Exposing the Secrets of the 33rd Degree Freemasons , Illuminati, The cabal PT 5

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

How to reprogram your mind in 30 minutes or less or your steem dollars back. ;)

So we have all either made a new years resolution or at the very least know someone that has. There pumped ready to go shouting this year will be different and they really stick to it.....for about 1 week maybe 2. So what happens to 98% of the people that make this resolution??? Most people claim lack of will power and yes that is a problem as you only have a limited amount per day. 

But the main problem is there is no program to support the application your trying to run. You can click the icon that says GTAV all you want but if the program is not there OR is corrupt it will not play, And lets say if you do download it click the icon then the damn screen pops up "You need administration permission to run the program"  (Sorry for the PC talk but there really is no better explanation.)

Your brain works the same way , when you use your consciousness to tell make a new years resolution,  you are basically writing the program in you temporary file rather than installing in your (program files x86) ala your subconscious. So eventually one of two things will happen you will run out of space in your temp file or clear your cache (aka go back to your original program)

So what cause this to happen? The main one is not being in Buddhist mindfulness (fully engaged consciously) you get distracted and focus all your attention on that one thing and bam just like that your autopilot kicks in without you even knowing it.  

An example of this is 1-2 years into marriage if you remember that was probably one of the happiest times in peoples life they are full aware of everything around them , not to mention there really hold back " who they really are" so there lover only sees there best side.

And then what happens "It's like he changed" " your not the person i fell in love with" because the person stopped being in Buddhist mindfulness and went right back to the original program.  Which the partner knows nothing about and then thinks there something different and if you ask the person they will fight you tooth and nail " WHAT ARE TALKING ABOUT???? I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN THIS WAY!!!

Because honestly they don't see the program running its like a blind spot.

This is why we must install and delete old programs in the brain. So some of you are wondering where did get my program. The answer is WHATEVER YOU SAW OR HEARD FROM AGE 0-6 and i mean everything at that age your are in a hypnogogic trance recording everything around you. If you had a random encounter with a person you have never met before and he said to you " you will never amount to anything, you will always fail , nobody will ever love you" .

It will become a program all the brain does at this age is record it does not matter who talked into the microphone it just records what it hears, And yes this included TV and music from around 2 months of pregnancy this happens.

The mother is natures head start program if there is violence and everyone is fighting and the mother sees that she will transmit that data to the fetus and it will make sure that its prepared for war . The baby will come out with a thicker skull, small brain, and bigger arms and legs. This is know as epigenetic please look this up you are genetic engineers.

On the flip side your madly in love with soul mate having a wonderful life were everything is perfect the baby will receive the signal that this place is peaceful and there is no need to fight, so the baby will develop a bigger brain as there is not need to protect itself.

This is why you have been on fear porn since 9/11 everything you see and hear is all about shootings and terrorist this and that , a new virus to kill us all WW3 . It is designed to make better slaves that just work instead of think. 

"But there’s a reason. There’s a reason. There’s a reason for this, there’s a reason everything SUCKS, and it’s the same reason it will never, ever,  EVER be fixed.

Because the owners, the owners of this country don't want that. I'm talking about the real owners now, the BIG owners! The Wealthy… the REAL owners! The big wealthy business interests that control things and make all the important decisions.

Forget the politicians. They are irrelevant. The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. You don't. You have no choice! You have OWNERS! They OWN YOU. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own and control the corporations. They've long since bought, and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the state houses, the city halls, they got the judges in their back pockets and they own all the big media companies, so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear. They got you by the balls.

They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying,  lobbying, to get what they want.  Well, we know what they want. They want more for themselves and less for everybody else, but I'll tell you what they don’t want: 

They don’t want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking. They don’t want well informed, well educated people capable of critical thinking. They’re not interested in that. That doesn’t help them. Thats against their interests.

Thats right. They don’t want people who are smart enough to sit around a kitchen table and think about how badly they’re getting fucked by a system that threw them overboard 30 fucking years ago. They don’t want that!

You know what they want? They want obedient workers. Obedient workers, people who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork. And just dumb enough to passively accept all these increasingly shitty jobs with the lower pay, the longer hours, the reduced benefits, the end of overtime and vanishing pension that disappears the minute you go to collect it, and now they’re coming for your Social Security money. They want your retirement money. They want it back so they can give it to their criminal friends on Wall Street, and you know something? They’ll get it. They’ll get it all from you sooner or later cause they own this fucking place! It's a big club, and you ain’t in it!  You, and I, are not in the big club.

