RE: Steemit Hardfork 0.17.0 New Proposed Features to be added in 2017; The Year Steemit becomes a User-friendly Tool for Individuals/Businesses to Access & Interact with Steem's Blockchain
It is a great idea to make it easy to integrate Steem into a website.
Having just recently had a website made for my Girlfriend for her littlest Pet Shop toys, it would be fantastic if she could write a article on her website that will automatically be wrote here, that is something i can see many people adopting instantly.
Very happy to read the Keep It Simple Stupid method as a newbie myself and trying to understand Steem Power and such, basically, i gave up after several hours reading and come to the conclusion, write great articles do not worry about anything else.
I think there is a good system in place here but most people over look it due to it being so difficult for most people to understand.
Overall, i am in huge favor of all the proposals mentioned and i am hard to please! :O)
The only other thing i would like to see, that i did not see mentioned is a REFERRAL SYSTEM would really like to see this implemented also.
Keep up the great work! Really loving this platform.
Appreciate it! I would be interested to integrate Steemit to my website! I will keep you updated if i ever come across such tool, it would be amazing to see the impact it would have once many bloggers/businesses make use of this