How To Succeed As A Minnow on Steemit! 3 Secret Steps!

in #steemit6 years ago

The Steemit websites are amazing this new... cryptocurrency is great. My only problem is, while I'm a Minnow I just can't seem to make any crypto-currency because all the whale are taking it all.

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How do I get back in the game and start earning some crypto-currency.

I really wish there was an article on Steemit that could help me.

Don't worry, friend's Good News. There is an article in fact, in this article, if you are "Minnow I'm gonna share with you three specific strategies to earning more crypto-currency rewards on Let's go ahead and hit the article.

Alright, so welcome to this article. For those of you who are new. My name is Sujit, My number one strategy for you as a minnow to really get started on Steemit is to invest in steem that's right steem the crypto-currency. But if I don't have any money to invest in, the crypto-currency.

And you know what? Sometimes we don't have money to invest in the crypto-currency steem. What you can do, though, is post blog articles, videos mean there are so many different things that you can do on the Steem blockchain. In fact, you can see I have some of the steem dollars and nine steam power as a reward right now. Let me show you how I got it.

If you go ahead and you click on my blog, here, we can scroll down and see that. I was able to earn this through this last blog post, even if I make some of these cryptocurrencies, on Steemit the question arrives,

How do I actually cash it out?

So you might be wondering, how do you actually turn that cash, that you just earned on Steemit into real cash.

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Well, there are a few different ways to do it. First, you're going to have to trade your steem for a different cryptocurrency, something like Bitcoin Ethereum some of the major players from there, you're gonna sell your Bitcoin. or Ethereum for your cash, whether that's US dollars or whatever features you currently use, it's a two-step process but once you do it, it's not too bad, but now another question overcomes that and that is

How long does it take to actually get my crypto-currency rewards anyway, ?

From the time you post your blog. Seven days later, is when you're going to see your crypto-currency rewards check it out, you can see two days ago, I posted this video post on D-tube. In fact, it was actually a video. If you click here, you can see some payouts, the author made and then the curators made,

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But the one about these gosh darn whales, and dolphins. Always downvoting some of my posts. Then they're not even visible for anyone to see.

Oh, this is just so frustrating. I understand friends, and you know what Steemitwhen you're just a minnow can be a very frustrating experience. I know this first hand when I was a young wiper snapper. And honestly, you just have to... as my second strategy here he persisted. And also educate yourself on Steemit,

Educate Yourself On Steemit,

The platform, you see the more you educate yourself, the more you're going to understand and learn how Steemit, as a community kind of works and yes, while downvotes can happen even do the best of us, you just have to learn from it and move on.
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That's the only thing you really can do and if you're somebody who's gotten a downvote,
I myself have gotten one, a big one, and it was unfortunate, however, it didn't stop me from continuing to try and communicate and do the best that I can with this community. If you get some of these downvotes don't worry about it, shake it off and try again.

Steemit Trending Page

This doesn't seem fair. I keep seeing the same people on the trending pages all the time. How am I ever supposed to be recognized for my amazing creations?

Yes, the trending page right now is the place to be you, And you know what, only in order to get to the trending page, I would focus on creating quality work. I know that it's also very difficult sometimes to get to the trending page, and it can be frustrating putting in hours and hours and making a post and then not getting any recognition.
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What I will say is this, you see a lot of the same people on the trending page because they have invested a lot in the community, you don't see the time where they've spent literally maybe years on this platform building their account investing in steam power investing in the community making connections, traveling, doing these amazing things. All you see is the result that they're on the trending page.

So if you'd like to hit the trending page, there are a few suggestions I like to offer first is to invest. The more that you invest the better the chances of you being recognized.
Now, I'm not a financial advisor. All investments have the risk. So just make sure that you're smart about what you're doing and I'm not liable for any actions that you take.
Another thing that's important to know is the more time that you spend on Steemit, making these connections is being involved in the community, making good comments and posts, the better the chance that you have to hit the trending page.

I know this first hand one of my videos when I first started really went viral because curie actually curated it upvoted it and it was nominated as one of the top posts because of the quality of work. I didn't do any marketing or any of that, it was just kind of chosen at random.

So your lucky day might be around the corner but strategy number three, is, understanding Steemit, marketing and how to best position yourself. You see one of the main things that people miss is that having a big following, can really help you rise to the trending page, and this is just done over time, you don't get to the mass of following overnight. Sometimes this can happen and I've gained thousands of followers from just one post. However, it normally just takes time, so be patient.

So How do I actually reach the top of the Steemit and trending page?

This is so confusing!
I'm trying to read how to reach that trending page is you have to understand Steem marketing. What I've begin to learn is that Upvotes are very important, especially from those whales and those dolphins. So what you can do a great strategy that I have used multiple times to help boost some of your posts is to invest in stem dollars and then send them to one of your favorite Whales,

Now, a lot of these whales have what we call bidding bot. You can visit and submit your bid for your post. This will help gain more influence and potentially be seen by the community. Again, there's no guarantees with the bidding bots, but for sure, this is a great way to begin marketing yourself as a minnow.

Keep Learning About Steemit,

Now is there a place for me to keep learning about Steemit, every single time I turn in around there seem to be new updates, new applications, it's all just so confusing!
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Excellent question, education is so important. friends you can follow me at @Ultimatesupport on steemit, and I will be more than happy to help you with any questions. In fact, I'm consistently making educational tutorials on Steemit, D-tube and a lot of cryptocurrencies

So remember guys, don't be frustrated be patient Educate yourself, learn Steem platform and enjoy using Steemit platform today..

That's all about Steemit Success Thank you so much for reading this article, don't forget to UpVote this post,

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Will wait to get your opinion?



nice market research .....u r doing very welll

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