By the way, it's the same big club they use to beat you over the head with all day long when they tell you what to believe. All day long beating you over the head with their media telling you what to believe, what to think and what to buy. The table has tilted folks. The game is rigged and nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care! Good honest hard-working people; white collar, blue collar it doesn’t matter what color shirt you have on. Good honest hard-working people continue, these are people of modest means, continue to elect these rich cock suckers who don’t give a fuck about you….they don’t give a fuck about you… they don’t give a FUCK about you.

They don’t care about you at all… at all… AT ALL.  And nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care. Thats what the owners count on. The fact that Americans will probably remain willfully ignorant of the big red, white and blue dick thats being jammed up their assholes everyday, because the owners of this country know the truth.

It's called the American Dream,because you have to be asleep to believe it. George Carlin on the American Dream 


From http://shoqvalue.com/george-carlin-on-the-american-dream-with-transcript/

So know that you know everything a have ever heard or seen on TV is designed to keep you a slave lets get to repair the problem.

The worst thing you can do is talk about whatever is wrong with you , but of course you heard on the TV that is the best why to do it everybody knows to go see a therapist on you sit on his couch cry you heart out for 1 hour come back and do it every week for the rest of your life....i'm sorry till your better. 

All you are doing is making those synapses fire more and more and there getting stronger and stronger because you can not change anything this way. It's like when your mad you get told to let it out yell scream hit a punching bag because it good for you everybody knows that? again who do you listen to???

The first method discussed will be hypnosis , What this does is distract your conscious mind  by making you focus on something like your breathing and then the hypnotist will change whatever it is that you told them to fix...But Mario the TV and mainstream psychobabble says thats a bunch of nonsenses and i should pay them 100 dollars a week for the rest of my life instead of 100 dollars for 1 or 2 treatments of hypnosis.....Again who do you listen to?

The second method is self-hypnosis and its easier than you think. The whole point is to get the "Gate keeper" out of the way . this gate keeper may take many forms in your third eye like a dragon in this case. And that gate keeper is great guy to have because he is keeping you safe so to speak. 

The gate keepers only job is to protect your program at all costs and not let anybody change it, this is a good thing because if somebody told you to jump off a cliff with out the gate keeper you will do it. HOWEVER the problem with the gatekeeper is that it will hold on whatever is written on the program....Lets say you will always fail, your not good enough, nobody can walk up to you and say that you will succeed and your are good enough and it will take hold.

So your mission if you choose to accept it is to rewrite your program without getting caught by the dragon so if you have a third eye lets get started if you don't use another method. 

Imagine that you are in a fairy tale land and off in the distance you see the biggest castle you have ever seen in your life and your mind races with excitement just thinking of all the wonderful treasures inside. As you make your way into the deepest parts of the castle you find the treasure room the entire room is made up of sold gold filled with diamonds and other riches but what's this there is a 100 foot tall fire breathing dragon guarding this emerald tablet you eyes are immediately drawn to it as if it has been here waiting for you all your life. 

You approach as quietly as you can to try and remove the emerald tablet but alas it is stuck you realize that you will have to get the dragon to move in order to access to it . Then you decide to hide in a place where the dragon can not see you. You get out your cell phone and text the cal calvary to help you out  , they show up with there siege weapons pounding on the gate. This awakens the dragon and he realizes that he is under attack he go forth to protect is treasure leaving the emerald tablet behind. 

While the dragon is fighting on the other side of the large room you grab hold of the tablet and realize its all about you , everything you have every got programmed with is here , you quickly start writing everything you ever want in life into the tablet ,at the same time running an malware and virus scan . After you clean the system of all the corrupt data you place back the emerald tablet where it was and allow the dragon to continue guarding the new program. as the dragon has no idea that you rewrote the program it will continue guarding it for all time against anyone else that tries to steal it. You leave the castle without the dragon ever seeing you and make your way over to your new life.

See that is how your suppose to use your third eye but most people just wanna day dream with it. It does not have to be the exact story you can do it anyway you want, the keep points are you need a tablet , piece of paper, PC something for the for a dragon aka the gate keeper to guard than you must create a distraction in order for you to change the program ( only write in program in the NOW!!! not past or future tense as you will always be in that state) then leave undetected. 

