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RE: How Steemit can save millions of lives?

in #steemit8 years ago

I have spoken directly with the author of the paper that is being quoted about chemotherapy - it was NOT from the 1950s - it was published by the Australian Royal college of Radiologists about 13 years ago:


Having studied this topic for 10 years and read a vast array of authors, including Gorski - AND having seen Snopes being found to be totally wrong on a variety of subjects AND having had to watch my own mother DIE from chemotherapy last year - I am passionate about exposing the reality here. I have a science degree and am pretty capable with processing information. As such I have combined numerous speakers and sources on the controversial subjects - such as vaccines and cancer. I suggest readers review my hard work and draw your own conclusions instead of just jumping to ANY conclusion based on bias or desire to believe anything at all. 'Voices of authority' prove time and time again that they lie, are biased or are just as likely to introduce error as anyone else.
I suggest checking out my recent posts for a variety of speakers I have found over 10 years that I almost NEVER see linked on pages that claim that the problems with chemotherapy and vaccines are 'pseudoscience'.


and vaccines:

This is a different study, only a 5 year study, a very small sample size of just 22 individuals, different author

When I asked, years ago, for the study that was being referenced in the video highlighted on Snopes - I was pointed repeatedly to the one I posted here and not to any other. Did you read it? The study is a meta-analysis and certainly not based on a small sample group by any means.

I read the brief, seemed small to me, but as you can see, I'm getting hundreds of comments...

I'm legitimately interested if that is the case, however it doesn't take away the point of my article since the chemo thing was just something I pulled as an example. If you at least agree that we should talk about these things, engage in discussion with an open mind, then I'm happy.

A few respondents here seem to think the best thing to do is keep to their own beliefs and ignore everything else

Yes, I am totally open to discussing the reality of the situation with an open mind. I have received several death threats from pro-vaccine 'crazies' and so far in all my (probably hundreds) of online conversations regarding chemotherapy and vaccines, I have never been proven to be incorrect in what I am saying.
I am only interested in the truth and health - which is provably not the pure agenda of the pharmaceutical industry. I once worked for Glaxo and know first hand.

Evidence would be appreciated here

Evidence of what? I have already linked you to hundreds of hours of research.

Oh sorry I didn't see your second comment at all. I'm getting way too many comments to keep up with. I'll look into it

Hi first I want to say I enjoyed your style...Some months ago an article came to my attention about a new study in UK. Somehow nobody really ever thought about checking out how many people die in 1 month after receiving chemo. So they looked at it and found out in 1 hospital it was about 50 % and other hospitals up to above 70% of patients. I don't know where this article is but you might get interested, if the truth is what you really seek, to find it out. Also there is a 9 episodes documentary The truth about cancer where some doctors, parents and survivals speak about their journey. Also you could look at the story of Dr. Simoncini and his findings on what cancer really is. It is then not to difficult to understand why the chemo was brought to cancer treatment. I attended a lecture of dr. Brian Clement of Hippocrates health institute where in passed 30 years or something more then 40 000 terminal cancer patients have cured. He spoke about the most poisonous chemo of that time, in the 80s if I recall it right, which was based on zyclon B. This chemo was given to aids patients, the scientist who told him this in that time knew also this would kill the dying people faster but they will bring more money first. One doesn't have to be the smartest boy in the class to see what is really happening. Just follow the money...if you really want the truth of course...and then you will see the same people who control drugs, control food and water by now, lobbying and paying out the politicians...many eye witnesses and whistleblowers come out these days..It is therefore not a dangerous is dangerous to believe the richest and most powerful who control everything to care about each one of us. They don't.
But I enjoyed your way of writing and hope you mean what you say about being open to discussions...I think finding truth should be our highest priority and we all should work together instead of trying put each other down for having a different opinion or knowledge. i think the best way to find the truth is look around in your life, just like @ura-soul who saw with own eyes things happening on or without chemo..these are reliable sources and not the payed scientists and agents of propaganda. Only the fact that children get kidnapped to be put on chemo even if they and the parents do not want that should be at least alarming. I decide for my child for it is my flesh and blood, my tears and laughs, my effort and government or pharma should be able to take it away...and yet they do because they own our children, they own us, they own our lives...But who loves my child the most? Me or my president? Me or my doctor? Me or the classroom teacher? Me or the paus? It is I have the best intentions for my child, I want it to be happy and healthy. There are to many perfectly healthy children who die or get disabled after vaccines...then it is more than obvious parents will get afraid of vaccination. Even if it was right thing to do, why all the additives like aluminium, msg or even nagelase? It doesn't make any sense...And because all of this, people do not trust big corporations and politicians anymore...can you blame them? I don't even trusted my teachers at school because they were not able to give me some logical explanations about things they were teaching. So I follow my own logica based on information I find, never just believe anything but keep digging and digging until it feels right and I think if people start to do that more instead of fighting about whether the government loves us or tries to kill us there will be much more clear.
Have a blessed day and thanks for your thoughts.

Bravo! Thank you.

You seem to be bent on keeping your own beliefs and ignoring anything that doesn't agree with them.

Vaccination and chemotherapy are archaic technologies that demonstrably do physical injury to a larger than admitted segment of the populations who use them. If the FDA was not being used, by the pharmaceutical industry, to suppress new technologies, this would all be a moot point. Search the patent record if you wish to convince yourself. If @ura-soul cannot inspire the interest in truth in you, I wonder if anyone or anything can.

I'mm too drunk to go into this, especially given this post is months old. I disagree with your views, I disagree with ura-soul, but I fully enjoyed my debate (though I got too busy to get back to it...should set a reminder).

ura-soul did indeed inspire interest in truth, but the truth I found was apparently different to you guys.

That's fine with me, I love a debate, I love learning and being corrected, as long as it's civil, and ura-soul (up to where I caught up) was being very civil... so I'm not sure why you went on a tirade of comments on an ancient post of mine?

Objective truth is not subjective, and it is always relevant.

It was hardly a 'tirade'. I'm merely getting caught up.

Anyone searching for this topic can still find it, I did.

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