What it's like to be a Girl on Steemit

You wonder if it is smart or immoral to use your sex as an advantage.
You wonder if the guys upvote and comment on your posts because they like how you look or how you think.
People think you only get upvotes for your cute pictures.
You wonder if you should post any pictures of yourself at all.
You question if you would get as many likes as other girls if you posted half-naked pictures too.
You realize that there aren't as many girls as guys on Steemit, which is pretty cool. It makes you feel cool.
You want to use your unique female knowledge to touch the lives of others so that they can gain something from your words of wisdom.
Your nurturing nature wants you to nurture and heal the world and you realize Steemit might just be the perfect place to spread some awareness/bring about change.

Especially now that I am a mother, I don't want to publish any revealing photos of myself onto the internet. If you would have checked my Instagram two years ago, you'd see a nice supply of bikini and skimpy Halloween costume pics. Motherhood makes me think differently. I don't need as much approval from men as I used to. I do have a boyfriend, who I admit, I need approval and attention from, but that's all I need. Yes, I do have social media and I do like when I get a lot of likes, I'm not going to lie... But I mostly post pictures of my daughter and family these days.

I have been enjoying Steemit so far. I used to write on my blog as a form of release but I also have the desire to reach out to others who are seeking tools to bring more mindful actions into their lives. I am a lover of being mindful, I want to leave others and the planet better than how I found them. I'm much more enthused to write on Steemit instead of my blog these days. I still want to write on my blog but I believe Steemit has the ability to reach the eyes of more people and I believe Steemit will blow up! Who wants to write for free when you can get paid? My goal is be to a work-from-home mom so I can be at home with my kid(s). I want my daughter to be in homeschool program that gets the children together a few days per week. I dream of my family being able to travel whenever we please and to own land and have a comfortable home.

I like the concept of feminism in that I think we should be treated equally to men, but I think the word feminism sounds anti-man. I would say that I think I may have actually lived an easier life than a lot of men I know. I was a pretty cute girl growing up and I was treated like one. Yes, it sucks feeling like an object, but it was nice to feel desired and looked up to. I feel sad for those who had a hard time growing up, and I hope by spreading awareness to our children we can limit this in the future. I am a believer in universal oneness, meaning I think everything is part of the same energy source; therefore, I don't hate anyone, not even murderers because I see them as myself gone awry with negative beliefs.
I haven't gotten much attention here on Steemit yet but my hope is to read posts by interesting people and participate in a like-minded social community. I hope to help inspire others just as others inspire me. I hope to teach as well as to learn. I look forward to watching Steemit grow and hope it becomes that of its amazing potential.
A potential to change the world on a large scale

I enjoyed reading your post. Not sure if you've been following it, but @veralyann and I have been having a friendly debate on the extent to which women can/should use their beauty and sex appeal to their advantage here on Steemit, and in life in general.
Unfortunately (IMHO) women are often conned into choosing between exploiting sex appeal and exploiting their other assets (brains, brawn, social graces, kindness, etc.), as if there's some inherent contradiction between the one and all the others. But I find that some of the most truly effective and influential women exploit every advantage (sex appeal, brains, kindness, etc.), and often at the same time, to have maximum impact on the world.
I think Taylor Swift is an example of this. She's off-the-charts brilliant. She's obviously off-the-charts talented (as a writer, singer and musician). She's incredibly kind and pretty humble (seemingly). And yet she doesn't hesitate to also exploit her physical loveliness and even her innate sex appeal. Consequently, she is far, far more influential than she would be if she simply chose to exploit some of these advantages while neglecting or abandoning others.
In any event, I really enjoyed your post. Very thoughtful.
I actually have come to that same conclusion in my head. I haven't seen the debate but I would love to read it...I do think that my looks are a part of who I am and I think that showing all sides of myself will allow me and my followers to connect deeper. I really enjoyed your response, I look forward to seeing more of your posts. I'm now following you. :)
Speaking of Tswift! How do you feel about nose jobs?

@veralynn as well.
I think she was talented with choosing a new nose. Where will her boundless talent end?
I have no issue with cosmetic procedures. To me, there's no principled difference between strategically picking your close or jewelry or makeup to emphasize or minimize certain features or using cosmetic surgery to do so.
beauituful child! congrats :D lovely post as well. In my opinion , never sell out and take half naked pictures for votes. get votes for your intellect, or your photos , or when you travel... never to disgrace your body. just my opinion though
Thank you! I do think there is a balance and I think that putting photos on the internet that will embarrass you if your dad saw are probably best not posted. I think one's physical looks are a part of who one is but there is a line that doesn't need to be crossed with people that one is not intimate with.
That is for the best, the blockchain is forever!
And ever and ever and ever.
So true!
I dislike this stigma, too. People rag on me without even reading my content because I identify as a feminist.
Don't let "the man" get you down! Hahaha.
Yes, it's similar to the #blacklivesmatter debate. We are not saying men are lesser but that it needs to change that women are being treated as so.
Youth has its ways :)
Yes it does...
Save some of your Steem for your child :)
hehe yes although I'm sure my daughter will look a lot different once she can Steem, she probably won't be posting all her baby pictures. Who knows... :)
I love your honesty.
You have a lot to steemit for. Firstly your child, but also your intellect, beauty and desire to make a difference. Just keep doing what you're doing. This post is what steemit is all about.
Awe thank you for your encouragement. I enjoy posting and love to see others enjoying my content. It is such a fun community here on Steemit and I love how much positivity and openness lives in it.
Morals are a spook anyway
I love this! I've only been on here a day and have had many of the same thoughts (and do often on my other social media platforms). Thanks for your honesty and vulnerability!