Help Where Do I Go Folks
Kambo Lifted Me But Where Now ...
Well i've had an long absence recently as I said I would. I have done a lot of soul searching and reflections. Followed by a Kambo ceremony and wow what an experience. Kambo is where you put tree frog poison into burns on you're arm (for males). You have a reaction and a purge making you throw up and detox you're body and mind it's a phenomenal experience. From this Kambo I have opened up many doors within my thinking, my energy levels are booming. People in my circle are commenting on how lively I am. The actual experience was not amazing being sick, it never is but overall the experience immense and sorted a lot of my thought processes.
I am resonating on a new level and even achieving my manifestations, fully realising my life is under my control and when factors have come in from external sources I have too overrule then; this is my new target. One definite realisation is the time spent indoors and not interacting with nature and this is where the development comes. Having always been a advocator of time in nature and it's benefits this is no revelation to me but I need it more we all do
So cutting down on the screen time is a must but at the same time I see the values of Steem and the wealth of information on here. I have tried a podcast but to be honest this is too much work for me. But the question is where to go from here. I have definitely come to the conclusion I can't read everything, tricky when my OCD kicks in but manageable now after reflection. Less effort producing also, I guess previously I have felt pressure to produce content! This is where you come in regulars will know I have done a variety of things on here but what do you think is best?
I don't want to be sharing my personal life but am a communicator and gatherer. Now is the time the hundredth monkey is stirring and more and more people are waking. Here in the UK not a day goes by when people are questioning what is going on and how we can change the direction of this current trajectory. This to me is simple; disengage from the propaganda media and get out into nature and experience the world the rest will come naturally.
How can I do this?
Is it best to put my experiences and thoughts down?
Share my resources and inspirations?
Write poems and art?
I'm looking to this community because it's time we took some action. We can talk until the cows come home, but now is the time to wake humanity!. How can I build community in my area, we need to share these resources. There is so much information on how to live on you're own away from the BS but we need to wake the masses or we are all screwed. Lets move forward and save this species from whatever it is that has dumbed us down. I look forward to you're views?
Lets become what we are supposed to be !!!