Steemit Vlog

in #steemit8 years ago

I woke up today right when I needed to be at work. I raced to put on my clothes, brush my teeth, and grab my bag.

As I was driving I was thinking how useless I was not even being able to wake up on time, and what my boss would think. My mind started wandering to excuses such as, well Wednesday I was up till 1am updating a computer for your remote employee. That wasn't a bad excuse actually, my mind wandered still. I could say I was stuck in traffic, or something else. But I thought the staying up to update an employee was a good excuse since it showed I was spending tons of time on work. But then after all the work I put into thinking of excuses I knew I didn't want to make excuses, because there was no excuse for my tardiness.

I drove up to my building, 25 minutes late. I checked my bosses parking spot, fuck, he is here. I raced through the back hoping he was in a meeting and got right to work. He came out shortly after and said, "How's it going?" I said, "Good, good." He left my office. Phew...

As I was going through the grind we had a morning meeting. I joined in. When it was my turn to state my business I remembered my boss wanted me to hound several guys for not preparing their data for a graph I was preparing. I gave them shit for not preparing my information, they gave me shit back for not telling them, despite myself having done this already. I didn't care much, this is a cycle I have been experiencing for a week. I resorted to documenting all verbal confirmations via email so I could reference back to them later. But this was a battle I really don't give two shits about, I can only keep reminding them and when my boss yells at me I can tell him I am trying to get the information from them.

My boss comes in later to instruct me to purchase a really nice home computer for him. He wants to use it for office, web browsing and video viewing and he is telling me shit like: "Get a really nice graphics card, get a solid state drive, is 16 GB enough RAM?!" I proceed to generate a casual recommendation based on his prerequisites. He wants a bigger screen and a touch screen. I give him another casual recommendation and he fucking falls in love. Orders it on the fly. This guy wants one of everything from dell and toshiba.

My IT underlings inform me of being unable to repair a computer the night before. "It is really hard," "Couldn't do the other thing because the first one was so hard." I get slightly pissed but already figured out a temporary workaround.

I go out to lunch, get a sandwich from Jewel. Always amazed at the prices compared to restaurants around my office. < 5$ for a sandwich, banana, peach and plum. Head back and find my boss in the break room. "Crazy stuff going out there." I agree with what he says and move on with my day.

I am grabbed into a meeting about the graphs I had discussed earlier. "What is the status?" "What is the holdup?" I tell him that I am waiting for these people to give me so and so data. One of the people in the meeting said, "Oh, I already have that." O.o Say what now? He walks over to his desk and says, "Oh, guess I never sent you the email." I take a deep sigh and head back to my desk.

I start working on the graphs. When I finished, I pinned them up to our board to present them to our office. Not 2 seconds later my boss leaves his office and says, "Get back to work." and "Do you just do nothing when I am not here?" I show him the graphs. He glances over and says, "I don't know what my boss wants, but whatever he wants." (His boss isn't here today.)

I feel like my day was one big, "I ain't get no respect!" But I am also very fortunate, at least that is what I think as I drive home. I have money coming in, I am doing a good job, despite what my manager says when he is pissed at other people. I have a place to sleep, food in my stomach, and people that love me. I reach out to one of my friends who was going to hangout with me this weekend. "Hey, can you hang?" "I am going on vacation!" "So no hanging this weekend?" "No."

So I go onto to learn more about Access VBA for a database project I am working on. I post a question on steemit, no one responds. I post another article hopefully to learn about communicating outside of steemit about the steemit community, no one responds. Then I post an article about how discouraged I was about posting to steemit and not hearing anything or only receiving up votes and comments who post 10k a day. Someone responded with a, "Stop caring if anyone is seeing this. They are. You doing what you are currently is making others not care" I agreed to give his method a try. So here is my IDGAF if anyone reads this post. Maybe good? Maybe shit? Maybe I don't care? I was hoping to create a better community, but obviously I should have a different perspective on posting, so here it is. Thanks for not reading, or reading... or you know...


Constructive criticism, if you added some photos into your post/stories/blog then you'd get a lot more up votes. Your a very good writer and having people to look only at text is so "primitive" and "yesterday", especially on STEEM lol.
Look forward to reading and seeing more from ya'. Keep up the great work!

Thanks for your comment! I debate including photos, but I know a thumbnail helps. I just refrain from using too many photos, which can take away from the content. Thank you.

yup i agree, simplicity is beauty... too many picture will clutter the content

You are on your way my friend! I am sure it was a little bit cathartic too. haha! Just keep creating, have fun and in the end, you'll have won.

Man, reading about your life makes me stress out. I remember office work...

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