Finding Topics For Your Steemit Blog
One of the most important keys to success is providing great content in your blogs. You'll need to engage with the community as well, but in my attempt to help new bloggers, here is a few tips on finding topics for your Steemit posts.
When you are just learning to blog, it can be intimidating. You wonder, "What can I write about?"
The fist thing you want to do is start figuring out a few general topics that you are interested in or have knowledge of... things like crypt, sports or your Steemit journey. Once you kinda narrow down what you want your Steemit blog to be, now put out content and see what feels the best coming from you and what gives you the best responses. It is a gradual process and there will be an evolution with you blog.
When you are looking to write a blog, I find it best to keep a notepad or document open on my computer while I work during the day to jot down ideas as I get them. For me, I find it helpful to think of the headline first and work backwards. If I can come up with a good headline, I can write a blog just from that. So I try to write down headlines when I can.
That won't work for everyone, I've had years of experience writing blogs and such. For you it might be different and then maybe some of these tips might help.
When you have a big or little breakthrough, that can be a good blog. When you finally figure out how to send SBD to Bittrex and sell it to buy Cardano, then use that personal breakthrough and write a blog about it. There are new people joining Steemit it all the time, so information like that is always in demand.
Another example would be, you had a breakthrough on making bread. You finally made a loaf of bread that was not burnt or hard on the inside. Write a blog about your journey to good bread making. That is interesting, and I love bread... I would probably read it.
Finding ways to a share your personal breakthroughs in a way that may save someone else time from learning from your mistakes is valuable. That is valuable content.
Lessons And Experiences
When you experience something new in your life, you go to a new lake to camp or a college football game, find ways to share the experience and share a lesson. A lot of people don't think their individual life is important to share, but it is. Things you experience, can be presented on Steemit and people on the other side of the world can see how other people live. There is curiosity value in that as well.
It goes deeper though if you provide an experience, but use that experience to teach some kind of lesson or relay to the reader a lesson you learned. There are two reasons that this is important.
1. Steemit is a positive place full of encouraging and intelligent people. Providing life lessons and the experience to back it up, then it become so much more powerful. That has really meaning and value.
2. You don't have to have grand experiences to have grand lessons. Some of my greatest life lessons I learned in the most mundane of activities. It takes pressure off that you only have to have a great vacation in order to post. It means, seeing the beauty of compassion for a homeless man in the park while you have your lunch could be a wonderful blog.
Just look for little or big experiences in your life and share them, but add some meaning to them. This is one thing that I try to do a lot and have had some good success with this process.
Asking questions in your blog is a great way to work out your own thoughts and also start great conversations with people that comment.
That doesn't mean you can just have a question and that is it. Present your thoughts on the idea or provide background for two trains of thought. Work through how you are thinking about the question and then ask your readers.
Make sure you provide enough info in your blog about the question so that someone can help you make a good decision. For example. If you are trying to decide... "Stellar Lumens or Ripple?" Then present what you like and don't like about each one and tell the reader why you are having a tough time to decide which one to invest in right now for the long run. Start the conversation and give enough context so anyone can jump in.
This is a great way to spark engagement too.
I hope these helped. Find good ways to convert your daily life experiences, lessons, breakthroughs and questions as ways of finding topics for you Steemit blog. When you get good enough, you'll be noticing blogs everywhere.
Let me know if this helped and if you have any questions or things to add in the comments below.
Thanks for reading.
Please accept this espresso shot as a thank you for an excellent post!

Finding topics is not a problem for you :) you always create different and interesting content. This is gonna help me create different posts and stop focus only in crypto content
Keep up the good work!
Thanks man, I appreciate the regular replies. Thank you. I try my best to come up with good content. It is good to know people notice. Thank you!!!
Good examples of ways to incorporate what a person knows or does into creating something to write about here.
It is amazing, and a little bit unsettling really, that someone from somewhere else will find what you're doing fascinating. But because Steemit/Steem is bringing together a vast array of ethnic backgrounds, nationalities and personalities, there's all kinds of things most of us will know or do that others will not even know existed or could be done.
Even the most mundane thing will turn out to be exciting to someone else.
Might help to think of ourselves as a little bit more interesting than what we normally think we are. :) We don't want to think we're all that, though. Unless we are. Then, it's okay. :)
This is exactly what the world needs more of: Bosses sharing value!
I really appreciate that. I don't know about the boss part, but I really do appreciate the complement. You got a new follower.
a post deversed to be vote
keep up
Thanks. Welcome to Steemit, you got a new follower.
you are most welcome
I have gone through various blogs and the ultimate key is patience. Initially very less people will even notice your blogs. I wrote 2 recently, 1 about my Steemit learning and another my experience in my professional world. I hardly had any visitors.
I put enough efforts in it, followed most of the guidelines. Its just that your blog doesn't reach enough audience initially.
Plus the generosity of people has reduced. People with good voting influence have become a lot more conservative now.
Thanks for sharing all your experience and wisdom my good man. This post alone has already got me brainstorming, so thank you!
I am new on Steemit just over 100 followers, and constantly thinking about what topics to share and bring my interest a bit close to the community. The best feedback I got was from my road trips around the area where I live. Still finding my way 😃
This is very helpful, thank you for posting.
Thanks for the good ideas on what to write about. I think sometimes my fear of rejection causes me to not post. Thank you again.