@berniesanders and his many alternate identities -=REVEALED=-

in #steemit7 years ago

So last year I got into it with a few people on Steemit.com and one of them happened to be @berniesanders. Today I read that @dan had nuked the @berniesanders account and did some digging. It turns out that @berniesanders has been having issues with numerous other people on Steemit.com since our altercation. Well this got me curious so I did some digging and the results are shocking:

A quick look at @berniesanders/transfers reveals this:

and lots more transfers to @nextgencrypto (which I already knew was him from our chats on Steemit.chat last year!

So then I decided to look at @nextgencrypto/transfers and wow:

It is quite obvious that @berniesanders, @nextgencrypto, @randowhale, @randowhalefund, @thecylcist, @danknugs, @nxtgencrpto10, @engagement are all the same person.

Further digging into @thecyclist reveals he is also (@randowhale1 and @yougotflagged):

Further investigation shows large amounts of transfers from his accounts to @tuck_fheman and @theprophet0 as well. Not sure if he is them too, but it sure looks like he might be!

The biggest surprise, for me anyway, was finding out that @berniesanders is also @randowhale. I had no freaking idea that someone so outspoken and hated in the Steemit Community was also behind the Most Respected and Loved bot on Steemit.

Even more interesting is that between the accounts of his I could find he has over 500 million Steem Power. He also routinely moves money out of Steemit.com to Poloniex and Bittrex so it is entirely possible he then turns around and moves it back into other accounts that I am not aware of, yet!

Let this go to show everyone on Steemit that just because you do not agree with someone, or their actions, it doesn't mean they aren't a Value to the Community. There are literally over 10,000 Steemians who benefit from the actions of @engagement and @randowhale on a daily basis......even if @berniesanders and @yougotflagged are not liked!




resteemed. @berniesanders can be a total asshole and I get why people are mad at him. He's also the single most generous whale on the platform helping minnows by miles. Untouchable miles. So, it's important to realize even though he can be a dick sometimes what he's done for this place is massive. Also, he's not prophet. That's a 15 year old kid.

Also, there only 250M steempower in total. So, he can't have 500 million. But he does have several million to my knowledge. I think you mean vests for the 500 million vests. And I'm pretty sure he has more.

Totally agree. Bernie dropped a vote on me when I was an atom here. It was honestly like my third or fourth post, probably the reason I kept going with Steemit in the first place. At a time when it was damn near impossible to see even .01 or .02 payout on a post his vote showed I could get upwards of 100.00. As brutal as he can be sometimes, he has helped a ton of people grow here.

he dropped the vote on one of my early posts, and then i happened to, in the payout period, see him being 'pleasant' to some people and i said so. BAM! pulled the vote, made it into a flag, whacked my rep from 35 to 10.

So, don't forget to be 'pleasant' to him.

Some of my best friends are assholes so I would never hold that against him.

He needs a thick skin. I flagged one account to the ground and nearly instantly regretted it. I get why he can be like that now. Just glad to see other people calling him out for the awesome shit he does too.

it's not even slightly ironic how thin the skin on the biggest troll actually is... at all. The way I see it, he's sowing the seeds for something down the track that is gonna be a long time coming.

Does everyone start to become ironic and sarcastic in response to this?

I can understand why you'd think that. I would have too, but I've come to the conclusion that's it's not thin skinned so much as it is zero tolerance. It's built out of a great love and respect for this place, and comes with an edge that happens when you get into this shit on the heavy side.

I'll change my opinion about it when he funds someone who is actually doing what the community needs. Until then, I'm self funded and thus my own whale, and my own banker.

the lines about 'get a job' make me the most furious. I'd like to take his money away from him, and with his limited experience in anything but being rich, try and get a job in Australia. Until I hear about him experiencing that, he can go fuck himself and his pussy ass rich bullshit.

I thought it was common knowledge that @berniesanders was @randowhale. I'd have to dig around, but I recall him even making mention of this himself.

I hadn't made this connection, but I believe it was a relatively open secret. Steem is not a community in which secrets are easy to keep. In any case, I think a person familiar with this connection (one of the witnesses) had told me on chat like it was no big deal.

As for @yougotflagged, this seemed like an obvious one. Surely @berniesanders would have been in the top 5 of possible owners of that one, merely upon seeing the name.

I don't believe it was ever meant to be a secret. He openly spoke about it.

Well it was a shock to me and everyone else I have talked to!

I literally just got off the proverbial boat here and I knew that @berniesanders was rando. He has helped me greatly here, along with @aggroed and @canadian-coconut. Steemit and the blockchain have alot of transparency and its not against the "rules" to have multiple accounts. Im sure theres an upside to it in fact. Thats the REAL story here ;0)

It is kind of crazy how rich some of these whales could be and how many accounts they may have.

Mind = Blown. I've been using randowhale since i learned about it. And im new here so i don't really know half the controversy.

Your not the only one.

That is pretty interessting, really. OK, I didn't get the point of the controversial with this @berniesanders anyway. But yes - it is really impressing that on one site is @berniesanders and on the other the minnowproject @randowhale .
Maybe there are other intentions behind, that the majority don't get at the moment - I don't know. ♠

I think the motivation is crystal clear transparent. It's for the lulz

Thanks for sharing the results of your investigation! Personally, I've only read a couple of posts from @berniesanders and I have to say I liked his writing-style and the topics he was writing about. Damn, he seems to be very rich! I'm wondering or he made this much Steem and steempower on Steemit or he bought a lot to get started in the beginning while steem was a lot cheaper then it is nowadays. Followed you for more of your investigations 😊 thanks for sharing!

He was mining steem before Steemit.com existed. He was one of the very first steemians along with guys like @pfunk

Thanks for your reply! Oh I didn't know about that mining! 😃

venuspcs, I'm impressed with your knowledge and interest in steemit. Thanks for keeping us informed

Yeah I thought most people knew that bernie was behind the randowhale project. Anyhow it's more common knowledge now!

What most people don't know is that @randowhale and Steem Power delegation was my idea. I posed the idea many times a year ago. Here is one such post about it: https://steemit.com/steemit/@venuspcs/distribution-of-steem-power-via-gifting-to-create-a-more-level-playing-field-my-2-cents

shortly thereafter the steem guild was formed so that there was more than one player in the game. But post HF19, i think the bigger problem now is UX for new users. There is something pathological about giving out big rewards to newbies and then abandoning them. It's like a drug dealer giving out free heroin, and then what happens after that?

That's some deep level investigation @venuspcs I am a newbie in steemit so I don't really know why there is so hate for @berniesanders . So if you could tell us what the controversy was we would be informed about it too.

Search for "@berniesanders" and all will be revealed!

Ok I will check it out

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