The third option is MAGIC MUSHROOM'S!!! but Mario the mainstream media says thats bad and illegal where i live. Again who do you listen to? A slave asks is it legal an awake person asks if its right.

I need to point out the fatal flaw in magic mushrooms it leaves you in hypnagogic trance a highly Suggestible state to be influenced by anything or anyone around you...so be very careful who you are around when doing this. you should only be with yourself or someone you really trust. This is for a person who can't get hypnotized or a person at is depressed  as in one trip you will be cured of your depression. 

You need to combine this with my next option in order to truly maximize your results. 

The fourth option create a vision board....umm wait that only talks to your conscious mind so screw that lets make a sigil instead. A sigil is a vision board for your subconscious it works in the same way the main difference is that we are going to encrypt the message so that you can't consciously read but your subconscious can. But Mario a was told this is the devils work and some kind of black magic. Again who do you listen to?

The only thing a sigil does is reprogram your mind , and a Ouija board just allows communication with your subconscious mind , thats right you are the one that moves the Ouija around the board and since you came in with the intention of being scared you subconscious happy scares you. You have to set a program and tell it be truthful before using it and test it out constantly 

So how do i make a sigil? Get a piece of paper and a lot of colors. Boil down whatever it is you want down to one sentence Example: I have a perfect memory , I love myself and others, I always succeed in life. (Again write in the present context as the subconscious does not understand future or past tense you will always be in the state of longing or wanting something to happen) 

Encrypt the message this means to "Cast out all the vowels" then  "Cast out duplicate consonants" Then just mix whatever you have left over and start drawing or writing. 

A key point is to make a lot of the same kind of symbols/ sigils that way you forget which is which other wise this will be in vain. The more colors the better as you engage your whole mind and not just the left brain. 

After your done HIDE YOUR WORK idk know for how long this depends on your memory it took me 1 year before i brought them out of hiding

Next be sure to always add something to your work that why you are consciously busy drawing or enhancing the picture and you subconscious is getting reprogrammed .

This would be the best time to use the mushrooms and meditate on the sigil this will set the program overnight .

If you don't have or want to do the shrooms then just meditate with open eyes staring at your sigils until the program takes hold . The time will vary depending on how much and long you do this.

The next option is to use technology buy a decent set of cans like Sennheiser HD 598 or HIFIMAN HE560 then go buy Brain Sync Subliminal messaging programs with binaural beat frequencies in theta or delta waves combine this with https://www.realsubliminal.com and listen till it takes effect. (Theta & delta wave is all you can produce when you are a child 0-6 it mimics the hypnagogic trance if you allow yourself to reach that altered state)

The next option is to tap all your problems away, NO not that kind of tap you perverts. I'm talking about EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)

The Chinese know we have meridian points all over the body and use acupuncture in order to unblock energy points. The new version of this EFT it works because  we know hate vibrates at a low frequency so when ever you feel bad you tap certain points in you body 7 times to clear the block ( raise the vibration) and it goes away . You just transmuted a vibration from lower to higher, by sending energy though the meridian points. 

Saved the best for last its called psych-k!!! just watch the you tube video i will give a brief explanation on how its done just in case it gets taken down. 

 What this does is position your body a certain way with you hands and feet crossed (The reason you do this is to activate both sides of the mind at the same time) to reprogram the mind in 30 minutes. 

It does this via muscle testing to communicate with the subconscious mind ( like a Ouija board ) 

1.Establish communication with the subconscious mind

2. pre-test the desired belief statement

3. Get permission and commitment to change

4. Do the balance test

5.Post-Test the belief statement

6.Celebrate the change.

1. thing is to ask for permission or you will not have any administrative rights 

2. Give a lie detector test as a lot of true/false question then move on to like/dislike than just yes/no questions ,While in a seated position. 

3. Keep your eyes dead center pointed down to the ground. chin parallel to the ground , head looking straight head.

if you get a lie keep repeating it until your subconscious gets the point .

4. In a seated position raise one hand in the air

5. the person helping you needs to say be strong every time before pressing down on the hand in the air press down gently. (When you lie, you can't keep you hand strong and it falls down easily) almost like a polygraph test. 

6.Now cross your feet both ways and test which is stronger resistance to your hand being pushed down, than do the same with your wrist by crossing them over, Finally interlock your fingers.

