in #steemit4 years ago
Hello to all my magical friends, this entry will be the first of a library that I will start for you about mythological beings, legends, folklore and everything that I shot about faerie beings, fantastic animals and maybe the occult.

Through the years, books read and known legends I have compiled great information about these beings, not only that but I will also tell you about places in the world which are known to say that in them you can meet other beings and in addition to personal histories of acquaintances that you will not find in any book.

Let's start with knowing that it is a fairy. It is very likely that when you talk about fairies, an image of a creature like Tinkerbell, small and with wings, comes to your mind. Within ancient folklore and legends not all fairies are like that, there are all sizes and also not all have wings, there are also male fairies although the term may vary to refer to them, in some places they are called elves however this form part another type of mythological being. To refer to male fairies they can also be called lutin.

The term fairy comes from the Latin Fatum-a which means destiny and this is because in many stories and legends fairies appear in history to enforce the destiny of the protagonist, such as in the story of Cinderella when the fairy Godmother appears to make Cinderella go to the ball so that she meets the prince.

But there are also stories where fairies are evil as it is in the famous tale of Sleeping Beauty is where the maleficent fairy bewitches Aurora, the original story does not tell a spiteful maleficent, she is only offended because she was not invited to the party unlike the 3 fairies who attended Aurora's birth ceremony.

The stories also make it very clear that fairies are like us humans, but in what way? Well, there are good and bad fairies such as humans, we are not all good and we are not all bad, the same happens with fairies. But ... where do these beings come from? Well, there are many stories about how fairies were born, some say that they are beings born from the cosmos, from the energy that inhabits fauna to create protectors of nature, they are said to be born from flower buds.

Some stories have a religious nuance where it is said that Eve the first woman in the world had many children and once she was cleaning them in the river, to this God goes to her and approaches her, Eva only shows before God the children that They were already clean while hiding those who were dirty, God tells Eve that from now on her children would be hidden from view of all for having denied their presence at that time and it is said that these children gave rise to the first fairies.

Another religious origin dates back to the battle of Lucifer and God for the reign in heaven, it is said that in this war there were angels who decided not to participate either on the side of God or Lucifer, they decided not to choose a side and stayed on earth, hidden giving the birth of fairies. However personally those of religious origin are not of the favorite origins since many pagan cultures attest to fairies.

Its origin is not clear but the favorite story of many is the one described by the author of Peter Pan James Barrie in her story which says that with the first laugh of a baby a fairy is born, this story convinces many since it would be a good reason why it is easier for children to see fairies as many come to the help of certain people and it is because perhaps there is a fairy for each child since they were born from their laughter.

Which story do you believe in?

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