Why The Steemit Freshman Class Of June 2017 Is Special

in #steemit7 years ago

June 2017 saw more new members join than any other month in Steemit history and that class will change the game.  Much like the July 2016 class changed the platform. I'm not just writing this because I am super proud to be part of the awesome June 2017 crowd, but because I am seeing something happening that is pretty incredible.

I joined on the single largest day of new member sign-ups, June 13th. Over 5,000 people signed up that day. June saw massive amounts of new signups and made up the largest month of new users... The Freshman Class of 2017.

There are  a couple dozen of us that signed up right around the same time and really have taken to Steemit and pushing really hard. People like @arbitrarykitten and @stackin have taken their niche by storm. Just killing it. I'm behind them, but not too far. But we are all pulling for each other. So many of the June class really looks out for each other and that is one huge asset.

These are people that I have never met, but really want to see succeed. If they can do it I can do it. There are at least a dozen others that are from the same time that are really starting to move up. Admittidly, those are just the ones I know about. There are others, I'm sure, in other topics I don't venture in too often.

The thing that is making our class different, is the ones that are figuring some things out are really investing time and effort to helping the newer people. People that joined two weeks ago or one week ago. We've been able to stay ahead of the curve and then see success for ourselves and others by helping this school of fish grow.

 I think this class is special because of our size, and because if we all continue to support each other like we do, and really help these minnows grow together while bringing a lot of new energy to Steemit, we'll grow together... fast. 

We all won't be minnows for long the way we are helping and fostering talent. We'll grow quicker than what Steemit has seen in the past. I do my best to visit and help out newbies all the time, and I am seeing people that I helped a week and a half ago, now posting blogs about how to help newbies. THAT IS AWESOME!!!!

Most of the helpful posts for me were from other people that joined in May that made like $10 bucks at most. Now I'm doing the same as well as lot of other awesome Steemonians and it is growing from there.  

This class is special because the ones that are still standing and blogging in September are going to be able to build a solid following quickly and make a big impact by the end of the year. 

To all the people that have been here from the beginning or from July of last year, the best thing that has happened on Steemit has been this huge influx of new blood. Many that have been working hard since the start are now seeing huge rewards. Couple that with HF19 and it has been great. 

Help foster people like I mentioned above and support the fresh talent and this place will grow very quickly and we'll all make more STEEM and eventually all live our dreams...

(all gifs from www.giphy.com)

Just some of my thoughts. I would really like to know what you think. Please let me know in the comments below.

As always I really appreciate you taking the time to read this! A big shoutout to my awesome followers. I wouldn't be enjoying Steemit as much as I do without you! You all rock!!!


I signed up on 23 June but didn't post anything until about a week ago. On the 5th day of being active my post was selected by @curie as one of the top posts of the week. I am flabbergasted. It's incredible and I am honored. My aim is always to provide good quality content despite struggling a bit to write because English is not my first language. Anyhow that is not an excuse. So keep the momentum people!

You sound like an awesome person to follow and I am following now. I think it is awesome that you can write in multiple languages. I can just do english some spanish and emoji's. lol I'm not even great at any of them. Keep up the great work and awesome attitude and I am sure you will go far. Thank you for taking the time to reply. I appreciate it.

You are most welcome @walkingkeys. I am giving you a follow too 🙂

Happy to be part of this group!! Great post, I didn't realize I joined at the same time as so many others, but that makes it feel pretty cool doesn't it? I notice a lot of the whales joined last summer, so maybe by next summer we will be included with the big guys, giving each other even more support and using our magic Steem power for the good of a new class of minnows ;)

Yooo Freshman Class, Lets get ready to take over haha :)

lol, one day! You are really kicking ass man. I think it is awesome. Keep it up dude!

Thank you so much. Also, I forgot to stop by yesterday and tell you thank you for your service to our country. I hope you had a great 4th.

you're welcome...
I had a pretty good day.
you can see my post to that effect.
Skipper's Log: the laddering

I read it. Looks like you got a lot done. That boat looks like an awesome freaking project! I'm looking forward to watching the progress. I really appreciate your support.

you're welcome.
I expect this project will take years.
I work when I feel like it.
Steem otherwise.

I got a good laugh from the "straight bass homie" gif and proud to be a part of the Steemit Freshman Class Of June 2017. Generation X is well represented in this group. After all, we were kids when the Commodore 64 was released.

So far I am enjoying learning from "whales, dolphins, and minnows". My experience has been very positive so far.

I agree 100%! I had the Coleco Vision and of course my first handheld...

It is a lot of fun to learn and be a part of something that could really change the game for a lot of people. Including us... Thanks for your support!!!

You can count on me for the long haul- I am not dropping out ;) One thing I foresee is September thru February being BIG. I feel there will be much more growth in those months as more people will be in front of their computers as the weather cools, and it happens to be the most creative time of the year for a lot of folks.

This is such an interesting, positive, and amazing journey! I am so glad I was lead here and listened to my instincts and gave Steemit a chance. I am never looking back. Jeeze, every day I am just so HAPPY to be here!

You are a phenomenal addition to Steemit. Keep it up and I can't wait to see where you are in Feb.

I joined in June as well and have had a blast over the last three weeks. We have a pretty solid community growing here and i'm glad to be a part of it.

Me too, bud. This is a really great place. You are one of those that I was thinking of but couldn't remember the name. I remembered the image immediately. You do some awesome charcoal work. I remember that war planes one. I think one of your first big reward posts. It was one of the first posts I saw here an thought, wow, there are a lot of really talented people. Keep up the great work man. You are doing a great job.

I appreciate you giving me an indirect shout out, faithful followers 🙌 ! I hope you figured out that I'm a big fan and love most if not all of your post and try to share the love as much as possible. My favorite quote on this one is,

This class is special because the ones that are still standing and blogging in September are going to be able to build a solid following quickly and make a big impact by the end of the year.

Your realistic and know that not everyone's going to make it and having that cut off date in September makes a lot of sense. I didn't realize we were a class of 2017 but I feel pretty legit about it
high five June 2017 Class of champions!

You are so kind. You make me smile.

You are part of this class for sure and kicking ass. We're going to make it!!! I really appreciate you reading and replying. You did put a smile on my face when I read this. Thank you! To your point about being realistic, I think it is one of the most important factors in a world so riddled with fake information. Thank you again for your very kind words. It means a lot to me. Cheers to the Class of Champions!

Gif game so strong!

hahahha, thank you. You're support means a lot.

I am one of the freshman class. Today marks my 7th day on Steemit. Glad to know I am part of such a notable group! Good luck to all my fellow freshmen

It is a unique group and it is pretty awesome. I'm happy to follow you on your journey. I appreciate the reply. We are in a good group.

Proud to be a member of the Freshman Class of June 2017!!!!!!

Damn right! Thank you very much. You are a very awesome edition to the class. Happy to be your fellow steemonian brother.

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