RE: ORGANIC GROWTH IN STEEMIT: Is this the right strategy for me?
It's nice to meet you @rebeccaontheroof. Please don't worry about me. I agree that health should be top priority although it's something difficult for me to focus on now. I have been working as an employee for over a decade and I know that the stressful work life has caused me this illness. When I found Steemit, I found an opportunity to change my life . But it's really hard work having to do that day job and Steemit.
I have no more hope in my current career that I tried to work on for years that's why I'm trying again here in Steemit. This illness is also a reason I have to work hard because the meds are expensive. It feels like a cycle though - work hard - get sick - work hard to pay for the meds - and so on. But I'm still lucky, I get to travel from time to time and have a decent life.
Thank you again for your concern. Little by little, I will try to take care of myself again.
I think you should go the other way around: Try to take care of yourself FIRST... Than everything else...
it's a pity, that you need so much money for your medicine.. but I'm sure you'll find a healthy way for your own... 😉
Thank you @rebeccaontheroof! That is a really difficult way but I will try :)