7.Close your eyes and invite all the i can't and can messages all them all in you mind , don't fight the voices in you head saying no you not worthy , keep saying yes you are worthy until the new program takes hold keep your eyes closed until you feel a change. Be sure to save the program by placing you hand exactly the the Illuminati Illuminati Pyramid Hand Sign 

8.Test to see if the program took hold , if not repeat eyes closed till it works.

9.Celebrate change.                                    

Myths about changing beliefs; 

Myth #1 if you have had a limiting belief for a long time it will take a long time to change it. 

Fast: Most of the time, changing subconscious beliefs is like changing a document in a computer. It doesn't take any longer to change a document that has been in your computer for 30 years than it does one that has been there for 30 minutes. 

Myth #2 changing old behaviors and thought patterns is difficult and often painful. (no pain no gain)

Fact: Thought patterns and behaviors are caused by perception ( beliefs). Beliefs are represented by specific configurations of photons of light held in an electromagnetic field. Change the field and you change the belief. Change the field and you change the belief. Change the belief and you change the behavior or thought pattern. 

Myth #3 You need to consciously know what caused the problem in order to change it. 

Fact: Becoming consciously aware of the source of the problem is seldom necessary to change most beliefs or behaviors when dealing with the subconscious mind. 

This is a list of the most common things you need to delete from your program the "I CAN'T MESSAGES"

You will never amount to anything

you are worthless

you are not smart enough

No matter how hard you try it's never good enough

money is hard to come by and hard to keep

you don't deserve succeed

nobody is perfect

no one will ever love you

you are going to get cancer, because it's genetic

Any of the below and also be used as a sigil


I can accomplish anything i choose.

I am a worthy and valuable person

I an intelligent and capable

I do my best and my best is good enough

i easily attract money into my life and use it wisely

i deserve happiness and success in my life

I love myself and I am loved by others

My beliefs control my genes and I control my beliefs.

Photographic Memory

My memory is excellent

I always remember information

My memory is in peak condition

My memory is improving every day

I easily remember information

My memory is accurate

My memory is reliable

I easily concentrate and focus

I always remember names

I always remember important dates

I recall accurate information

My memory is precise

I quickly remember things

My memory is sharp and clear

My brain processes information fast and accurately

Law Of Attraction

The law of attraction is working for me every day

I have the power to attract whatever i wish into my life

The law of attraction works

I can have anything I desire

I can realize my dreams

I can achieve whatever i set my mind to

Positive thoughts attract positive circumstances

My mind can bring my desires into existence

My dreams will manifest into my reality

I am attracting money into my life

I am attracting power into my life

I am attracting strong relationships into my life

I am attracting strong friendships into my life

I am attracting love into my life

I am attracting sexual partners into my life

I am attracting business opportunities into my life

I am attracting business success into my life

I am attracting happiness into my life

I am attracting positivity into my life

I am attracting abundance into my life

I am attracting financial success into my life

Whatever method you want to use , use that and ignore the rest i just wanted to be sure you had a lot of options. The enemy is of one mind if they set there mind on something that its done , theres no argument that your going to fail in there minds and now that you know this you can be on a level playing field.  

if you have question feel free to add me on line but my phone is off most of the time so i will respond later .

So whats the biggest thing they don't want you do know we will dig into the most controversial part and the most empowering next time. 


I would like to point out when your baby falls down when learning to walk and you applauded the baby , you just programed a human to be a failure that shoots him self in the foot.

Later on when he realized applause means attention he will fail (fall down) unconsciously when he is about to succeed so that he can get the attention and he will live out the rest of his life this way always failing and coming in 2nd place.

Please be careful about what you program a child and be care full who you let near them.

just cut off communication with the evil person as they will do it all the bad things they did to you they will do this to the child . i would know i was one of those kids my dad knew how evil his family is but still let me stay with them is beaten tortured put in ovens, drowned, watched as my cousins were raped in front of me all for fun.

The worst was all the horrific mental programing that was instilled in me the only thing that work was the magic mushrooms otherwise i would still be that broken shell of a human a have a lot to delete but at least now i know how.

Trust me i am a fucked up a human as you can get but still i willed my way to find a cure it took me over 25 years to find it but i did. :)

Interesting. I am looking forward to the next post. Thank you.

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