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RE: My First Bad Experience with Steemit

in #steemit8 years ago

She was accused of being "guilty" simply for remaining quiet on the matter. She's up against a master troll that capitalizes on others inability to be online 24/7, or have the desire to, to counter his propaganda campaigns against them.

He also has an army of sockpuppets and cronies backing him. It's a tough battle to even consider taking up and I commend her for having the courage to face her false accuser, who will likely continue targeting her for simply standing up to protect her reputation.

Some of us reached our breaking point and decided to stand up to this online tyrant. I hope more of this Community will use their voting power, as you state, to shun these types of individuals until something can be done in the code to help an individual block abusers.


Thanks for that.

Just to be clear here. The only part directed at heidi in my commentary were the parts where I directly used her name. Meaning I don't think she had a bad experience with steemit, just a handful of users. Same with the others making posts saying "steemit = bad, unsafe etc".

I'm horrified by the actions of those users, but the problem isn't steemit.
It's the people upvoting that sort of BS. When you upvote that, you are encouraging both sides to continue.

The rest of my commentary towards her was intended to say "heidi, honestly, none of us in our right minds thought your silence was evidence of guilt.". In fact speaking for myself, I had just assumed she had put him on mute. I was really proud of that. Hence I was shocked to find out, no it was just that she was AFK for a bit.

The rest of my commentary is directed to everyone who upvoted ANY of that mess.

Please consider what message you are sending to everyone, especially new users when you upvote anyone slinging mud at anyone else. Whether you think it's warranted or otherwise.

Is this really what you want the platform to turn into?

So here's the deal. If someone is slinging mud at someone else, hit the downvote button, then the mute button. First time, every time. You bop them on the nose like that enough then they will go sit in the corner and think about it. You're harming their bottom line.

Otherwise, literally everyone is making money from perpetuating a negative cycle and that is money being taken directly from people trying to do right and bring real lasting value.

Think about it.

@tuck-fheman I do applaud you for standing up and taking a stand in general. I'm not trying to diminish that or take away from it. Sometimes there is no right answer. You did what you felt was right. I know you to be a good person with a strong backbone and an excellent sense of right and wrong. I can admire and respect that.

But let's please make this the last time we financially support tit for tat. For the good of the platform. Just downvote it, mute it and walk away. If they have a large number of accounts and supporters legit or otherwise, then that's a sign we need to fix the platform so it rewards the behavior we want to see. To my mind that means reserving our upvotes solely for content that promotes what we really want to see more of.

Upvote the future, not the past.

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