What is your connection speed?

in #steemit5 years ago

What is your internet speed?

How fast is your connection?

If you are like me then you have seen the internet grow.

You have seen what it started at with barely a few kilobytes download speed and even less upload speed.

You can remember the dial tone of the internet using your phone line to line you to the world wide web.

Then you can hear the sounds of a clicking mouse and a keyboard as you punched in the characters to visit what few websites were available.

I remember being on chat messaging like AIM, MSN Messanger, and Skype talking to friends.

Then someone in my family would pick up the phone and I would lose a connection. It would mean I would have to wait for the dial tone to come back and then try and reconnect through the phone line. Either that or coming home phone school and having to wait while someone else used the phone.

Life was some what simpler back then, now it is simply a shadow of what it used to be.

Although we have greater connection speeds, we lack real connection to much of anything these days.

I challenge you to make a connection.

Say hello to someone today!


Hello @timbo, the internet has really grown over the years, and just like the internet, blockchain technology will take many by surprise in the future.
Staying connected to friends and loved ones is dope, nothing feels better

You are absolutely right!

The internet snuck up on everyone. I think there are plenty of people who will not let block chain sneak up on them... although I feel for the most part people will be shocked by what happens.

Hello @timbo ......I remember (sorta kinda, so correct me if I get anything wrong, this was back in the mid-90s for me) Microsoft office 3.5 my first computer and landscape got in a fight with Microsoft broke my computer which only had 75 mg of memory or something like that. I remember logging onto the phone to get online and the high pitch screaming of demons lolol and aol messenger...yes times were simpler back then....before the digital world stole my soul...hahaha

Indeed, it was the case in deed. The first computers I used didn't even have internet capabilities. They used floppy disks with a few KB of data. Although all the computer could do is have the user type in commands through CMD as there was no windows back then.

Haha, when the internet was something everyone had access to it was very simple indeed and was barely anything useful. In the late 90's things like AIM and other instant messaging systems came out and that is when the explosion of the internet happened.

Glad to have someone who remembers the past, it is always good to learn from history.

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