Veritudicide: STEEMIT is censoring the most timely and necessary posts re: The New World Order ... Be Warned...they are just another part of the Zionist full spectrum propaganda machine
This is how STEEMIT censors you. They allow anyone to 'flag' your post. Then it 'dissappears' from the general population of posts, and unless one of your 'followers' UPVOTES it within 7 days, it dissappears from the STEEMIT platform, even though it is permanently a part of the blockchain. This is so typical of Zionist censorship. Pretending to be targetting 'hate speech' and 'fake news'. Pretending that they do not censor. Which is the most violent of all censorship. As I warn people, one day you won't even know censorship every happened. You will have no reason to question anything you have been told. THAT is the most powerful censorship of all. To pretend that you have been given access to ALL the information, when being asked to give your 'informed consent'. Assuming they bother with THAT pretense in the future !!!
At least one post of mine has been 'made invisible?' 'removed'? 'blocked'? 'censored' by Steemit. It placed the faked / false flag Syrian gas attacks in the context of all the previous false flags and faked gun violence 'incidents'. Sadly it appears I wasted my time coming to Steemit, to avoid censorship,including the 'banning' of 3 of my books. Can you guess what THEY were about? Email me [email protected] for 'free' copies.
Would that be vericide? veritudicide? Liberticide?
And I am told the post will exist as long as the block-chain some smart 'lawyer' for the 'jews' will claim it is NOT censorship...people just have to 'upvote' the post...but how can they do THAT if it is not VISIBLE ? ... THAT is just as truthful as all the other Zionist propaganda claiming we have 'freedom of speech' and that Israel is NOT an apartheid state, or that 'Jews' do NOT control the mass media, world finance, or 'Jew' diciary...
1984 'Newspeak' I guess, right?
Soviet 'Pravda' anyone? (It means 'truth' in Russian)
ahhhh, it looks like your post was just flagged by another user. It is still visible both in the SteemIt UI (with an extra click) and also it is in the blockchain.
All it would take for your article to show is a couple of upvotes.
But how on earth can it 'show up' (how nicely Zionists define their censorship in so many different words?) if no-one can SEE it to upvote it? And note that I can NOT edit it anymore...just like the Noam Chomsky gatekeeper post...which I am trying to 'correct'...but the 'edit' button has been 'dissappeared'...what word will the new world order use for THAT I wonder???
I would try to explain it to you... However, I think you have already decided how you feel about it and what your narrative is on it. I didn't design it, but I do understand how it works. Let me know if you are interested in understanding the functionality or if your goal is just to ... Shill your narrative.
Does my post appear in EVERYONES browser? Why is it 'faded out' in mine? How can people 'upvote' a post they cannot see? Can random people censor my posts? Of course I want to I really would appreciate if you can answer the above questions...THANKYOU :D :D :D
No, your post does not show up in everyone's browser. If your post is flagged it will still show up on the browser of those who follow you and will appear "grayed out". Yes, your followers could still view it and vote for it for 7 days. In this case the post is too old.
Voting and editing a post are only available functions for 7 days.
It looks like another user flagged it, which is why it appears "grayed out". If the post was still active, you could have asked people to upvote it to make it visible again. If you feel that post was important, you could always repost it. wrote all that and kept a straight face? Well done. Are you a Jewish lawyer by any chance? So typical. You want to act like you are NOT censoring. Unless you care to explain that again, because I've misunderstood? You are saying that one person can 'flag' something, and then I have 7 days for any of my supporters to 'upvote' it, and if they do NOT, then no-one gets to see my post...but of course I can repeat the entire process...over and over ... are you SERIOUS... I mean about being GENUINE? This sounds very DIS-ingenuous....preying on my good will.... again, correct me if I am wrong...???
lol, handle it how you will. No, I am not Jewish, or an attorney, I was trying to help. However, some people don't want help they want to complain. Carry on.
you did explain, explained that my post is NOT present on the STEEMIT platform...that I had 7 days to 'get lucky', and have one of my followers 'upvote' the post...and now I have to repost it...correct? did I understand you correctly? seriously, I want to understand...
to shill a narrative...sounds like you are more articulate than I am about this matter...what does that mean? to 'sell' a narrative? to 'represent' it? is it like a straw man argument? I would appreciate you improving my vocabulary :D My performance IQ is much higher than my crystallised thankyou for any such feedback ... also I have NO REAL IDEA HOW steemit works...but it was recommended to me when other sites began censoring anything that at all touched on current events i.e new world order, false flags, fake news, etc :D thanks for any help :D
I am going to skip the vocab lesson, but listen...
Just post your information, learn about how the site works. There are many here who post about such topics. no reason to believe you will be targeted for flagging.
How you communicate with the community will impact how much visibility your post will get, as the more votes you get the more others can see your posts. I suggest asking questions before throwing zionist accusations. Just a thought.
why skip the lesson? what does 'shill' something mean to you?
remember 'communication' is key to the success of any project...very few people can explain things've hit on one of them...if you explain it to me, so I 'grok' it, I will explain it to everyone else, and you can avoid this whole cycle repeating...steemit is indeed hard to figure out...surely you WANT people to understand how it works? no-one is paying me to do this...
Not shouting, just few options for formatting... I agree I am accusing based on appearances...but I never insulted you have insulted ME... 'some people?' come on... I'm not hiding behind far I appear to have been censored, and I still do NOT understand if I have or not...and surely THAT should interest you...what I understand to have happened... communication is not what you THINK you explained, but what I 'grokked' from want to try again? or do you think STeemit doesn't deserve the effort of attracting and keeping content producers ... anyway, thanks for bothering to deal with someone who does not find things 'intuitive' MOST people I guess... would be great if everyone just 'grokked' everything, wouldn't it...but until then, we have to all improve our COMMUNICATION skills.... my current work in progress is on NLP, based on my earlier works, but improved by my current research into Richard Bandler's work etc ...anyway, all the best...I never intended to insult anyone...but 'Jewish' lawyers ARE so typically brazen...lobbyists, lawyers, fake news presenters...seriously, if you do NOT realise what is going on, then please read my books...for free if you like...just email [email protected] check out the TROONATNOOR books online, some are still available even at Amazon, most have been censored...and you should wonder why they'd bother...surely YOU should get to decide what you get to read, and not some lobby group? anyway, all the best ...happy next lives I guess :D
Your post is on the blockchain forever, check
Thanks for that tip...but could YOU see it ??? how on earth can it 'show up' (how nicely Zionists define their censorship in so many different words?) if no-one can SEE it to upvote it? And note that I can NOT edit it anymore...just like the Noam Chomsky gatekeeper post...which I am trying to 'correct'...but the 'edit' button has been 'dissappeared'...what word will the new world order use for THAT I wonder???