Five Hundred Followers In Three Months! Thank You Everyone!!!
Today I saw that I just went over the five hundred mark of followers here on steemit. Thank you so much everyone who decided to follow my posts. I really appreciate each and every one of you.
Today is Mother's Day in the United States and I want to wish all you mothers out there a great day. I am a grandmother and I am raising my eleven year old special needs grandson. It can be a challenge but it is so worth it to see him growing and maturing every day.
I re-post videos for Gabe Zolna, who was a popular YouTube content creator until he was unjustly terminated for speaking his mind. He asks anyone who wants to spend the time and energy to re-post his videos on any social media. I decided to open a DTube account and post his videos here in March of this year.
I also lost my main YouTube channel for posting videos that did not fit the mold that the "trusted flaggers" expect. When that happened I decided to look to other venues and found steemit because of James Corbett, who recommended this platform. I'm glad I listened.
Thank you again, everyone, and have a great day! You made my Mother's Day a very happy day.