6 tips to overcome writer's block and write your perfect steemit post

in #steemit7 years ago

Hello there people of steemit

So, you finally chose the topic to talk about on steemit and made all the research necessary. You open a notepad, and you keep starting at it for 16 min.  At least that's what I do! and it's longer for some people and shorter for others. It's totally normal, everyone experiences it, even the best writers. 

Here are some few tips to help you overcome the writer's block everytime. A mix from my personal experience and what I read in books on this topic


1. Write anything

When starting, don't try to think about all the information you gathered and how you're going to put it all in one perfect long post, you will definetly get stuck. As will smith said, don't set out to build a perfect wall, instead, try to perfectly lay down one brick at a time. Start small. So, in our situation, write anything, start writing down the main titles. Now focus solely on the first title and forget all the other paragraphs, think as if you're only writing one paragraph. Start writing random words( related to the topic of course), now  you have a sentence, continue writing. It doesn't matter if you make grammar mistakes or your phrases are not well formulated, just write. Soon you will have your first paragraph ready. Repeat this for every paragraph and boom you have a post. Yes it has grammatical mistakes and some mistyped words and misformulated sentences and now is the time to go back and edit them, which bring us to tip #2

2. Save the editing for the end 

Sometimes writers constantly switch between writing fluently and editing/correcting words and phrases. This causes them to lose focus, thus they get stuck again. That's why experts recommend writing your whole article first. Ignore the mistakes and don't interrupt the flow of ideas. Save the editing until the end. Do not try to write the perfect word and the perfect sentence, trust me you'll have a hard time trying to write a perfectly coherent paragraph right from the start.

3. Talk it out

This sounds weird but it's so helpful. If you're having trouble writing a post, stop writing and try to talk about it as if you were explaining your chosen subject to a friend. What would you say? how would you say it? Talking is easier than writing and it creates a flow of ideas which breaks the writer's block , and now it's easier to write what you were saying instaed of what you were thinking about

4. Get rid of distractions 

Writing requires all of your attention. Create a space where there are few if any outside distractions. Turn off your phone, log out of social media accounts, leave a do not disturb sign at your door.

If u have the four legged creature of cuteness(cat) like I do, this step just got to a different level of difficulty.

Your goal is to have a quiet space where you can focus thoroughly on writing. Some people like to listen to soft music to help them enter a state of flow so they can write fluently. I personally love the rain and its sound calmes me and helps me focus, if you're like me, I highly recommend www.rainymood.com . They have the best rain sound simulator.

5. Change the enviremnet

Changing your enviroment maybe all you need to jump start your motivation for writing and get into a flow state. Try writing in a different room, with a different decor or maybe go outside.

6. Practice, Practice, Practice

As they say, practice makes perfect. If you're struggling to write 1 post in 2 days, you have to attribute more time to writing. Not necessarely steemit posts. Try writing few lines describing your surroundings, write about your date , write about how was your day (this is the easiest one, I do it all the time). Writing is like any other skill, if u devote enough time for it, you will simply get good at it. You'll start writing faster, and what took you 30 minutes to finish before, now takes you 10 minutes. You'll experience less and less blockage every time you write.

If you're a serious about becoming successful on steemit you should practice more often and improve your skills. Don't expect to write 2 blogs and make tons of money, If you do, forget it,  leave now and don't waste your time. Like everything in life, sucess on steemit is not easy, it requires effort, dedication and willingness to do whatever it takes.

That's all for this post guys, there are certainly other ways to overcome writer's block, feel free to share with us in the comments what helps you get over it.


Images Source: Google


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