RE: Proposing Hardfork 0.20.0 “Velocity”
I read through your proposal. I appreciate the thought that you and community put into responses and the creativity that we have at our disposal. A couple of quick notes.
Especially removing the dust vote threshold seems dangerous. If automated spam was a bad thing earlier, isn't it still bad? The intention is good, to give new users a chance to interact with the blockchain always, but it also means that spammers will have the same chance.
The spam was problem earlier because of some bugs in the bandwidth calculations that have since been fixed. Users acting in this manner will be rate limited whereas they were not before. It was a problem because of another bug that we did not know about at the time. Rather than keep an archaic rule in place that is causing users today headache, we want to get rid of it.
Your idea regarding tradable account creation tokens is actually one that we were entertaining. But it does not solve an important problem that was outlined in the proposal. Cost over time. There is simply not enough STEEM to sign up the users we need to at current prices. And we don't want an expensive price. Scarcity is good. It creates competition. But in the case of Steem, we want the competition to be for the rewards and not for the ability to get an account. Most of us here understand the value of Steem and would gladly pay for accounts, but that isn't going to work for mass adoption. People would not have started using Facebook in the beginning if they had to pay $5. Maybe they would now because of market share. But we don't have that level of influence yet.
We don't expect mining to be used often for account creation, but there are still many individuals in the crypto space that are not using Steemit who place a high value on their privacy. Verifying a phone number or email address is a non-starter for them.
As for some of your other concerns. Just because they are not mentioned in a proposal does not mean we are ignoring them. We are trying to make these releases as targeted and small as possible. There are many things we want to get around to and will in time.