A Friend I Was Arguing With On Facebook, Dropped a SteemIt Link.
It happened. We were debating the Pizzagate investigation and how I thought I hadn't really seen anything that would support prosecution, despite some of the early evidence looking creepy. The next thing you know he drops the following link in the thread. I opened it, saw SteemIt and assumed for a second I had the wrong browser open. When I asked him if he uses SteemIt he had no idea what I was talking about. He Googled it. :)
I thought that was pretty cool. (I am neither into or out of the Pizzagate thing, people smarter than me are working on it.)
The article posted is from @ausbitbank under the pizzagate category.
yes see people HAVE to use steemit to talk about #pizzagate BECAUSE THEY GET DELETED EVERYWHERE else NOWHEREare u allowed to talk about pizzagate without geting banned!
and now we actualy see people joining reddit and buyig steempower JUST to flag the pizzagate posts which basically "downvotes" them and makes them less visible..someone thought a whale must have "downvoted" their pizzagate post .....i dont think thats how it works whales cant take away ur money, but yeah just amazing that pizzagate found its hoome here on reddit i mean steemit because you cant delete posts or archivethem like they do onreddit!
fuck the rest of the internet! the only place you can trust is Steemit, bit torrent and other blockchains!
I love how Asian an japanese this fels! the asians are all into steemit and bitcoin! korea is the number one country for steemit! and chinese are al jumping onto steemit as its censorship free! haha the chinese will try to block acces to steemit.com but many other steem blockchain explorers will surface!
It's creeping its way into the mainstream!
the way is open, cryptocurrencies are more and more accepted and we are only at the beginning. Getting Steemit know with a broader audience is interesting, the way up is open!
Exactly! Steemit is just like a SIDE effect! an ADDED BONUS that we will all get to benefit if we all have a little steem or steempower ! Like how I joined when steem was 20 cents and now at $1 to me it seems like everyone became rich! I even saw some users go from a few hundred grand to well over 1.3 million dollars lie @thejohalfiles and I an also tell everyone is just happier, and I can see the ones who powerdownjust regret it! they miss the payouts they were getting from just comment an curation! Like the johalfiles who hasnt powered downever and he has that 1.3 million insteempowwer andmakes like 2 to 4 thousand dollars in liquid steem every moonth JUST from commenting and upvotinG! he hast ever posted a single post yet! proof of steemits power!
Just imagine! when we go from our current 171,000 users to that 1 million then 10 million mark! it will start to look obvious that steemit is what everyone on reddit had been waiting for, reddit will loose everyon of their users like wen Digg users all migrated over to reddit within the course of a few DAYS!
A great migration CAN happen IF we prepare and start alowing for a larger fund for new users! we shoudl also cut off the new users free steem to justa few cents! they really dont care, and it will allow millions to join when they need to!
how backed up are we oes anyone know? whatsthe averagge waiit time i have people oin all the time and they tell me theyre in after a few hours sometimes! some people it takes a few days for them to get in but its usualy no more tana day! what would happen if millions from reddit just started singing up to steemit, would we be able to handle it?
i hope so because I just feel like this is our chance to ALl become more influential and get what we desrve in the internt world! crypto will propel us up!
for example it seems everything crypto is just bleeding success and money! like every crypto trading or bitcoininvesting youtube chanel nomatter how terrible, all become vvery popular and gain thouands of viewres! because theres not any people doing daily crypto bitcoin shows out there! those that do are teaching alot of people ALOt of stiff!
i am afraid to make a vieo daily youtube show untill i know enough to be able to go off, and not sound like i am making stuff up as i go along! i need to listen to more bitcoin meister and trace mayer
anyway i am SO excited about how FAST we will grow
its BASICALLy a given its something you coul bet your whole life savings on!
tere is O way steem will be worthless in the future! i basicaly can GARUNTEE that steem will AT LEAST be over $2 by the end of the year, and that we will have at LEAST 200,000 users and a 400,000 million dollar markket cap, thats like just to be expected! i actually beloeve we can and might grow even faster, buteven that is going to allow us soe serious growth! i seriously think the sy is the limit!
Steem is the bee's titties
um, okay.
I remember seeing a link about Pizzagate posted on a political blog that I read. It wasn't the link you mention, but I believe it was by the same author. I remember thinking, cool, steemit.
Yes, I've seen that, and while I know some don't like the topic this is the perfect place for that type of topic. Personally, I will be excited to welcome new users with many user-stories.
I'm pretty consistent about sharing everything from my steemit blog to facebook. It seems to help draw people over. I'm fairly sporadic on what I choose to write about, so I really cover a lot of people's interests. Hopefully if we continue sharing, we may build a larger user base.
Good idea.
There is a Pizzagate tag on Steemit with over 800 posts and over 3500 comments ..... some creepy stuff there.
Nice... Use it, use it
hahaha, that's cool.
I don't know why I got so silly excited about it.
Another sign of what's coming!
Very much so and a great sign it is!
Steemit's Google rankings are going to bring in a lot more users over time. I think the payout should be displayed more prominently, maybe at the top of each post, to arouse curiosity when people happen upon Steemit posts.
Very cool.
A good example and value that steem(it) has is (slowly) being noticed! :)

This is me when I "notice" my steem rewards everyday now
