orcas, 1689, dolphins, less than 9000 minnows and nearly 250k redfish.

The minnows better start resetting their expectations and realize there is not enough support to catch them all. They aren't going to make a lot of money until they build their accounts. It is just impossible. Stop telling them they should be able to get dolphin and whale votes. Let them be pleasantly surprised when they do.

Come on, we have to set realistic expectations not complain.

As I said, I am speaking about whales and orcas... those with steempower over lets say 100k? the real movers and shakers on steemit with potential power to make change.
I feel you may be taking it a bit personally, when I have no intention to A) tell anyone what they HAVE to do and B) I am speaking generally about large accounts. (while you have an impressive 15k self earned as you said, I am not talking about your size of account. That is very impressive though and I wish I had done the same.)
I am not telling the minnows to do anything. I just feel that steemit can be a better place. But I understand we all wont see eye to eye.
I am not complaining. As I have done loads of work with many of the communities on steemit, I understand earning your place.
I just see alot of great content that could be upvoted. Truly good content, that cant because everyones tied up delegating to bots or such. What I am saying and have the total right to voice my opinion about is that many whales dont even upvote content. its all delegated to bidbots which we all know just go to the highest bidder. So out of those lets say 270 ish whales and orcas, who even has the SP free to upvote great content when it comes by? not many I would guess. But like I said we wont all see eye to eye.

I realize I sound like I am taking it personally, it is because I care about the issue.

We have to realize the whales hold their stake, and I don't think they are going to change. So, we need to set those expectations with the community.

I also acknowledge your post sounds like you care as well. :) I just want to put our effort into things we can control and setting expectations. :)

Cheers and thanks for being involved.

That is perhaps the more realistic way to look at it. Well said. I enjoyed the conversation! :) I will put efforts towards things I personally can control. thank you for the dialogue!

I'm not looking for your vote on this, I thought it might be worth my time to share this with you, if we can get more people talking about owning the community and things we can change, maybe we can change the culture. :)

Consider it done :) read, resteemed and upvoted. I agree we have to try and do something!

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