RE: an evil corporation and resistance that fighting for Justice and rights of regular steemanians
@nathan047 upvoting your self with a small amount to attract readers is not a bad thing whats bad is that how people get into trending page
but after reading many of people comments from both sides
I understand that I was emotional since I worked hard on that project and maybe I was complaining at first but thru reading the comments I now more educated
if I wasn't complaining I never learned that, so in my opinion, this is a good progress
and I think more people that got burned using bot votes need to put their emotions to the side and opened up to another side instead of looking at each other as a bully.
and I don't know if people that downvoted understand that but when just downvoting without a person understanding why it's just using force, the true power is when you educate that person and next time he will not use bots, not because of he afraid to get downvotes, but because now he understands why it's a bad thing for a community.
and I think it's a win/win situation and most importantly now that I more educated about that I will continue the footsteps and tried to educate other, don't you agree it's a good thing that came out of all these comments?
Again I agree with that (and do it often myself). I was just pointing out the irony that you called upvote bots evil and then you used them yourself.
@nathan047 evil is how people made it not the upvote itself